Jamaican Ska | Its Origins And Role In Forming Jamaican Culture

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Jamaican Ska
Its Origins And Role In Forming Jamaican Culture

Jamaican Musical BandJamaican Musical Band

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Jamaican Ska | by Venesha Johnson, Associate Writer

You may know of Reggae and Rocksteady, but have you ever heard of Jamaican Ska? Funnily enough, even though Reggae is the most popular genres of Jamaican music, Ska originated before it. Both Reggae and Rocksteady drew influences from ska and therefore it played an integral part in our history and the forming of Jamaican culture.

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When Was Jamaican Ska Music Formed?

Ska came about in the early 1950s and is an amalgamation of other Caribbean genres, Calypso and Mento (also from Jamaica) and American genres, Jazz and Rhythm and Blues (R&B). But it was in the 1960s that ska became increasingly popular in Jamaica and even in the European nations.

Ska really came about when the Americans taste in music shifted from Jazz and Blues to Rock and Roll. Jamaicans still preferred hearing Jazz and Blues type music and so the musicians of the time created a new genre drawing inspiration from the different genres around them.

Jamaican Ska is usually centred around themes such as love and dancing. This combined with the harmonious singing, upbeat rhythms and a distinct horn section. Some of the first Ska songs are  My Boy Lollipop by Millie Small and Oh Carolina by the Folks Brothers. Both songs are still immensely popular even today.

What Is Jamaican Ska Music?

Ska music is an upbeat, energetic genre of music. Bands performing ska music usually play a combination of drums, guitars, trombones, saxophones, keyboards, and trumpets. It's music to get you up out of your seat and hit the dance floor. It is a genre of music that was meant for you to feel good, regardless of your age, background, or ethnicity.

What Is The Difference Between Reggae and Ska?

While both styles of music originated in Jamaica and have notable similarities, the key difference between ska and reggae music comes down to the rhythm and the beat. Reggae is slower and calming while ska is extremely upbeat and dramatic.

Is Ska Still A Thing?

Yes! Of course, ska is still a thing. While you won’t find many people running to the studio to create this genre of music, it is still very much alive in Jamaican culture. And not just Jamaica either, other parts of the world too. It is heard being played increasingly during significant cultural celebrations such as Black History Month, Jamaica Day, Emancipation and Independence Day.

Who Are Some Famous Ska Artistes?

  1. Toots and the Maytals - also referred to as the Maytals. Some of their popular hits are “54-46 That's My Number”, “Monkey Man” and “Funky Kingston”.
  2. Desmond Dekker - along with his backing group, The aces, had the first international Jamaican hit song, “Israelites”. Another popular hit of his is “Shanty Town”.
  3. Laurel Aitken - Referred to as the “Godfather of ska”, he was one of the pioneers of ska music in Jamaica. Some of his hit singles are “Jumbie Jamboree”, "Propaganda" and "Green Banana".

Music legend Bob Marley actually got his start during the era of Ska too. His songs "Simmer Down" and "Small Axe" are just a few of the songs from his Ska catalogue. 

Which Band Performed The Song Jamaica Ska?

One of the most popular ska songs is “Jamaica Ska” written by the popular Jamaican music band, Byron Lee and the Dragonaires. It is a feel-good song that can be enjoyed by everyone.

And as the song says, “everybody can do the ska”. All the instructions are right there in the song. All you need to do is make fast-paced movements of with your hands going upwards, downwards, backwards, forwards and side to side while lifting your knees, bent at the legs alternately.

Ska will forever be a part of Jamaican culture and will live on through our people. If you are ever feeling down or just need a little reminder of the island, Jamaican Ska will always be that pick me up you need.

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References & Sources For Jamaican Ska

  1. Origins of Ska - Jamaicansmusic.com, https://jamaicansmusic.com/learn/origins/ska  
  2. Byron Lee and the Dragonaires – Jamaica Ska Lyrics | Genius Lyrics, https://genius.com/Byron-lee-and-the-dragonaires-jamaica-ska-lyrics  
  3. The difference between ska and reggae, https://www.liveabout.com/difference-between-ska-and-reggae-3552831 
  4. Jamaican Ska Artists, https://www.last.fm/tag/jamaican+ska/artists?page=1
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