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I don’t think this is really true what do you think?

r/average - I don’t think this is really true what do you think?
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As a black 5’9” fit man I can not relate

As a 5'7 out of shape black dude I can't relate either but I could for most my life idk wtf happened in the last 4 to 5 years 

Same, I don’t think this is much of a thing in the black community lol

u/Lookingtotravels avatar

What, height? Or muscles? I don't get your post aha

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Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but what do you mean?

It’s the alchohol buddy

Most likely not…… I typically have sound judgment and reasoning while drinking. Moreover, it’s not hard liquor. 🤷🏿‍♂️

I don’t see how you confused then honestly.

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u/CrushingIsCringe avatar

they're a popular niche

.....in the US?

u/evildrcrocs avatar


yeah in the US, probably in western culture in general but I can't confirm, they're kinda a kink for some.

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u/Vouner avatar

Character on the image is a lightskin but yeah

You’re gonna shit when you read my name

u/Vouner avatar


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u/Aromatic_Industry151 avatar

Lightskin is still black my guy lightskin literally just means a lighter black person 😭

u/Vouner avatar

Mixed people exist

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u/InfinitiQX80Driver avatar

there's always something to complain about. keeping up with the joneses type beat. i'd rather learn how to calm my nagging anxiety and inferiority complex

Sounds like you’re complaining mate

u/InfinitiQX80Driver avatar

no thats just my two cents on a post i happened to stumble on. it's near impossible to understand tone off a somewhat critical internet comment. thats part of why i dont comment on this site much at all

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u/Chocolat3City avatar

5"9 dude probably just has a shitty personality. /s

maybe she likes white guys???

or jus 9 outta 10 faces

this isn’t supposed to just be a white guy i’m pretty sure that’s specifically chico lachowski but i could be wrong (i have insane levels of brain rot)

That’s like 80% of American women

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Moral of story: Be white.

Being white doesn't automatically mean you will become a chick magnet as there's plenty of white guys who are completely terrible with women.

That's like thinking that being tall will automatically make you good at basketball. There's plenty of tall guys who can't hoop all that well because they're unathletic or uncoordinated, or they simply don't like basketball.

When it comes to dating, being white simply means you're less likely to be rejected for your race. However, you can still be rejected for other negative qualities that you possess. For example, a white guy who's obese, ugly, and autistic, would still struggle to date despite the fact that he's white.

"Just be white" isn't the end all be all like some people think it is.

I said what I said cuz the guy in the comic that pulls is white and the guy that doesn’t is brown

The white guys you are talking about are weird asf. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

And that's the point. Being white doesn't automatically make you a chick magnet.

For the most part yes……Just don’t be a Elliot Rodger 🤷🏿‍♂️

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Pretty much

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Yo Chico

u/Evening_Invite_922 avatar

weird racist undertones

u/xxgetrektxx2 avatar

It's pretty accurate though, race is arguably the most important factor when it comes to dating. An average Indian guy will have to work much harder than an average white guy when it comes to getting laid.

u/IbanezPGM avatar

yeah Indians have a lot of trouble getting laid, its why their population is so small

u/NPCSLAYER313 avatar

Probably talking about western countries

u/GroundbreakingAd8077 avatar

Yeah, for some reason indians think white women are just so cool.

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u/LemonRocketXL avatar

Such a bad faith response

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Oh yeah? Well explain incels?

u/FreshPrinceOfIndia avatar

Much harder? I dont think so, not really. My extended fam, cousin, no disrespect to him, is a perfectly average christian bloke and married a white woman in aus. Youd think its even harder to break into conservative circles like 15 yrs ago bro

u/Evening_Invite_922 avatar

While race is an obstacle, the way you expressed it spells doomsday for non white men, and unlimited women for white men. It's more of a spectrum, and in real life, it won't play out like that.

Women are diverse, and people meet each other in many different ways, it's not about "working hard".

u/NPCSLAYER313 avatar

Yeah you can nitpick about semantics as much as you want but the gist of his comment stands true: indian guys have it on average harder than white guys on the dating market

Because you’re in a white country, lemme go to India and see how many women want me

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not true thats if ur in a non Indian

u/GroundbreakingAd8077 avatar

By white women at least

u/oneeyedziggy avatar

For most of the Indian guys I know, I think religion or politics would be much bigger impediment... IF (big if) you're conservative and having trouble dating, don't blame racism

More so than race the bigger factor I believe is socio-economic brackets. On average people tend to marry or enter long term relationships with people who are within 20% of their income up or down, within or around their own career field, their religion or lack of one.

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Or people can just be a race besides white in a story without a reason maybe they can just be there because people besides white people exist damn

right, but in the story he portrays himself both as the shorter jacked dude and the taller skinny dude, with the other role being taken by the white guy with more "conventionally attractive" features, and the girl always chooses the white guy. that's literally the only factor that changes, so it's safe to assume the author is expressing frustration because he feels that his face and/or race is the issue. it's sad and hopefully he realises there are plenty of women who would prefer what he brings to the table.

