• Dwayne Bravo named the Baby GOAT from Chennai Super Kings squad.

  • Bravo is currently serving as the bowling coach of CSK

IPL 2024: Dwayne Bravo reveals the ‘Baby GOAT’ of Chennai Super Kings
DJ Bravo (PC-Twitter)
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The Chennai Super Kings (CSK) have been a force to be reckoned with in the 17th  season of the Indian premier league (IPL). The team appears well-balanced and is playing with the kind of form expected from defending champions. Currently boasting a strong record of four wins in seven matches, CSK’s bowling attack has been a key factor in their success.

Bowling coach Dwayne Bravo, who took over the role from Laxmipathy Balaji in IPL 2023, has brought his vast experience of 161 IPL matches (with 1560 runs and 183 wickets) to bear in mentoring the likes of Matheesha Pathirana and Mustafizur Rahman.

Dwayne Bravo names the Baby GOAT of CSK

Bravo has been particularly impressed with young pacer Pathirana. He recently lavished praise on the pacer and even nicknamed him ‘baby goat,’ a testament to Pathirana’s natural talent and skills. Instead of imposing a rigid coaching style, Bravo seems to be allowing Pathirana’s natural abilities to flourish, recognizing his confidence and potential as a valuable asset for the CSK bowling attack.

“Pathirana is very special. I call him Baby Malinga. I also call him Baby Goat. He is not someone you try to coach because he has a natural ability and skill,” said Bravo.

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IPL journey of the special bowler picked by Bravo

Pathirana, who made his IPL debut for the Chennai Super Kings in 2022, has impressed captain MS Dhoni with his bowling prowess. Despite playing only two matches in his debut season, Pathirana emerged as a force to be reckoned with in IPL 2023, claiming a remarkable 19 wickets in 12 matches.

After recovering from an injury that sidelined him for the initial part of the current season, Pathirana has quickly made an impact, taking 9 wickets in 4 matches with an impressive economy rate of just 7. His ability to consistently bowl accurate yorkers at the death overs has proven to be a major challenge for opposing batters.

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CATEGORY: Dwayne Bravo IPL T20 League

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About the Author:
Vishesh is a driven content writer renowned for his meticulous attention to detail and captivating storytelling prowess. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. Vishesh has adeptly refined his craft in delivering compelling narratives and engaging content across various platforms. His professional journey is characterized by a relentless pursuit of excellence, marked by a commitment to delivering high-quality work that resonates with audiences. In addition to his professional endeavors, Vishesh is an avid cricket enthusiast, finding profound joy in the intricacies of the sport. He holds a particular admiration for the graceful batting finesse of Rohit Sharma, whose elegance on the field serves as a constant source of inspiration. Through his keen observation and deep appreciation for cricket, Vishesh seeks to infuse his writing with the same level of precision and passion that defines the game he loves. As he continues to explore the dynamic intersection of writing and cricket, Vishesh remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of creativity and storytelling excellence. You can connect with him at vishesh.shukla@crickettimes.com and follow him on Twitter & Linkedin.