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Why all the hate for SLC Punk?


Genuinely curious because every time I see a movie thread pop up here this movie seems to get shit on a lot.

I am not afraid or embarassed to admit that this is one of my favourite movies and I credit it for introducing me to punk music. So this movie can introduce people to punk music, wtf is wrong with that?

Are people mad that it gives the wrong impression of punk? Who cares, I thought the essence of punk was about not giving a fuck about what other people think.

Edit: well, my bad, I was under the impression that a lot of folks in this sub hated the movie. Sorry lol chill y'all. (Ppl are shitting on it in the comments though 🙄)

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I always thought it was great, the second movie was hot garbage though

I mean, Machine Gun Kelly as a punk (pre breakdown or whatever caused him to change), that was quite the stretch

Fuckin WHAT

Yea, you have to lose about 90 minutes of your life that you won’t get back (really probably 15 minutes) and you’ll see

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u/CuratedBrowsing avatar

Isn't that just acting? Playing someone you're not? I'm not an MGK hater so idk (not a fan either just completely indifferent to him).

u/NotTheSun0 avatar

He is playing himself

He plays a poser fake punk

Since you haven’t watched it, you should give it a watch

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There is no SLC Punk 2, just like there is no Avatar The Last Airbender movie.

Rifftrax summoned Avatar TLA out of thin air just to riff it and thats the story I choose to believe!

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u/Iggyauna avatar

I like them as love to hate movies. It's the kids of movie you get fucked up on the couch with the homies and you all talk shit about how garbage the movie is but you all have a weird attachment to it anyway.

Glad to know the second isn’t worth it 👌

Yeah. I was excited for the sequel then really let down. The original is amazing with some outstanding acting. I still tear up at the scene we all know

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I love Matthew Lillard so freaking much lmao

Same. Scooby doo is ALSO my jam.

I've seen an interview where Freddie Prinz Jr, said that Matthew Lillard made filming those tolerable since he hated the studio and the way they got fucked around during them.

Yanno everyday I have to ask myself why I am NOT watching Scooby Doo right now??

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u/uknwiluvsctch avatar

He accosted me at a warped tour in Vegas many years ago to promote a new movie at the time and I will never forget it. Cool dude

u/Director_Faden avatar

Thir13en Ghosts is my shit!

u/damniel37 avatar

Original 13ghost is 10× better. But I also prefer nasfuratu to most vampire movies.

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u/xe_r_ox avatar

I loved him as cereal killer first, then stu in scream, then slc punk. I’m too old for scooby doo

You're never too old for scooby doo!

u/xe_r_ox avatar

I was about 15 and the edgiest early 2000s anti bush era teenage punk when that film came out so I was definitely too old!

But now I’m a dad and still love Matthew Lillard so I think I’ll be making amends and watching it soon

Then when she grows up it’ll be time for hackers… then scream… then slc punk

Can't forget 13 ghosts! And my statement still stands. Scooby doo is for the people!

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I’m 20 years old sat with several teddy bears, a lot of badges I’m making while wearing a Scooby Doo shirt. You’re fine.

u/xe_r_ox avatar

Haha I meant I was 15 when it came out and too cool for scooby doo back then. I’ll be trying it out a few years after I allow screens

Please do!

If you want some good classics I recommend the original older series. If you want a bit more horror then go for thirteen ghosts or zombie island/witches ghost (witches ghost features a goth band of that helps). If you want something very early 2000s with a lot of 2000s punk then I recommend what’s new Scooby Doo.

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I've never seen this movie, but after Googling it and seeing Matthew Lillard as the lead I'm SO watching it when I get home. I'll watch anything with Matt Lillard in it.

Prepare yourself. It gets a little emotional.

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u/Tambermarine avatar

I like SLC Punk, it’s beloved by anyone I’ve ever talked to about it. It’s a pretty widely loved cult-classic. I related to it and thought it was funny and subversive as a teenager. My friends and I considered ourselves punk and we loved it in the 00’s. It was part of our required punk curriculum as high school kids.

It sums up a lot of the feelings and experiences of punk as an identity in youth, and coming of age as it relates specifically to that identity and punk as a concept. I appreciated the movie even more when I grew up because it mirrored my own journey.

u/micmea1 avatar

I feel the same way, and I think a lot of the people who hate this movie really hate what it had to say at the end. If you spend your whole life just partying and trying to maintain an identity of being in a constant state of rebellion you will likely wind up strung out and homeless or dead, unless you can survive off of family wealth. Most of us needed to grow up and play along a little bit with society, and you can do that while keeping certain ideals. Not to mention coming to the realization that his view on being punk was pretty shallow in reality.

I agree, it’s really about maturing and learning responsibility and accepting that you are getting older.

It isn’t buying into the system it’s about carving a living in this world. That means being able to support yourself, your family and just being a good person who still has ideals and questions things.

