“I don’t want to slag De Niro”: Robert De Niro Had the “Worst Idea Ever” For a Taxi Driver Sequel That Included Travis Bickle Making Letter Bombs

The director/screenwriter had entertained the idea for a Taxi Driver sequel, but had different ideas than what Robert De Niro had initially pitched.

Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver


  • Paul Schrader has been enjoying his time at Cannes with his latest film, Oh Canada.
  • The screenwriter/director talked to IndieWire about the absolutely horrible pitch that he recieved from Robert De Niro for a Taxi Driver sequel.
  • He also talked abut his own idea for the sequel, which De Niro shot down.
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Paul Schrader is having a great time at Cannes, where the screenwriter/director is showcasing his latest film, ‘Oh, Canada‘. Speaking with IndieWire, Schrader revisited the pitch for a sequel to his seminal film with Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro, Taxi Driver.

Martin Scorsese and Paul Scharder's first collaboration was Taxi Driver
Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver/ Columbia Pictures

Robert De Niro had pitched an idea to Martin Scorsese and Paul Schrader, one that was immediately shot down. Schrader talked about how De Niro’s decisions were sometimes colored with the prospect of financial gains, which he opined could have also been the reason that De Niro wanted to make a sequel to the film.

Robert De Niro’s pitch for Taxi Driver 2 was the ‘worst f*cking idea’ Paul Schrader had ever heard

Robert De Nero in The Irishman/ Netflix
Robert De Nero in The Irishman/ Netflix

Paul Schrader talked to IndieWire about how the pitch for the sequel came about, and what his ideas for the sequel were. What Robert De Niro had pitched to Martin Scorsese was categorically not up Schrader’s alley. When asked about the pitch that De Niro brought forward, Paul Schrader said:


Now, I don’t want to slag De Niro, but a lot of his decisions sometimes have financial motivations. I’m sure someone had said to him, “You know, if you do ‘Taxi Driver 2,’ they can pay.” So he pressed Marty on it and Marty asked me and I said, “Marty, that’s the worst fucking idea I’ve ever heard”

While the idea that was presented to Schrader was horrible, the screenwriter did entertain the idea of a sequel and thought about how it would look. Schrader went on to reveal what ideas he had in mind for a sequel, and where he saw the characters going after the events of Taxi Driver.

Paul Schrader had a more exciting idea for a Taxi Driver sequel

Robert De Niro in Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver/ Columbia Pictures
Robert De Niro | Taxi DriverRobert De Niro in Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver/ Columbia Pictures

Paul Schrader had some interesting ideas about the Taxi Driver sequel. He talked about his idea and how it took inspiration from Ted Kaczynski, otherwise known as the Unabomber. He revealed:

Maybe he became Ted Kaczynski and maybe he’s in a cabin somewhere and just sitting there, making letter bombs. Now, that would be cool. That would be a nice Travis. He doesn’t have a cab anymore. He just sits there [laughs] making letter bombs.” But Bob didn’t cotton to that idea, either.

While Robert De Niro did not warm up to the idea, IndieWire reported that De Niro, as late as 2018, still thought about what his character from the film, Travis Bickle, was up to.


While this might not come to fruition anytime soon, the fact that it’s an active thought in De Niro’s head could signal a revisiting of the material in the future. However, it would perhaps be for the best if Taxi Driver is left alone as the masterpiece it is.


Written by Anuraag Chatterjee

Articles Published: 667

Anuraag Chatterjee, Web Content Writer
With a passion for writing fiction and non fiction content, Anuraag is a Media Science graduate with 2 year's experience with Marketing and Content, with 3 published poetry anthologies. Anuraag holds a Bacherlor's degree in Arts with a focus on Communication and Media Studies.