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"Yes! I have defeated The Powerpuff Girls! The Powerpuff Girls are beaten, and it is by me that they are not victorious! With my own two hands, I have defeated them!"
— Mojo Jojo

Mojo Jojo is the main antagonist of the Cartoon Network television series The Powerpuff Girls and the archenemy of the Powerpuff Girls. He also serves as the main antagonist of The Powerpuff Girls Movie.

He is a villainous, intelligent mad scientist chimpanzee who is constantly plotting to take over the world and/or destroy The Powerpuff Girls. Mojo is one of the more successful villains in the series, as he defeated the Powerpuff Girls in several episodes including Mr. Mojo's Rising, Los Dos Mojos, and Mo Job, and managed to rule the world in Monkey See, Doggie Do, and The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!!. Diabolical, cunning, and menacing, Mojo is an evil mastermind who is determined to rule the world and destroy everything that stands in his way, including the Powerpuff Girls.


As seen in The Powerpuff Girls Movie and the episode "Mr. Mojo's Rising", Mojo was originally Jojo, the Professor's hyperactive lab assistant who always broke everything. During the event of the creation of the Powerpuff Girls, he pushed the Professor towards a container of Chemical X, causing it to break and spill into the concoction. This resulted in an explosion, which caused his simian DNA to mutate, turning his skin green and causing his brain to enlarge, growing out of his skull. It also enlarged his intelligence, giving him new emotions like envy and inferiority.

Mojo is closely associated with the Powerpuff Girls, being partially responsible for their creation and having the same creator. After Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup were created, the Professor lost interest in Mojo and forgot about him. With newfound intelligence, Mojo donned a tattered overcoat with a partially shredded scarf and a paper bag to cover his brain and ran away, setting his home up in an alley.

Spending time on the street by himself with no one to care about him almost immediately turned him cold and emotionless, providing a motive as to why he would care to destroy Townsville and conquer the world. He doesn't always do this or makes plans related to this, as in "Telephonies" he fell asleep while doing nothing but reading a newspaper (but was still beaten up due to circumstances beyond his control). Mojo is shown to have a civilian life despite his criminal activities; he is often shown walking around Townsville without any citizens running in fear, and even buys groceries legally. The girls also tend to treat him as a friendly neighbor, often coming to his house to ask for favors without attacking him (although they end up attacking him later if he has set up a scheme there).

Jojo before his mutation

Jojo as an ordinary baby chimp before the creation of the Powerpuff Girls.

He is responsible both for the accident that resulted in the girls' creation as well as his own mutation, as well as the Professor's desire to create the perfect little girl. He is frequently referred to as a monkey by himself and others (in reality, chimps are apes, not monkeys). Mojo is disliked by other monkeys and apes such as Moko Jono (Mojo's love interest), who think he gives them a bad name. In "Meet the Beat-Alls", he teamed up with HIM, Fuzzy Lumkins, and Princess Morbucks to form the group called "The Beat-Alls" which was short-lived, having disbanded due to the arrival of Moko Jono who he fell in love with.

Mojo Jojo has been featured five times in the closing "So once again, the day is saved" sequence (including the episodes "Telephonies" and "Get Back Jojo"), making him the second-most frequent day-saver in the series after the girls. In "Child Fearing", Mojo is shown to be a great (and rather artistic) Japanese chef. Another of Mojo's hobbies is building ships in bottles and other scale models, such as in the episodes "A Very Special Blossom" and "What's the Big Idea?". He is also known for his unique mode of speech.

He has pale pink eyes, green skin, and black fur and wears white gloves and boots, long dark blue tunic, and a long purple cape. He also wears a white belt with a purple triangle at the buckle and a large white helmet with purple pinstripes and spots of the same color at its rim. His exposure to Chemical X led to his brain growing to a ludicrous size, outgrowing his skull, and necessitating the helmet to cover and protect it.

Later in the episode "Get Back Jojo", Jojo tried to prevent the creation of the Powerpuff Girls by going back in time and destroying Professor Utonium as a child (unaware that he himself would cease to exist as we know him). Not only did the Powerpuff Girls foil this plot, but the incident inspired the Professor to take up science in the first place, making Mojo Jojo responsible for the creation of his arch rivals regardless.

