"The best piece of advice my parents have given me, would be to embrace change, and to roll with the punches of life," Rose Leslie tells us. "To do your best at accepting the changes that will inevitably occur."

We're speaking to the actress on the set of her Harper's Bazaar June issue cover shoot in the magnificent surroundings of Syon House, to discuss everything from guilty pleasures ("Love Island... It's wonderful escapism") to party tricks ("attempting to rap with Eminem") in an effort to find out more about her.

While she loves nothing more than to curl up with a copy of Pride & Prejudice, she's also clearly a Harry Potter fan; if she had one superpower it would be "floo powder" so that she could "zip across the world in the way Harry Potter does".

rosie leslie
Alexi Lubomirski

Leslie recently landed a dream role in the HBO adaptation of The Time Traveler's Wife (out now on Sky Atlantic and NowTV ) as well as in the new revamp of Death on the Nile (available on Disney+), but it was an earlier job that she credits as being life-changing, for both career and personal reasons: that of the fierce, warrior wild-woman Ygritte in the phenomenally successful Game of Thrones.

"I would say that the career moment that changed my life would be when I managed to get Game of Thrones and I met my husband [Kit Harington] on that set," she laughs. "And we now have a baby! So that has been pretty influential in my life."

rose leslie kit harington
Dimitrios Kambouris//Getty Images
Leslie with husband Kit Harington

But, if she hadn't managed to carve out a successful career in acting, she might actually be doing something wholly different - and rather unexpected - instead...

"If I wasn't an actor, my dream job would be to work in Formula 1," she reveals. "Or, it would also be being part of the camera crew on David Attenborough documentaries. So, flying around the world and exploring and tracking animals and learning about their habitat. I think that would be a pretty cool job."

Watch our exclusive video interview with Rose Leslie in full, above.

The June issue of Harper's Bazaar is out now.