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Isn’t the comic exploring the idea of bigotry? So it’s being racist in showcasing an example of racist? Are Redditors mentally unabled?

u/Evening_Invite_922 avatar

Is it showcasing an example of racism?

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u/Idkdontbanmepls avatar


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It’s an unfair comparison. Race matters too

The purpose of this pic is

Race > face > height

Which I don't agree with

It’s def race > height > face except in extreme cases (ie way too short or way too ugly).

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u/SuccessfulWar3830 avatar

Gym bros will tell you. You never get girls you get men when you build muscle.

u/Radio-Kiev3456 avatar

Not my experience. But there is a specific woman who likes this and they find you

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No- it really depends on face and frame size. Having a huge frame will get you more attention regardless of height

u/paraque159 avatar

Um this is incorrect. You will be called a meatball amongst her friends. Regardless of height is a strong statement.

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At that point it’s just your face bro

True up until the last panels. She wouldn’t be going for the 5.5 guy

u/gainfulphysique avatar

I’m 5’6” and at my peak (lean physique, angular jawline etc) I got a significant amount of female attention. If you are facially attractive enough there will be women interested in you. A handsome face is not that common.

Not lying with that, I’m 5’3 and black(earlier comment compelled me to make that known) but yeah I get a pretty decent amount of attention from the ladies. Turns out handsome face, confidence, and a good personality gets you a long way with women. Throw in a decent sense of humor

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I mean I’m fat and not really traditionally attractive I basically look like Luke combs( he’s a country singer) if he had a black beard instead of a red one like to the point where people point out that I look like him and I still get some pretty regularly tbh it’s mostly guys and just a handful of girls but still my philosophy is it’s more about your personality and confidence then your looks which yes do matter somewhat and to some people it’s all that matter but those people don’t deserve you

u/CremeCaramel_ avatar

tbh it’s mostly guys

While I agree with the main point of your comment, I definitely dont think you get to speak with authority on it like "im fat and i get a lot" because that quoted blurb changes everything lol. Its like 1000x easier as a guy to get a guy.

Still agree with the point itself, but on its own merits and not because of that anecdotal claim to authority.

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u/Princess_0f_F-ck_N0 avatar

No it’s not accurate.


u/Princess_0f_F-ck_N0 avatar

Idk I like dark skinned guys with curly hair haha and 5’9” is almost the same height as my bf so that’s a good height for me. This meme seems to be saying that if you have light skin and a certain type of face then girls will like you more no matter your height?

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u/Downtown_Mix_4311 avatar

It’s cause gym guys usually have a bitter and jaded attitude towards women , be relaxed and confident, most normal women would like a guy taller than them , not 100 ft taller than them , most would date a guy their height or taller, and most women are 5’0-5’5, so usually shorter than the average guy

u/Technical_Register30 avatar

Jesus Christ, get over yourself.

u/EyeForsake avatar


Can confirm

u/Weird_Experience_425 avatar

was accurate until the 3rd row

u/202211_ avatar

In my opinion, GET IN SHAPE And STAY IN SHAPE!

u/wopwoplobster avatar

The 6'3 one at any height, ideally shorter. Him at 5'5 would be cooler. Not quite my type but if I had to decide.

. I don't know for other females. I think tbh 6'3 with the muscles would be the typical choice. I don't quite get what the post is saying, I don't know if 5'5 man with muscles and the other face would get more attention

I think I'm missing the point. I'm confused actually

Try being an Indian American male in the dating scene bro. It’s hard as fuck. There is some truth in the comic. We are rated lowest on the desirability scale on most dating apps and blind studies done.

You know you can date other Indian/asian women. Also, there are a fair amount of white women that interested in Indian men.

Even within ethnic dating, they are seen less desirable dude.

I call cap on the second part. It’s just people trying to get followers for their onlyfans or instagrams.

Are they? You usually have some women say, “I can’t date within my race, it’s like a dating my cousin/brother.” How often does that happen tho?

Kinda. Not as much as the East Asians, but quite a bit.

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u/Xmanlet_25 avatar

There's always someone better.

u/TRTGymBro1 avatar

There is always someone bitter.

u/Xmanlet_25 avatar

Switch over to DMT.

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its true but not the part abut the 5'5 guy getting some, muscles dont mean shit compared to height

u/Radio-Kiev3456 avatar

Depends on the height. 5’10 handsome muscular usually beats ugly, out of shape 6’4. Actually almost all of the time.

5 10 is a good height though, sub 5'7 youre fucked

u/Radio-Kiev3456 avatar

In the USA those 3 inches are huge yes

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The first two pictures seem to be somehow true, the third one is uncommon.

u/GroundbreakingAd8077 avatar

Yeah, kinda, it's probably personality, a lot of people, myself included, get in shape thinking it will attract girls, it does a little bit if you were really out of shape before, but it's not going to fix all your problems, so a short guy with muscles and confidence can definitely beat a mid guy with muscles and no confidence

not really, preferences definitely vary from person to person though

Maybe nigga. Forget country music if true.