Despite being a villain, he has saved the Earth before. When an Alien Leader had come to destroy the entire planet and force the human race to surrender their pride and bow down to it, Mojo became so stressed over the alien copying all of his plans and crushing his dreams that he brutally attacked the overlord with his fighting skills, then slammed him with a really thick bread loaf before grabbing hold of one of its legs to force him to admit that Mojo is the most evil, for which the alien eventually fled in terror, thus saving the Earth. Townsville, including the Powerpuff Girls, then praised him and called him their hero, but Mojo tries in vain to convince them that he is still an evil villain, even replacing the Powerpuff Girls in the heart-shaped ending sequence, where he tries to tell this to the Narrator.

The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!![]

Near the end of The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!!, Mojo Jojo finally took over the world by creating a machine that involves using the Key to the World. After slyly stealing the key from the Mayor, Mojo plugs the key into the machine, which unleashes into the world.

However, rather than ruling it with an iron fist like he always said he would, Mojo instead uses the machine to actually solve all of the world's problems (such as ending global warming and world hunger, and bringing cures to all diseases), showing that he isn't always evil. This left everyone surprised, even the Powerpuff Girls are completely shocked by this turn of events.

However, despite his success, Mojo later got bored with peace and went back to his evil ways. The Powerpuff Girls defeated him again and sent him back to prison along with the other villains who sought the Key.

See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey[]

Mojo Jojo appeared in the rock musical episode See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey, where, alongside other villains, he is seen causing chaos and terrorizing people in Townsville. Mojo and the other villains succeeded in defeating the Powerpuff Girls after they arrive. Yet, when The Gnome arrives, he eliminates all the villains, including Mojo. Later, when Mojo and all the villains are revived, the Gnome loses power.

Mojo is also seen along with all the villains singing "Why Can't We All Get Along?", giving an understanding that he can also have redeeming features, including in his villainy.

The Powerpuff Girls Movie[]

Mojo Jojo serves as the main antagonist of The Powerpuff Girls Movie. It marks the only time when he becomes an alarmingly dangerous and depraved villain of the franchise. It is shown that Mojo turned evil due to his race being discriminated against by humans. Therefore, he decided to take revenge on them by getting The Powerpuff Girls on his good side by saving them from Gangreen Gang, and telling them his backstory of being discriminated and labeled as a freak. The girls comforted Mojo by telling him that they know how he feels.

Afterward, Mojo heads straight into getting help from them. He works with the girls to build his own laboratory. However, he remains mysterious about the fact he is building it to rule the world, giving the girls little information about his intentions. He claims they are making the world a better place (though he wasn't making it better for them or the humans, only for apes and monkeys).

Later on, Mojo takes the girls to the Zoo to import the apes to his new lair. After his time with them, he arrives at his lab and creates an ape army, programming them from regular monkeys to supervillains like himself. The next morning, he wakes up his newly formed army and attacks Townsville.

The girls arrived at the place where they were supposed to meet Mojo, only to find him succeeding in ruling Townsville. After Bubbles stated that he isn't helping the world, Mojo reveals that the reason why he is getting revenge on the humans is that apes have been discriminated and abused by them for too long, meaning that he is actually protecting his own race.

However, all the members of his ape army also wanted to rule the world, so they all start boasting and ganging up on him, until he loses his composure, and demands that they obey him. Mojo kidnaps Professor Utonium, right before The Powerpuff Girls go berserk and destroy his ape army.

The Girls arrive at Mojo's house to save the Professor. The Girls try to attack Mojo until he threatens to snap The Professor's neck, causing them to back down. Mojo sticks a huge dose of Chemical X into his brain in order to awaken his true power, transforming himself to a giant all-powered monstrous ape that the Powerpuff Girls would have no chance against alone. Mojo rips the roof of City Hall and uses it as a replacement helmet. He taunts his defeated army by giving one more speech about being king of the world, until the Powerpuff Girls arrive to stop him. Mojo routinely beats up the girls until they find a way to beat him down.

Persistent as always, Mojo quickly recovers from his fall and breathes fire upon the girls, grabs them and climbs upon a tall building, and tries once again to tell them that he is the only one who understands them and that they can rule the world with him. The Girls refuse, and then punch him down from the building, causing him to fall as the Professor, who created Antidote X to negate Mojo's powers, arrives. He sees the falling Mojo but the girls save the Professor, while Mojo lands on the Antidote X, which turns him back to his normal size and removes his extra powers. Mojo Jojo is then arrested and sent to prison with the Gangreen Gang and Fuzzy Lumpkins.