Honestly this movie summarises my entire philosophy of being punk. As a teacher who works in the system that I very much can’t stand because of how much it fucks over the teachers and the students, I do have to try and maintain my integrity while balancing out my own responsibilities.

Another film I think summarises this is weirdly the incredible. Specifically the scene with Mr Incredible giving this elderly woman a bunch of help while she’s in this terrible situation about insurance.

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u/mightymidwestshred avatar

I didn't sell out. I bought in.


Only posers die, Bob.

Chemicals, man. They’ll fuck you up.

You're not jesus, you're Bob

I'm Bob

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u/SmackSabbath19 avatar

Wasn't it originally an Indy movie? I remember in the 90s in Cincinnati here. Only the art houses had it.

u/rsplatpc avatar

Wasn't it originally an Indy movie?

Yep, Sony Pictures Classics bought it, which is like the "indie" label for Sony Pictures

u/SmackSabbath19 avatar

And Disney keeps buying up all the other major studios. It's getting bad

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If I remember it was based on an indie comic before it was a movie...

u/rsplatpc avatar

If I remember it was based on an indie comic before it was a movie...

Nope, movie came first, then they made a comic book based on the movie (same year)

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u/TyrantWarmaster avatar

Oh shit Nastynatti Ohio! That was my hometown as well. I miss hanging out a Sudsy Malone's that place was the epitome of Punk Rock.

u/SmackSabbath19 avatar

Been many sad initiations of it since. And they all sucked. Sudsy's was like Cincinnati cbgb. Remember Sub Galley?

I had a Peachy nick name . 

u/TyrantWarmaster avatar

Oh yeah Sub Galley was the shit. Then you had Top Cats in the other direction. I actually used to work at Mike's Music back in the day.

u/SmackSabbath19 avatar

Big Forest worked at Mikes off and on . He was a galley fixture

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u/JZcomedy avatar

Probably some bullshit about “it’s a Hollywood movie man! They don’t know what punk is really about!” I love it. Just a fun movie about a couple punks. Nothing to take too seriously.

That's the problem lol people are taking it way too seriously.

I like it. But Repo Man is king…

Repo Man had the right kinda vibe. It made fun of the costume punks ("Let's go get sushi and not pay.") who seemed very bored - all dressed up with no place to go. The real punks, like Otto, were the ones rolling with the punches just trying make it through life unnoticed. Otto had a lot of weird experiences interacting with the underbelly of society, something punks connect with. In that same vein, the film was not [i]about[/i] punk, so it never felt like there were judgments, and there was no need to defend the punk culture. It was just a few punk characters getting swept up into a science fiction mystery. It was a fun ride with an outstanding soundtrack.

SLC was an over-the-top, cartoon version of costume punks. It's was a purposeful stylistic choice by the director, which made it entertaining, for sure. But as an older punk I felt no connection to this hyper, trying-too-hard kid attempting to create his own nihilistic universe removed from the rest of society. Breaking the fourth wall didn't help, either (stop talking to me). I liked the ending, though. It all had to come crashing down, and a big dose of realism saved the film. I think that was the intention of the film all along - nothing good is going to come of divorcing yourself from the way society works.

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The funny thing is the conversation Steve-O has with the girl at the party essentially unravels so much of punk culture and exposes the hypocrisy of some of the aspects of the culture. Mainly her point about the “punk uniform” always stuck with me.

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u/TehFuriousOne avatar

Punk has this purist ethos flowing through many corners of it. If you're not a pure indy, poor, DIY, reject all things capitalism and society, possibly vegan, etc... then you're a sell-out (or whatever). These are the people you will never make happy. Personally, I love the film. It's a fun, silly, sad coming-of-age story that clearly resonates with a lot of people.

It's ok to like things even if they're not strictly "pure".

Yep. It was in a movie theater, so it was a sell-out. I'm glad I've grown up to appreciate good things whether or not they're "a sell-out". And actually it makes sense that good things do get popular.

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u/BennyBobD avatar

Great soundtrack, and the scene when Steveo finds Bob still makes me tear up.


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u/rsplatpc avatar

I've been on Reddit a long time, and on this sub for about the same amount of time, this is the first time I've heard anyone say something bad about SLC Punk

I’ve never heard anyone hate on it. Usually people have a fond spot in their heart for this movie.

The second one had MGK in it and the plot just lacks all the heart and soul the first one had, wasn’t received well, maybe that’s what you’re thinking of?

No I am talking about the first one. Seen a lot of people saying their favourite punk movie is "anything but SLC Punk" etc.

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I think a lot of people who hate it might be younger and saw it after it became well known? Kind of how some people hate Casa Blanca or Citizen Kane-- it may come off as cliche now, but it's different if you were there to see the ground being broken.

