DEVIANCE - Translation in Spanish - lcp

What is the translation of "deviance" in Spanish?

en deviance = es desviación
Spanish translations powered by Oxford Languages


US /ˈdiviəns/ UK /ˈdiːvɪəns/
noun1. a. (uncountable) (Psychology) desviación (feminine)Her case never was about mental deficiency; it was always a matter of sexual morality and social deviance.North AmericanIn this manner, Suicide points toward a concept related to, but much broader than, that of crime - what today we call deviance or deviant behaviour.BritishAround the same time, Durkheim was proposing that deviance served an important social function.AustralianHe intends for his work to respond to gaps in both the history of prostitution and the sociology of deviance and social control.North Americanb. (countable) (idiosyncracy) anomalía (feminine)2. (countable and uncountable) (deviation) desviación (feminine)

"deviance" in Spanish

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English Spanish Contextual examples of "deviance" in Spanish

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All these causes combine to form a melting pot where lives are shattered by the greed of some parties and the deviance of others.
Todas esas causas son el crisol de vidas destrozadas por la codicia de algunos y el desviacionismo de otros.

English How to use "deviance" in a sentence

If politicians have to stop to this sort of deviance to get my vote, they've utterly lost the plot.
According to the research, "extreme shaming, humiliation, and deviance often plays in the stag party experience for all those involved, not just the stag".
For the year settled 2015-09-30 assets/liabilities deviance was -70.956 millions.
While for men gender deviance comes from limiting your work devotion and being interested in family responsibilities, for women it's the opposite.
It has settled on a relatively draconian punishment attitude toward deviance from the core beliefs, thereby protecting itself from dilution.

English How to use "deviancy" in a sentence

Concept of deviancy has no room; and disobedience has no space.
As for rap and hip-hop, not only can they be used as a healthy way to internally manage negative moods, but their relationship to deviancy varies greatly.
Such terms do not present a positive portrayal of women who have been through a traumatic, isolating and lonely experience, and may contribute to notions of deviancy or victimhood.
In the next stage, public concern typically forces the police and the law enforcement system to focus more resources on dealing with the specific deviancy than it warrants.
Negative coverage can "contribute to notions of deviancy or victimhood".

English How to use "anomalía" in a sentence

Toda anomalía es un signo de posible contaminación de la conserva.
Donde la concurrencia de muchas anomalías desencadenan como resultado esto....
Este permite detectar anomalías cromosómicas en células somáticas debidas a enfermedades genéticas o determinados tipos de cáncer.
Como no podemos ver la anomalía, vamos a ampliar la parte central en el cuadrante inferior izquierdo.
Estoy llegando a pensar, que posiblemente tengamos alguna anomalía extraña en el cerebro.

Synonyms (English) for "deviance":