The Powerpuff Girls Movie heavily borrowed the storyline of the 1968 film Planet of the Apes, which was about apes becoming superior to humans and overthrowing their civilization to be Earth's rulers. Mojo Jojo took on a role similar to the character of Caesar, the ape who started the revolution.

Dance Pantsed[]

Mojo Jojo is the villain in the CGI animated The Powerpuff Girls special Dance Pantsed. In the special, he sent the girls a package with the video game Dance Pants R-EVIL-ution inside of it. The girls played this game, whose equipment controlled their minds. Mojo Jojo put them in robot suits and made them turn against the citizens of Townsville.

Professor Utonium, Mayor, and Mrs. Bellum started a dance off with the girls but lost, causing Utonium to cry. The sight of their father crying breaks Mojo's hold on the girls, turning them back to normal again. Mojo briefly causes the girls' suits to make them endlessly do the Running Man, but the girls break free and defeat Mojo.

After this, Mojo reveals he never wanted to steal Chemical X and just wanted to find players for his baseball team, surprising everyone as they all thought that his intention was to steal Chemical X. Mojo and the others play a baseball match, but he lost and was taken in custody by the police.


Mojo Jojo is a notorious evil genius, whose main goal is to destroy the Powerpuff Girls, crush Townsville, and conquer the world. In order to do this, he spends much of his time plotting and inventing new weapons or technology. This normally comes in the shape of giant robots or large energy/laser weapons. He is verbose, using various vocabulary to describe basic happenstances, and speaking in long run-on sentences.

Mojo Jojo

Mojo Jojo is one of The Powerpuff Girls' toughest rivals, and is seen as their archenemy. Despite usually failing, he has managed to defeat them several times, or at least injure them badly. Mojo Jojo is also the most persistent villain and is determined in destroying them and ruling the world. Due to his high intelligence, Mojo sometimes discovers some of the Powerpuff Girls' weaknesses (As seen in Not So Awesome Blossom). Mojo is also magnificent and cunning, and often plays with the Powerpuff Girls' naivete.

Mojo, for the most part, does whatever he wants. He doesn't follow the rules and doesn't care what people think of him. He's also something of a loner and dislikes being surrounded by humans, and prefers not to be bothered in the middle of his experiments and plans. However, he has no problem with being assisted if the situation calls for it. Unlike most villains, Mojo is smart enough not to underestimate the Powerpuff Girls, and therefore uses his gadgets and plans to keep up with them.

Despite being rather dark-natured, Mojo lives as a normal citizen outside of being a supervillain. He is usually shown buying food and everyday items rather than stealing them, builds model ships and engages in casual non-destructive hobbies. Mojo is also quite sophisticated, despite his persistent desire to rule the world and acts of destruction. He tends to act cordial and friendly to other citizens and strangers when not committing crimes, as well as showing good manners, and is not openly hostile towards the Powerpuff Girls when they're not getting in his way. He's also surprisingly fine with them borrowing things from him, and sometimes even manages to make friendly conversations with them. Interestingly enough, there are days when he chooses not to commit crimes, such as rainy days, or when he simply wants to take a break by reading a newspaper.

Mojo also has a sense of honor (albeit a twisted one). In the movie, he sought revenge on humans due to his race being discriminated against them and stayed loyal to his ape army until they ganged upon him. Mojo also sometimes works with other villains without betraying them and appears to have a friendship with most of them, particularly Fuzzy Lumpkins, Him, and Princess Morbucks, as shown in Telephonies, Mo Job, and Meet the Beat-Alls. He's able to help people, but usually only if he gets something out of it. However, he once helped the Powerpuff Girls get rid of Professor Utonium as a teammate, despite the fact he had nothing to gain from the arrangement. It could be because, like the girls, he found the Professor's slang annoying and did not want to fight an annoying arch foe.

Despite Mojo's intelligence and seemingly refined behavior, he has moments where he slips into an almost extreme rage, sometimes regressing to his more animal-like traits as seen in "The Rowdyruff Boys". However, as seen in "Forced Kin", if he is able to channel or at least direct his anger, he can become even more powerful than the Powerpuff Girls himself. Although, these outbursts are seldom seen and only occur when Mojo is pushed to his breaking point.


