Jujutsu Kaisen / Quotes - TV Tropes

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Quotes / Jujutsu Kaisen

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"You should use your strength to help others."
Wasuke Itadori

"Ah, I knew it! The light feels best in the flesh! A cursed spirit's flesh is so boring... Where are the people? The women?! What a wonderful era to be in. Women and children are crawling everywhere like maggots. Marvelous! It'll be a massacre!"

"I don't know how I'll feel when I'm dead, But I don't want to regret the way I lived."
Yuji Itadori

"If both are equally shit, I'll take the one I'm more suited to."

"You can't let yourself get trapped in an ideal of indifference."

"No matter how many allies you have around you, when you die, you'll be alone."
Satoru Gojo

"Dying to win and risking death to win... are completely different, Megumi. Give it your best. Be greedier."
Gojo to Megumi while training.

"Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honored one."
Satoru Gojo

"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"
Suguru Geto to Satoru Gojo

"Death is something humans fear and detest. However, humans linger beyond it, as well. Death is a mirror for humans. Mahito is that mirror."
Hanami to Jogo, regarding Mahito

"You're right, Mahito. I'm you. I wanted to reject you, convince myself that you were wrong. But that doesn't matter now. I'm gonna kill you. Even if you come back as another curse, I'll kill you. Change your name. Change your form. I'll kill you again. I don't need to find meaning or a reason. Maybe in a hundred years after my death, the meaning behind my actions will become apparent. In the grand scheme of things... I'm probably nothing more than a cog. But I'll keep killing curses... for as long as I can. That's my role in all this."
Yuji to Mahito at the end of their battle.

"You were magnificent, Satoru Gojo. I shall never forget you for as long as I live."
Sukuna after killing Gojo.

Yuji: You!! All of you!! Why can't you just live normally?! Why can't you just live without causing suffering?!
Sukuna: To me, the real question is why are you all so weak? Why do such weaklings cling so fiercely to life? How can a creature that falls apart at a touch say that it always wants to be happy? The helpless have no choice but to swallow the suffering life gives them.
Yuji: Then let's see if you can swallow my suffering.
Sukuna: Try me.
