I have been playing my Warrior since the OG days of Vanilla…I have a lot of time played on him. I love being a warrior! But man, it is frustrating these days.

Devs…what can you do to help Warriors out a bit?

I want to play Prot warrior and carry the flag in Bg’s and RBG’s. I don’t have to tell you the response I get when the other members of the team see me as the flag carrier. It makes baby Thrall cry!

No one wants a Prot warrior because a Guardian druid is so much more efficient, is quicker, and can survive on their own. I as a Prot warrior am slow carrying the flag, I need a pocket healer, and it is just plan brutal (i.e. Not Fun) to carry a flag when we used to be the masters of it!

Please Bliz Dev…help Warriors shine again and be viable again!

Thank you,


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It is unfortunate, isnt it. That FC is barred to Guardian and DH. It was a deciding factor to be a healer. As a healer, I get insta invites to everything. I do miss my warrior regularly though. I go back sometimes and play, but Im impatient and hate the amount time it takes to get into groups, SS, 3s, etc

at least you’re decent at base defending

Hopefully, with more focus on BGs next expansion, tanks get a little more attention. I would love to play prot occasionally to mix things up rather than just having what is essentially a dead spec for BGs.

They kind of half heartedly designed prot to be a bodyguard in pvp, but there’s not really a place for that in RBGs.

Because if a Protection Warrior took the combination of:

  • Warpath
  • Heroic Leap
  • Bounding Stride
  • Intervene
  • Double Time
  • Dragon Charge

They suddenly have an insane amount of mobility with the addition of the last one, which even comes with a shortened cooldown… At least when a Protection Warrior picks up the flag, and tries to Dragon Charge, the movement is completely stymied, rather than a 40 yard dash with built-in knockback on a 20s cooldown…

Hi Lugo,

Yes, that is our hope right? I don’t want to be merely a bodyguard, I want to be viable, a viable flag carrier!

Thanks brother

Talent choices would be fine. I would like the triple heroic leap to be back.