Mojo speaks English somewhat quickly with a low, deep, sinister voice and a vaguely Japanese accent. Instead of using simple one-word answers, Mojo always gives reasons and explanations in his sentences. He talks in an overly redundant and repetitive manner, much in the style of badly dubbed Japanese movies and anime series. Mojo seems to either be unaware of this habit (as stated in "Los Dos Mojos") or to think it the proper way to speak English (as stated in "Mo' Linguish"). In the episode "Los Dos Mojos", Bubbles was hit on the head with an I-beam and thought that she was Mojo, and thus spoke redundantly just as Mojo does. However, Mojo accused her of repeating phrases nonsensically, ironically repeating himself in the process: "I do not talk like that! The way I communicate is much different! I do not reiterate, repeat, reinstate the same thing over and over again. I am clear, concise, to the point...". The Powerpuff Girls Movie revealed Mojo had gained his repetitive speech when he tried to regain control of his monkey army, wishing to become ruler of the world shown in one speech by Mojo Jojo from "Los Dos Mojos":

"That's all just well enough because in reality there is only room enough in this world for one Mojo Jojo. One shall be the number of Mojo Jojos in the world, and the number of Mojo Jojos in the world shall be one. Two Mojo Jojos is too many and three is right out. So the only Mojo Jojo there is room for in the world shall be me, and being the only Mojo Jojo in the world, I will rule the world in which there is only one Mojo Jojo."


Mojo Jojo is a mutated chimpanzee, having black fur, elongated arms, functional hands for feet and a large head with wide ears. The explosive exposure to Chemical X mutated his skin green, his eyes pink, and caused his brain to enlarge so much that it has effectively grown out of his skull. Mojo typically dresses in an overtly-villainous outfit, wearing a blue tunic, white gloves and boots (the latter of which hide his simian features) and a purple cape that seemingly extends past his actual height. To protect his exposed brain, Mojo wears a white protective-domed helmet lined with purple stripes over his head. The helmet is often worn even when he is not in his usual outfit.

Mojo's design stemmed from the character Dr. Gori of the Japanese Tokusatsu series Spectreman. His iconic hat is inspired by a similar series Kagestar and the hat worn by its titular protagonist. Possibly more so than any other character, Mojo's proportions had the most notable changes throughout the years. In the first four seasons, Mojo looks like a more realistic chimp. However, from the Powerpuff Girls Movie onward, he is noticeably more angular. His ears, eyes, hair, and chin are sharper and longer, and his brain is bigger. In "The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!!", Mojo (along with all the other characters) returned to their earlier designs due to McCracken's preference of those designs.[1]


Mojo as he appears in Seasons 1-4.


Mojo as he appears in The Powerpuff Girls Movie and Seasons 5 and 6.

Skills and Abilities[]

Due to his gigantic brain, Mojo is extremely intelligent, especially at building hi-tech objects and weapons. He is also quite cunning, able to manipulate the Girls through their naivety and discovering their weaknesses time and again.


Mo Mojo

In the movie, when he injected himself with Chemical X, Mojo was seen to have a myriad of powers, including fire breath, shooting spikes from his hair, and causing sound waves by clapping, all until his powers got removed by the Antidote X. That is not to say that he isn't strong, however. In the episode "Forced Kin", Mojo Jojo got so enraged that he could unleash a primal fury, allowing him to defeat a villain that the Powerpuff Girls could not, using only brute force delivered by his fists and a stale baguette. During this time he appeared to be capable of flying as well. "The Rowdyruff Boys" also shows Mojo in this state.

Despite not having the same powers as the Girls, Mojo is otherwise seen being a strong, skilled, tactical, and experienced fighter. He even once defeated all the members of The Gangreen Gang by himself without moving a finger, and another time fought against them along with HIM and Fuzzy Lumpkins. He also teamed up with the other villains and eventually defeated the Powerpuff Girls in several episodes, but Mojo also fought them all by himself in "Mr. Mojo's Rising" and The Powerpuff Girls Movie.

He was temporarily given the Powerpuff Girl's powers, as well as gaining a Super Brain Blast (one episode only).

Other than his villainous abilities, Mojo has also declared himself the "#1 Chef in Townsville", and artfully prepared a Sushi dinner when babysitting the Powerpuff girls. The girls ultimately did not enjoy the food, though it is unknown if this meant Mojo was exaggerating his skills or they simply did not care for Sushi.

