Meet the little-known family of Princess Margaret | New Idea

Meet the little-known family of Princess Margaret

Her family may have been related to royalty, but she made sure they lived as ordinary a life as possible.
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As the youngest daughter of King George VI and the only sibling of Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon was destined for stardom. 

Spending much of her life as one of the world’s most celebrated socialites, her glamorous lifestyle and rumoured romances generated headline after headline. 

While she ultimately retreated from public life in her later years after facing bouts of pneumonia, endured lung operations and suffered from several strokes, she still enjoyed spending time with her two children, and in her final years, her grandchildren.

Princess Margaret certainly lived a colourful life. IMAGE: Getty

Who are Princess Margaret’s children?

Princess Margaret once famously said: “My children aren’t royal, they just happen to have the Queen as an aunt.”

But despite this desire to provide her son and daughter a relatively normal upbringing, their life was still full of extraordinary experiences purely by their familial relationships. 

His aunt may have been the queen and his cousin may now be the King, but David has a surprisingly ordinary occupation. IMAGE: Getty

David Armstrong-Jones, 2nd Earl of Snowdon

Despite being the nephew and godchild of the late Queen and cousin to the current King, David Armstrong-Jones lives a remarkably normal life as a furniture maker. 

Born November 3rd, 1961, the royal, who was 5th in the line of succession at birth, is currently 25th – the highest who is not a direct descendant of his aunt. 

Notably, both David and his younger sister Sarah have two paternal half-sisters Lady Frances von Hofmannsthal (nee Armstrong-Jones) and Polly Fry, as well as a half-brother, Jasper Cable-Alexander. 

While Lady Frances was conceived as a result of Antony’s second marriage to Lucy Mary Lindsay-Hogg, both Polly and Jasper were love children born from affairs.

Upon the death of Antony on January 13th, 2017, David inherited the title of 2nd Earl of Snowdon. Formerly he was known as Viscount Linley.

He was married to Serena Armstrong, Jones from October 8th, 1993 until early 2020 when the couple confirmed they would be divorcing. The couple met when her father commissioned David’s furniture company LINLEY to design a walnut dining table.

Lady Sarah Chatto is a firm supporter and patron of the creative arts. IMAGE: Getty

Lady Sarah Chatto

Born on May 1st, 1964, Lady Sarah Chatto has long perfected the balance between her royal relations and a life out of the spotlight. 

As well as being godmother to both Prince Harry and Lady Louise Windsor, the mother-of-two was known to have a notoriously close relationship with her late aunt Queen Elizabeth.

At the age of just nine, Lady Sarah was a bridesmaid for her cousin Princess Anne at her wedding to Captain Mark Phillips. Almost a decade later, history repeated itself and the then 17-year-old was a bridesmaid at the wedding of her cousin Prince Charles to Princess Diana of Wales in 1981. 

While she is involved in royal life and regularly attends events with her extended family, she is not a working royal

Instead, Lady Sarah Chatto works as an award-winning artist.

In 1983, she met her future husband Daniel Chatto in India while the pair were both working on the set of different films, A Passage to India and Heat and Dust.

Lady Sarah was working as an intern and Daniel was working as a production photographer. But it wasn’t until three years later that the talented pair finally started dating – eventually tying the knot on July 14th, 1994

In the years that followed they welcomed two children into the world. 

Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones pose with their two young children David and Sarah. IMAGE: Getty

Who are Princess Margaret’s grandchildren?

Princess Margaret has four grandchildren, however only met three of them before she passed away in February 2002.

Sam is the the eldest of Princess Margaret’s grandchildren. IMAGE: Getty

Samuel Chatto

Born to Lady Sarah Chatto and Daniel Chatto on July 28, 1996, Samuel Chatto is the eldest of Princess Margaret’s grandchildren and is currently 29th in the line of succession to the British throne. 

As well as being an artist, he is also a qualified yoga teacher and has enjoyed a level of anonymity as a fringe member of the royal family.

Currently, Samuel is a professional potter, after studying art at The University of Edinburgh.

Like many other members of the royal family, Arthur enrolled in military service. IMAGE: Getty

Arthur Chatto

The younger brother of Samuel, Arthur is currently 30th in the line of succession to the British throne and is an officer in the Royal Marines.

Unlike his older brother, Arthur has spent more time in the spotlight, notably when he acted as a Page of Honour for his great-aunt Queen Elizabeth II from 2009 – 2015.

Before his time in the Marines, Arthur worked as a personal trainer while he was studying geography at The University of Edinburgh. 

Prior to that, he attended Eton College and Westminster Cathedral Choir School. 

He was born on February 5th, 1999.

Charles has spent the majority of his life outside the public eye. IMAGE: Getty

Charles Patrick Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley

Born mere months after his cousin Arthur on July 1st, 1999 to David Armstrong-Jones and Serena Armstrong-Jones, Charles is currently 26th in the line of succession to the British throne. 

After graduating in the same year as Arthur at Eton College, Charles went on to study product design engineering at Loughborough University. Despite this, he now works as a musician.

From 2011 until 2015, the Viscount was a Page of Honour for the late Queen but since then has lived free of royal responsibilities.

Notably, he is the only one of Princess Margaret’s grandchildren to bear a royal title. After the passing of his grandfather Antony Armstrong-Jones in 2017, his father inherited the title of Earl of Snowdon and thus Charles became Viscount Linley.

One day, Charles will inherit the Earldom of Snowdon and pass on his current title to his future children.

Lady Margarita has made quite a name for herself as a budding socialite. IMAGE: Getty

Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones

Sadly, Lady Margarita was the only one of her grandchildren that Princess Margaret did not meet. She was born three months after her grandmother passed away.

Despite being the youngest grandchild of Princess Margaret, Lady Margarita is actually ahead in the line of succession (26th) to her cousins Samuel and Arthur. 

The now 21-year-old has previously studied photography and art at Oxford Brooke’s University and is currently living in Paris where she is studying at the prestigious Haute École de Joaillerie.
Notably, she was a bridesmaid at the wedding of her distant cousin Prince William to Kate Middleton in 2011.

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