Not to say SLC Punk is a cinematic masterpiece, but in the late 90s it was definitely an indie and you didn't see many other movies like it. And once Sony picked it up you could actually rent it from local video stores, unlike Suburbia or Decline of Western Civilization.

u/Ok-Opportunity5731 avatar

Everyone I know who's seen this movie loves it. I've only ever heard people shit on the bad sequel 

SLC punk was a formative experience for me, growing up in Utah. I lived a couple hours east of SLC but that was the biggest difference. Mormons and rednecks rule the state and it was great to see someone that looked like me fighting back and causing trouble for them. A lot of things about the movie are over the top but people really don't understand how oppressive the Mormon regime can be. I like to call Utah the Middle East of the West because of how ridiculous the Mormons are. It's exactly like the line from the movie, in a place like that the sparks of rebellion burn even hotter. It's one thing to be a punk in a normal city where every 10th guy gives you a funny look. It's another thing to be a punk when everyone around you is already looking at you like an alien for not wearing a button up and tie out to fucking McDonald's. So you might as well live it up and dye your hair blue and get tattooed and try everything you can to make the Mormons cry. That was the lesson teenage me took from the movie anyway. Fight the power any way you can, right?

I love this!

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Anarchy in the UK maaan


Union Jack is a f**!!

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u/beancityrocker avatar

My friends who didn’t like it, said it was because the main character stopped being punk, and they never were going to. 20 years later, none of them are still punk… neither am I for that matter

I find the people who think Steveo sold out missed the point to begin with. Mike taught me what being a punk was more than anyone else in that movie. Some people wanna gatekeep over who you listen to or what you wear, but punk is an attitude not fashion. At 39, questioning social and political systems is more punk to me than how spikey your hair is.

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I like it, it is entertaining and touches on punk themes without mocking it.

It’s obviously fictional, and not representative of punk scenes, but I enjoy the movie.

u/Dineology avatar

It’s actually supposed to be a semi autobiographical story and a bunch of the characters are based off of real people that the director knew in SLC. Totally unrelated but I think it’s kinda neat, the writer/director James Merendino is originally from around my area in Jersey but that fact is totally overshadowed by our other, more famous indie director from the area, Kevin Smith.


No way, he’s from Long Branch! I’m a Red Banker and you’re right, I never knew about this despite being super into that movie, he really is overshadowed by Kevin Smith. And Count Basie mayhap, which is possibly warranted.

Yeah, it was based on events and crafted to suit a fictional world. I do like the movie, don’t want to make it seem like I don’t, and there are weird things that happen in life so it’s not that I am trying to say none of it would ever be possible, just that with fiction you have to condense a lifetime of experience as well as second hand stories to make the movie entertaining.

I remember one time at a house show cops busted down the door and some kid, high as fuck, ran halfway down the road before he curled up into a ball and yelled “I’m a rock!” hoping they’d ignore him. It was funny as fuck, but most of my experiences were a lot more boring.

u/Dineology avatar

Oh I’m absolutely sure that any of what’s in the movie that actually is based on real life is an amalgamation of stories from different folks and then just attributed to that small handful of people. Lots of “a guy I know, knows a guy who heard about…” kinda stuff. I’m sure I could do the same easy enough and it’d make me look waaay more interesting than I am and my life way more batshit than it is.

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Speaking of, where do you go to shows around here?

u/Dineology avatar

I can’t say I’m tuned into the scene like I was when I was younger, I’m usually catching bigger acts at like the Stone Pony or Starland these days. I’ve heard there’s some good smaller acts that hit up Bond Street Basement in Asbury but literally the only time I had tickets to a show there it ended up being canceled last minute so I can’t say much more than I’ve heard it’s a decent small venue for smaller acts. Asbury Lanes is still a decent bet, not as much punk shows since they got bought out but still pretty good chance for something. But if you’re looking for anything strictly local and small acts, then fuck if I know stuff like that anymore. But if you hear anything worth sharing then let me know.

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The movie takes place in 1985. I have to say I think they got the scene pretty spot on actually.

Agreed. It's an accurate representation of my time in punk houses in the mid 90s.

I know when it takes place, and I don’t think they got it right at all. It’s fiction, it’s no different than a cop drama or medieval fantasy, and all the “Oh, that’s not what it’s like” nonsense is more annoying than anything else.

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u/Mint_Julius avatar

People hate it? It's great. I mean Steve o is a poser ass dork, but it's a great movie

u/MikroWire avatar

Poser cuz he quit weed? Or poser cuz he's not as punk as he thinks he is? Or something else?

u/classicrockchick avatar


u/MikroWire avatar

Lol. All of the above. Gotcha.

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Most people who say they hate it didn't grow up with it, take the punk ethos very seriously, or are joking/being tounge-in-cheek. SLC Punk is the NOFX of punk movies.

u/CloutHaver avatar

Hey, normal ass corporate guy who used to skateboard as a teen and likes some punk music here. What do you mean by “the NOFX of punk movies?” I have a hunch but I’ve never really considered myself full-on punk so I’m curious what this is getting at.

entry level, easy to digest, for 12 year olds to get into the scene