Long-awaited Led Zeppelin documentary set for cinemas

Led Zeppelin documentary set for cinematic release

The documentary, Being Led Zeppelin, exploring the origins of the iconic hard rock band is set to finally receive a cinematic release after it was acquired by Sony Classics Pictures.

At this stage, it still remains unforeseen when the documentary will be available to watch in theatre screens, but the latest update is a welcomed development. The film, directed by Bernard MacMahon, was previously premiered at Venice Film Festival in 2021, but talk of Being Led Zeppelin later dwindled and it was seemingly forgotten.

However, the purchase by Sony Classics Pictures proves Being Led Zeppelin is still firmly alive, and seemingly, it was only a rough cut shown in Venice. The new version of the film promises to combine interviews with Robert Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones, as well as historic clips of John Bonham speaking, with concert footage of the band in 1969 at Fillmore West, the Atlanta Pop Festival and the Texas Pop Festival.

Following news of the deal with Sony, MacMahon said in a statement: “We have spent years designing this film to be experienced on the big screen with the best possible sound.”

Meanwhile, producer and co-writer Allison McGourty, added: “Sony Pictures Classics are the perfect partners because they are true believers in the theatrical experience and are passionate about giving the millions of Led Zeppelin fans a chance to see and hear them on the greatest screens and sound systems in the world.”

News of the film was first announced in 2019, when Page praised MacMahon’s work on the documentary series, American Icon, which explored the roots movement in America across the 1920s. The guitarist stated of the filmmaker: “When I saw everything Bernard had done both visually and sonically on the remarkable achievement that is American Epic, I knew he would be qualified to tell our story.”

Plant also spoke highly of MacMahon, stating: “Seeing Will Shade and so many other important early American musicians brought to life on the big screen in American Epic inspired me to contribute to a very interesting and exciting story.”

While it remains to be seen whether Being Led Zeppelin will be available to watch in 2024, the documentary is now firmly moving in the right direction after many years of stagnation. It is said to focus primarily on the early days of their career, hence why the concert footage is from 1969, and reportedly concludes with the release of the seminal Led Zeppelin II.

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