The Meaning Behind The Song: Country Boy by Heads Hands And Feet - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Country Boy by Heads Hands And Feet


The Meaning Behind The Song: Country Boy by Heads Hands And Feet

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Country Boy Heads Hands And Feet Albert Lee Heads Hands & Feet (1971) 1971 Country Rock

The Meaning Behind The Song

“Country Boy” by Heads Hands And Feet is a country rock song written by Albert Lee. It was released in 1971 as a part of their self-titled album “Heads Hands & Feet.” The lyrics of the song convey the artist’s desire for a simpler, more rural lifestyle while highlighting the dichotomy between his appearance and his true nature.

Interpreting the Lyrics

The song starts with the line “I may look like a city slicker, shinin’ up through my shoes.” This line suggests that the protagonist may appear sophisticated or urban, but deep down, he longs for a different life. He expresses his preference for being a “cotton picker” instead, which symbolizes a more down-to-earth and honest way of living.

The lyrics continue with the lines “Show me where I start, buy a horse and cart. I’m just a country boy, country boy at heart.” Here, the artist emphasizes his yearning to embrace his true identity as a country boy. The horse and cart symbolize simplicity and a connection to nature, further highlighting his desire for a rural existence.

In the following verse, the line “I may talk like a bank teller, pushing facts in a file” suggests that the protagonist may be knowledgeable or well-spoken. However, he expresses his preference for being a “hog-swiller” and chewing cud on a style. This imagery represents a more rustic and unpretentious way of life compared to the corporate or urban world.

The lyrics further reinforce the artist’s desire for a simpler life with the lines “Read Exchange & Mart, buy a horse and cart. I’m just a country boy, country boy at heart.” Exchange & Mart refers to a popular classified advertisement magazine in the United Kingdom, indicating the protagonist’s desire to disconnect from the materialistic world and focus on a more rural lifestyle.

The chorus of the song repeats the lines from the first verse, emphasizing the artist’s longing to embrace his country roots. The repetition serves as a reminder of his true nature, regardless of his appearance or how he presents himself to the world.

Personal Reflection

“Country Boy” by Heads Hands And Feet resonates with me on a personal level. As someone who grew up in a small, rural town, I often find myself yearning for the simplicity and authenticity of that lifestyle. The lyrics of the song remind me of the values and connections to nature that I cherish from my upbringing.

The juxtaposition between the protagonist’s appearance and his true nature is something I can relate to. In today’s fast-paced and materialistic society, it can be easy to get caught up in the desire to fit in or conform to certain expectations. However, deep down, many of us have an innate longing for a simpler and more genuine way of life.

“Country Boy” serves as a gentle reminder to stay true to ourselves and embrace our roots. It encourages us to find contentment and fulfillment in pursuing a lifestyle that aligns with our values and brings us closer to nature. As the song suggests, sometimes all we need is a horse and cart to remind us of who we truly are at heart.

In conclusion, “Country Boy” by Heads Hands And Feet is a heartfelt country rock song that explores the longing for a simpler life and the importance of staying true to one’s roots. The lyrics resonate with many listeners, reminding them to embrace their authentic selves and find solace in the values of nature and simplicity. It is a timeless song that continues to capture the essence of a country boy’s heart.

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