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How it works

1. Ask your question

Tell us your situation. Ask any question in any category, anytime you want.

2. Let us match you

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Meet the Experts

At JustAnswer you have immediate access to hundreds of Experts ready to help you. Experts on JustAnswer include NHS doctors, Christie’s appraisers, solicitors, Microsoft-certified computer technicians, mechanics, plumbers, and many other professionals with extensive experience.


Dr. Muneeb Ali

Currently working in Critical Care Medicine with 10 years’ experience in medicine.


satisfied customers

Master Mechanic


Master Mechanic
16 years’ experience with domestic, foreign, and luxury cars, as well as heavy equipment.


satisfied customers

Attorney at Law

Legal Eagle

Attorney at Law
Doctoral degree. Licensed to practice before state and federal court. 5-star Expert since 2016.


satisfied customers

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Rebecca, Vet

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
More than 30 years of companion animal practice: dogs, cats, birds, and horses.


satisfied customers

Post-Graduate Christie’s

Nora, Appraiser

Post-Graduate Christie’s
10 years of art world experience in NYC. President and founder of own corporation.


satisfied customers

IT Support Engineer


IT Support Engineer
Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. Help in computers, networking, and programming.


satisfied customers


Dr. Muneeb Ali

Currently working in Critical Care Medicine with 10 years’ experience in medicine.


satisfied customers

Master Mechanic


Master Mechanic
16 years’ experience with domestic, foreign, and luxury cars, as well as heavy equipment.


satisfied customers

Attorney at Law

Legal Eagle

Attorney at Law
Doctoral degree. Licensed to practice before state and federal court. 5-star Expert since 2016.


satisfied customers

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Rebecca, Vet

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
More than 30 years of companion animal practice: dogs, cats, birds, and horses.


satisfied customers

Post-Graduate Christie’s

Nora, Appraiser

Post-Graduate Christie’s
10 years of art world experience in NYC. President and founder of own corporation.


satisfied customers

IT Support Engineer


IT Support Engineer
Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. Help in computers, networking, and programming.


satisfied customers


Dr. Muneeb Ali

Currently working in Critical Care Medicine with 10 years’ experience in medicine.


satisfied customers

Master Mechanic


Master Mechanic
16 years’ experience with domestic, foreign, and luxury cars, as well as heavy equipment.


satisfied customers

Attorney at Law

Legal Eagle

Attorney at Law
Doctoral degree. Licensed to practice before state and federal court. 5-star Expert since 2016.


satisfied customers

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Rebecca, Vet

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
More than 30 years of companion animal practice: dogs, cats, birds, and horses.


satisfied customers

Post-Graduate Christie’s

Nora, Appraiser

Post-Graduate Christie’s
10 years of art world experience in NYC. President and founder of own corporation.


satisfied customers

IT Support Engineer


IT Support Engineer
Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. Help in computers, networking, and programming.


satisfied customers

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Multi-Step Expert Quality Process, including license verification and peer reviews.

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Best site I’ve ever been on
Very knowledgeable about any question, and they answer within minutes.
Great service
I had a complicated question and a real lawyer replied within 2 minutes.
A valuable asset to my business
The appraisers at JustAnswer are professional, friendly, and very knowledgeable.
Can save you a lot of money and trouble
We were able to fix the problem with little fuss. Definitely worth starting with JustAnswer.
I talked to a live person
Got me on the road within a few minutes. I will definitely use this service again.

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The Experts at JustAnswer are ready to answer your questions, day or night.
What can I do for a sinus infection that won’t go away?
Can you help connect my laptop to my printer?
How do I get my kids to stop fighting?
How do I fix my car’s alternator?
What are these antiques worth?
How can I lower my business taxes this year?

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