
  • DC movies have focused on Luthor & Zod, but there's a vast array of iconic Superman villains, like Brainiac & Parasite.
  • Fans are eager to see new villains like Bizarro, Magog, and Ultraman in the new DC cinematic universe.
  • Darkseid's appearance in Snyder's Justice League left fans wanting more - hoping for a full confrontation with Superman.

DC comic readers know that the Man of Steel has a large roster of villains, but very few Superman villains have actually appeared in live-action DC films. Excluding the many DC Animated Universe films, the live-action Superman has mostly only battled Lex Luthor.

So many iconic Superman villains have been surprisingly absent from the movies. Brainiac, Parasite, and even Darkseid have avoided Superman's quest for justice in live-action movies. With James Gunn's new DCU launching with Superman (2025), DC must go beyond Luthor and General Zod to capitalize on one of the best rogues galleries in superhero comics.

10 Brainiac Collects The Knowledge Of The DC Universe


Otto Binder & Al Plastino

First Appearance

Action Comics #242


Brainiac can control technology, travel through space and time and collect near-infinite bits of data and knowledge thanks to his 12th-level intellect

How has DC avoided including Brainiac in a live-action Superman movie? The advanced AI villain is one of the most prominent Superman villains in comics and animation, often attacking the entire Justice League as he has in DC's "Panic in the Sky" event and the Justice League Unlimited animated series.

If the David Corenswet teaser is to be believed, the new DCU may finally introduce the first live-action film version of Brainiac. The teaser showcases what looks like a giant alien orb attacking the city. Brainiac is a gateway to galactic DC villains, capable of returning again and again in new forms, as he has through the Silver and Bronze Ages.

9 Parasite Leeches Superman's Powers

Superman Lois Lane and Parasite


Jim Shooter, John Ostrander & Joe Brozowski

First Appearance

Action Comics #340


Parasite can absorb Superman's, or anyone else's, powers and life force through physical contact

Parasite is fairly weak on his own, but he is the ultimate DC Comics leech, capable of absorbing the life force (and potential superpowers) of any person or animal he touches. Parasite has frequently stolen Superman's powers in comics and TV shows like Superman: The Animated Series.

Parasite deserves the powers of a live-action Superman. A Parasite possessing the powers of Henry Cavill's Superman would be a Justice League-level threat. The new DC cinematic universe could do a lot with Parasite, typically one of Superman's less popular villains.

8 Bizarro Is Superman's Twisted Reflection

Comic versions of Bizarro with Metropolis in the background


Otto Binder & George Papp

First Appearance

Superboy #68


Bizarro's powers are reversed from Superman's, with freeze vision instead of heat vision and flame breath instead of frost breath

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In Superman: The Animated Series, Bizarro is a Superman clone who slowly deteriorates and loses his identity. In the Forever Evil comic event, Lex Luthor develops a close friendship with Bizarro, who ultimately sacrifices himself. The narrative possibilities with Bizarro are endless.

While Superman has faced imperfect clones on TV before, fans have yet to see a true adaptation of Bizarro. Imagine a live-action Bizarro struggling with his identity, traveling across a world that sees him as nothing more than a lesser Superman. A DCU Bizarro could be a tragic character pushed to villainy through circumstance and hatred.

7 Magog Battled Kingdom Come Superman

Magog challenges the heroes in Batman/Superman: World's Finest


Mark Waid & Alex Ross

First Appearance

Kingdom Come #1


Magog can shoot energy blasts and his strength and endurance allow him to fight Superman

Magog is not nearly as popular as Doomsday and General Zod, so it's understandable why DC has left him out of live-action Superman movies. Magog usually only appears in stories pertaining to the Kingdom Come version of Superman. In that miniseries, an older, retired Superman battled Magog and a legion of younger, reckless heroes.

Fans have been hoping that the DCU would adapt Kingdom Come in some form, though Corenswet would have to be in the role for a few years to pull off the older version. Magog would be the perfect, natural choice of villain in that type of story. Until that day, audiences will likely never meet Magog on the big screen.

