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[Long-Schall] 1968 Republican National Convention


Since the Dissolution of the Liberal Party in 1965, the Republican Party has become the new home to much of its members, like Governors Nelson Rockefeller and George Romney; or Senator John Kennedy. The Republican Party, for all intents and purposes, has become a big tent coalition of fiscal conservatives, social conservatives, “mixed baggers”, and political moderates that don't fit the more progressive beliefs of the Labor Party. If the 1960 election for the Republicans was about moderating the former dixiecrats, the 1964 election is all about whether they can steer the party in a direction that would please most of the new voter blocs.

Former Vice President Richard Nixon

r/Presidentialpoll - Vice President from 1961 to 1965 (Mixed Bagger)
Vice President from 1961 to 1965 (Mixed Bagger)

The several-time candidate for both the Presidency and Vice Presidency, Richard Nixon is back again. Despite his history of electoral losses, he's been the only Republican on a winning Presidential ticket since 1945; as well as the last Republican Vice President since 1953. He is known to have served as a competent advisor to Margaret Smith during her Presidency (1961-1965); despite his mental state coming into question since the passage of the Executive Faculties Act of 1964. Nixon, despite being the beginning frontrunner for the nomination, rumors of mental instability hold him back as candidates like Rockefeller and Reagan enter the top contenders in January. Nixon has increasingly been flip-flopping on certain issues, particularly environmental issues, and overall failing to talk about his campaign strategy to the media.

Nonetheless, Nixon takes after former President Margaret Smith, who has since rejoined the Senate in 1967, by appealing to all mainstream blocs of the big tent Republican Party. While being unclear on the issue, he seems to lean more liberal with economic issues, though he has placed emphasis on the dangers of collapsing SMEs. Nixon has supported President Jackson's recognition and move toward détente with China, arguing that “Any enemy of the Soviet Union is an ally we need.”

Governor Nelson Rockefeller

r/Presidentialpoll - Governor of New York since 1959 (Mixed Bagger)
Governor of New York since 1959 (Mixed Bagger)

A former member of the Liberal Party before its dissolution in 1965, Governor Nelson Rockefeller has been a main-stay of New York for 9 years, with no signs of stopping anytime soon. He has worked hard on the expansion of civil protections on top of supporting federal laws on the issue; including advocating for the NY State law that outlawed discrimination in the sale of all forms of insurance. Over the course of his governorship thus far, Rockefeller was expanded and built a large number of State Parks, and is expected to continue methods of conservation as President. On the conservative side, Rockefeller has always been a “law and order” man, advocating for stop-and-frisk, no-knock, and capital punishment laws; himself overseeing 14 executions as Governor until he signed a bill to outlaw most instances of the Death Penalty in 1965.

Rockefeller has increasingly fought for easier access to higher education and the building of Public Universities while Governor; on top of doubling primary and secondary schools statewide.

Governor Ronald Reagan

r/Presidentialpoll - Governor of California since 1963 (Conservative Populist)
Governor of California since 1963 (Conservative Populist)

Former Hollywood actor and sitting Governor of California, Ronald Reagan has united much of the Conservatives and even a handful of moderates under his campaign so far. Appalled by the rise in taxes for middle class Americans under the Jackson administration, Reagan aims to appeal to the median voter by promising universal tax cuts, cutting “the fat” from government agencies, and “putting control of the market back into the hands of the people.” “Government spending is what nearly got us bankrupt seven years ago, and jacking up taxes isn't going to cut it,” Reagan said, “It's far too early to fund all of these massive programs, we need a stable debt situation before we should even consider spending our tax dollars into feeding those that refuse to work for it, like the rest of us.”

Reagan campaigns on a strong NATO, arguing for the need to readmit France as soon as possible, “lest they stumble into the next Warsaw Pact luncheon.” In an interview with ABC News while campaigning in April for the nomination, he stated, “The Soviet Union is neither for the people, nor by the people. It's an evil empire, that's what it is. And what are we doing about it? Scoop [Jackson] campaigned on making our country stronger and dominant. Look where we are, driving France away from us and making deals with the People’s Republic [of China].” He would continue, saying, “No other candidate is taking the Soviet threat seriously, we must treat it and its allies like we did Nazi Germany; surround and threaten until it gives-way.”

Governor George Wilcken Romney

r/Presidentialpoll - Governor of Michigan since 1963 (Moderate)
Governor of Michigan since 1963 (Moderate)

Despite Romney's lack of concrete foreign policy, his accomplishments as Governor of Michigan and domestic policy dominate the moderate bloc of the party. Endorsed by former presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Margaret Smith during his governorship, Romney had handedly won reelection as Governor three times. A strong supporter of Civil Rights, he is known for his strong enforcement of the Civil Rights Act of 1956, and a big proponent in keeping the Steel Belt's black vote away from entirely going to the Laborites in 1960. Overall, he has supported greater access to public accommodations, expansion of civil rights and protections; as well as advocated for better and climate-friendly urban expansion.

His looks and midwestern accent helped gain support in the early primaries, but has become noticeably gaffe-prone on camera. His ties to the Church of Latter-day Saints has held him back quite a bit, facing much backlash from well beyond the Conservative wing of the party. His country of birth, Mexico, has also caused his candidate eligibility to be under question. Nonetheless, Romney goes on making speeches arguing in favor of “American multiculturalism”; even releasing his tax returns to the public. A statement such as that has proved quite popular with the average voter, and no other candidate has yet to follow him in releasing their own tax returns.

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Former VP, Richard Milhous Nixon (California)Governor Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (New York)Governor Ronald Wilson Reagan (California)Governor George Wilcken Romney (Michigan)
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