
  • Thor: Love and Thunder fell short of expectations and Taika Waititi won't return for Thor 5.
  • George Miller is a dream director for Thor 5 as an expert in action, visuals, and off-beat worlds.
  • Miller's direction in Thor 5 could provide the balance of action, comedy, and drama needed for Thor's proper closure.

Thor 5 has a couple of challenges ahead, but it already has its best director replacement as he has volunteered to take on the project. The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues its expansion with the Multiverse Saga, which has introduced new characters while also continuing the stories of already established heroes. Among the latter is Thor (Chris Hemsworth), who was last seen leaving Earth with the Guardians of the Galaxy at the end of Avengers: Endgame, and returned to action in Thor: Love and Thunder, which even though was an anticipated adventure, didn’t live up to expectations.

Thor: Love and Thunder saw the God of Thunder leaving the Guardians of the Galaxy after receiving a distress signal from Lady Sif about Gorr (Christian Bale), whose mission to destroy all the gods had begun. In addition to that, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), while battling cancer, became the Mighty Thor and wielded Mjolnir, teaming up with Thor and Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) to find and defeat Gorr. Unfortunately, Thor: Love and Thunder wasn’t well-received, and Taika Waititi has confirmed he won’t return to direct Thor 5, but the project now has the perfect director to replace him.

Thor 5 Is More Important Than Ever After Chris Hemsworth's Love & Thunder Confession

After Chris Hemsworth's confession about Thor: Love and Thunder, the MCU needs to give him another chance as the God of Thunder in Thor 5.

George Miller Is A Dream Thor 5 Director For The MCU

George Miller Is Open To Working With Chris Hemsworth Again

Anya Taylor-Joy as Furiosa from Furiosa: A-Mad-Max-Saga and Chris Hemsworth as Thor from Thor: Love and Thunder.

Thor has had an interesting variety of directors in charge of his solo adventures. Kenneth Branagh was in charge of his MCU debut in Thor, and for his second movie, Alan Taylor was brought on board to direct. Unfortunately, Thor: The Dark World wasn’t the success Marvel expected and is now regarded as one of the worst MCU movies, prompting some much-needed changes for Thor’s third solo adventure. Thor: Ragnarok had Taika Waitit as director, who brought a good dose of humor not just to the story but to Thor, while also giving him a better-developed personality and seizing Hemsworth’s comedic skills.

Despite saying he would be up for it if Hemsworth was as well, Waititi confirmed in November 2023 that he won’t return to direct Thor 5.

The success of Thor: Ragnarok and this more fun version of the God of Thunder brought Waititi back to direct Thor: Love and Thunder. Unfortunately, Love and Thunder couldn’t match the quality and success of Ragnarok, putting a big question mark on Thor’s MCU future. Speaking to Insider in 2022, Waititi revealed he didn’t know the card “Thor will be back” was going to be added at the end of Love and Thunder, so it was a surprise to him.

Luckily, legendary Mad Max director George Miller has expressed openness to directing Thor 5, making him the perfect director replacement as well as a dream addition to the MCU.

Despite saying he would be up for it if Hemsworth was as well, Waititi confirmed in November 2023 that he won’t return to direct Thor 5. Luckily, legendary Mad Max director George Miller has expressed openness to directing Thor 5, making him the perfect director replacement as well as a dream addition to the MCU. Speaking to ComicBook, Miller said he would work with Chris Hemsworth “on anything”, so he’s open to teaming up with him again in Thor 5 if the opportunity arises.

Miller would be a perfect addition not just to Thor’s MCU filmography but to this universe in general, as he’s an expert with off-beat worlds and knows how to bring engaging action to the big screen with incredible visuals, exactly what the MCU needs, especially after the Multiverse Saga.

Chris Hemsworth stars in George Miller’s Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga as warlord leader Dementus.

George Miller Directing Thor 5 Would Immediately Fix A Big Movie Problem

Thor 5 Is Needed After Love & Thunder

Thor: Love and Thunder couldn’t find the right balance between comedy and its more serious storylines, and its place and impact in the Multiverse Saga remains unclear.

Thor: Love and Thunder has become one of the most divisive MCU movies. Love and Thunder continued the comedic tone of Thor: Ragnarok, which many praised as it gave some cohesion to Thor’s solo movies, but others found it unnecessary as it felt repetitive, and the comedy didn’t always land. Thor: Love and Thunder couldn’t find the right balance between comedy and its more serious storylines, such as Jane’s cancer and Gorr’s backstory and mission, and its place and impact in the Multiverse Saga remains unclear.

Just like Taika Waititi saved Thor with Ragnarok after The Dark World, Miller can do so with Thor 5 after Love and Thunder.

Love and Thunder understandably raised concerns about a sequel, as it’s unclear which direction Thor 5 could now take, but under George Miller’s direction, all concerns should be gone. In his movies, Miller has shown expertise in balancing comedy, action, and serious topics, with high-quality visual narratives and stories, exactly what Thor needs in his next solo adventure to make up for Love and Thunder’s flaws. Just like Taika Waititi saved Thor with Ragnarok after The Dark World, Miller can do so with Thor 5 after Love and Thunder.

A George Miller-Led Thor 5 Would Be An Ideal Sendoff To The Original MCU Avenger

Love & Thunder Wasn’t An Ideal Sendoff To Thor

Chris Hemsworth fighting in New Asgard in Thor Love and Thunder

George Miller’s Thor 5 can be the final big epic adventure that Hemsworth’s Thor needs to bring his time in the MCU to an end, with a generous dose of action, comedy, and drama.

At the time of writing, only two of the original Avengers are still active: Bruce Banner/Hulk and Thor, and the latter’s future is more promising. Love and Thunder left the door wide open for Thor’s return, as he’s now mentoring Love, and they’re going on missions together. Love and Thunder, then, wasn’t Thor’s sendoff as expected, but Thor 5 can now give his story proper closure and send him off as the hero he is. George Miller’s Thor 5 can be the final big epic adventure that Hemsworth’s Thor needs to bring his time in the MCU to an end, with a generous dose of action, comedy, and drama.

Sources: Insider, ComicBook.

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