/ 20 May 2024

A decision due in Assange’s latest case

Julian Assange

It’s another big day in WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s legal life as he awaits a crucial ruling from London’s High Court tonight that could see him extradited to the US, or given permission to appeal the UK Government’s decision to send him to America. He’s facing 18 charges in America, mostly under the Espionage Act, following WikiLeaks’ release of a truckload of secret documents and diplomatic cables more than 15 years ago. Assange has spent the last 5 years in a maximum-security jail in London after 7 years in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in a bid to avoid extradition. His wife Stella says she and their 2 kids will head back to Australia (paywall) if a political deal between Australia, Britain, and the US results in Assange’s release – that’s her very strong wish.

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