Who Is Ryan Hansen's Wife? The 'Bad Judge' & 'Veronica Mars' Star Is Married to a Mystery Woman


He’s Married???

by Marisa LaScala

It’s hard to imagine Dick Casablancas with a wife. Like, really hard. He seems more the surf-till-he’s-middle-aged type than the settling down kind. The same goes for Ryan Hansen’s Bad Judge character, whose apple doesn’t seem to fall to far from the Casablancas family tree: he plays Gary Boyd, described by Deadline as a “hacky-sack playing psychiatrist” who is an “on-again, off-again sex buddy” of Kate Walsh’s judge character. This all must be a testament to the acting abilities of the Veronica Mars cast, because Ryan Hansen is, indeed, settled down and married. You’d be forgiven if you didn’t know that. While Ryan Hansen often talks about his wife in interviews, his wife, Amy Russell (sometimes called Amy Russell Hansen), remains elusive.

She doesn’t walk down the red carpet with him at events. She doesn’t have a public Twitter or Facebook account. Don’t look for her in Play It Again, Dick, where Hansen plays a fictionalized version of himself. She doesn’t seem to want to steal any little piece of her husband’s spotlight.There are little bits of info about Russell floating out there, though. I launched my own little investigation to find out what I could about her.

Here’s what I was able to uncover.

She’s Kristen Bell’s Bestie

I mean, everybody wants to be Kristen Bell’s best friend, but Russell actually is. (Lucky!) In fact, Russell was the lone witness at Bell’s wedding with Dax Shepard, as reported by Us Weekly. The two are so close, in fact, that Bell didn’t feel awkward leaving the wedding to go film a sex scene with Hansen. “The interesting thing about that is [Amy's] husband is an actor, Ryan Hansen, and I was going to work later that day and had a fairly intimate scene with him," Bell told Ellen DeGeneres on her show. "So when I left my wedding I said to my best friend, 'Thanks for witnessing my wedding, I'm going to make pretend love to your husband.' And I did."

She's Jason Russell’s Sister

Kris Connor/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Sure, Russell’s brother, Jason "Radical” Russell, isn’t a household name — but you’ve probably heard of him. He’s the co-founder and chief creative officer of Invisible Children, a group that works to end the abuse of children by Central Africa’s Lord’s Resistance Army and its leader, Joseph Kony. Yes, he was one of the guys behind the “Kony 2012” viral video. Fame hit Jason Russell and Invisible Children hard — NPR reports that TMZ had footage of Russell parading around naked and yelling in the streets of San Diego — but they’re all still working for the cause and hoping to improve youth activism in the world.

Also, this factoid might be unrelated to any of Jason Russell’s work, but it’s worth noting: His Invisible Children bio states that he named his son Gavin Danger. As in, Danger is actually his middle name.

She Must Be a Hide-and-Seek Master

Just try to find a picture of Russell online. For someone who’s married to one actor and best friends with another, it’s kind of amazing how hard it is to find a photo of her. I guess we shouldn’t expect a Bad Judge cameo any time soon.

Images: Getty (2); alinka-frankie/Tumblr; Giphy; robertdeniro/Tumblr