6 Ultraman Is An Evil Superman

Black Adam fighting Ultraman during Forever Evil


Gardner Fox & Mike Sekowsky

First Appearance

Justice League of America #29


Ultraman possesses the same powers as Superman, though he gains power from absorbing Kryptonite radiation

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In a feature about why characters get pulled out of team books, see why Superman didn't return to the Justice League after he came back to life

The "evil Superman" trope may be overplayed in current pop culture, with characters like Omni-Man and Homelander popping up in the successful Invincible and The Boys TV series. Still, the original "evil Superman" originated in DC Comics on Earth-Three, another universe where the Justice League were villains.

Ultraman possesses all the same powers as Superman, so while the action may mimic the Man of Steel Zod/Superman fight, the context of the brawl would be unique. How would a live-action Superman react to an evil version of himself? It's past time Warner Bros. updated that Superman III Superman/Clark Kent brawl.

5 Mongul Rules Warworld


Len Wein & Jim Starlin

First Appearance

DC Comics Presents #27


Mongul is strong and invulnerable and commands legions of spaceships and galactic warriors through Warworld

Mongul is a difficult villain to adapt to live-action. The behemoth requires a sizable CGI budget, but after the success of Thanos in the MCU, James Gunn's DCU should definitely consider Mongul as a primary sci-fi villain.

Not only is Mongul as powerful as Superman, or even more powerful in the Bronze Age of comics, but he also commands Warworld, a roaming planet just as deadly as the Death Star. Fans aren't certain what that glowing orb attacking Metropolis is in that Superman (2025) teaser image, but it could be a live-action version of Warworld with either Mongul or Brainiac at the helm.

4 Metallo Has A Kryptonite Heart

Superman punches through Metallo


Robert Bernstein & Al Plastino

First Appearance

Action Comics #252


Metallo has super strength and endurance thanks to his metallic body powered by Kryptonite

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James Gunn gives his thoughts on the animated series X-Men '97 and if Justice League Unlimited should get the same treatment.

Metallo is necessarily a very powerful Superman villain, but with a Kryptonite heart powering his metallic body, he always poses a threat to the Man of Steel. Metallo is a popular Superman villain who has appeared in Lois & Clark, Smallville, Superman: The Animated Series and video games like DC Universe Online.

However, Superman has never faced Metallo on the big screen. Metallo likely couldn't serve as the main antagonist of a Superman film, but he's a great henchman for Lex Luthor. With Nicholas Hoult playing the new Lex Luthor in Superman (2025), fans may actually see Metallo in a smaller role.

3 Mister Mxyzptlk Is A 5th Dimensional Trickster

Close up of Mister Mxyzptlk angry in DC Comics


Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster

First Appearance

Superman #30


Mister Mxyzptlk can alter reality thanks to his 5th-dimensional powers, allowing him to bypass the laws of nature in Superman's universe

Superman movies are often serious, and Mister Mxyzptlk is one of the more ridiculous DC Comics characters. His power to bend and warp reality would also give CGI artists headaches, but the payoffs would be justified. Mister Mxyzptlk is a fantastical character who would be memorable and different from any other DC villain.

Additionally, some fans may be sick of a "serious Superman." Mister Mxyzptlk could bring out some of the humor and charm that Christopher Reeve's Superman captured so well. Mark Waid and Dan Mora's current World's Finest comic is the perfect template for filmmakers wanting to add Mister Mxyzptlk or Batman to an upcoming Superman film.

2 Cyborg Superman Was The Villain Of "Reign Of The Supermen"

Hank Henshaw aka the Cyborg Superman from the cover of action comics number 1055


Dan Jurgens

First Appearance

The Adventures of Superman #500


Cyborg Superman possesses all of Superman's powers and the ability to manipulate and control various machines

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While Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part One has a victorious conclusion at first, a bombshell is dropped to create a huge cliffhanger.

The DCEU already adapted the "Death of Superman" arc during Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, but they barely scratched the surface of what could have been an epic "Return of Superman" movie. The DCEU Justice League revived Clark Kent, who later donned the iconic black suit, but the "Reign of the Supermen" arc is so much more, and Cyborg Superman was a big part of it.

A Superman film with a live-action Cyborg Superman could be a horror movie. Sam Raimi behind the camera could make Cyborg Superman a terribly warped reflection of the Man of Steel. And Cyborg Superman could naturally lead to the appearances of Steel and Superboy.

1 Darkseid Is The Justice League's Greatest Villain