Mojo's Inventions[]

Likes & Dislikes[]



Episode Appearances[]

Appearances in other media[]


Mojo in an episode of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends next to Mac, Bloo, Wilt, Coco, and an angry Eduardo.

  • Mojo had a cameo appearance in the pilot movie of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: "House of Bloo's", in which Wilt said he was an unimaginative friend (copied from TV).
  • Mojo appeared in the Evil Con Carne episode "Hector, King of the Britons". Though he is not seen in the episode, his voice is impersonated by Hector Con Carne when he is asked by the Lady of the Lake to act out a fight between him and Huckleberry Hound, who he also impersonates. His voice actor Roger L. Jackson reprised his role when Hector imitates him.
  • Mojo was Daffy Duck's coach in The Big Game XXIX: Bugs vs. Daffy. He was also listed among Bugs Bunny's enemies.
  • Mojo also appeared in one of TNT's "What is Drama?" segments.
  • Mojo appears on the back cover of the band Gorillaz' B-Sides album "G-Sides." He is on the shirt of band member 2D.
  • The 2000 CD The Powerpuff Girls: Heroes and Villains, released by Rhino Records, features a cut called "Go Monkey Go" by Devo. The corresponding music video was occasionally shown on Cartoon Network.
  • Mojo appeared and was the subject of review by the characters Black Hat and Dr. Flug in "The Lost Cases of Townsville", part of the Villainous Miniseries.
  • Mojo appeared on Wally Dallenbach Jr’s #75 NASCAR Ford Taurus in 2000 as part of Cartoon Network’s ‘Cartoon Network Wacky Racing’ advertising campaign.

Influences on design[]

  • Mojo is also slightly inspired by Caesar from the 1960's Planet of the Apes TV series. They're both motivated by seeking vengeance on humans and planned on starting a war for feeling that the humans have stolen their world.
  • He was inspired by Dr. Gori from the Japanese live-action sci-fi series Spectreman in 1971. Both of them being a green-skinned, ape-like super genius, who constantly rants out loud.


Click here to visit Mojo Jojo (1998 TV series)'s gallery.


  • Mojo's voice actor is Roger L. Jackson in the series, but in Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion, it is Nolan North. Jackson returned to voice Mojo in the 2016 series as well. It's very likely he'll be returning to voice Mojo again in the upcoming reboot.
  • Mojo is the most recurring villain in the entire series, appearing in 53 episodes.
  • Mojo's biological father was revealed in a painting in A Very Special Blossom. Strangely, Mojo has his intelligence and human-like behavior as a result of Chemical X, but his father is depicted as a human-like Sea Captain. He lacks the distinctive green coloring that results from Chemical X enhancement on primates, leaving this human-like depiction a mystery.
  • Despite Mojo's brain being openly exposed from his skull, he never receives brain damage as a result of his pummeling by the Girls, even when his brain is directly struck.
  • In the Cartoon Network Fusionfall game, we learn that Mojo is afraid of Bubbles the most out of the Powerpuff Girls because of the one time in "Bubblevicious" where she beat him by herself out of immense rage. Ever since that episode, Mojo had been traumatized by Bubbles, to the point of fearing her.
  • In Meet the Beat-Alls, Mojo played the part of John Lennon, the Beatles band member who befriended and became romantically involved with Yoko Ono, who is parodied through Moko Jono. Lennon and Ono's relationship is often regarded as the primary cause of what caused the Beatles' dissolution as a band through their unusual antics, similar to Jono's irritating "performance crimes" rendering the rest of the Beat-Alls unwilling to work with Mojo anymore.
  • Mojo was the third character from the Powerpuff girls to host Cartoon Network's Cartoon Cartoon Fridays block, after Bubbles and the Mayor. However, due to a scheduling conflict, he was forced to share hosting duties alongside Blossom and Courage (from Courage the Cowardly Dog).
  • Ironically Mojo did two things leading to the creation of the Powerpuff Girls: first, he gave the Professor motive to create them ("Get Back Jojo"), and second, he pushed Professor Utonium which caused him to smash into the Chemical X that poured into the perfect girl formula, causing a giant explosion that resulted in the girls being born ("Mr. Mojo's Rising", The Powerpuff Girls Movie). This has suggested that Mojo could be considered the true creator of the girls.
  • According to Craig McCracken's scale of the villains on The Powerpuff Girls, Mojo is right in the middle, so he's the main villain and the most intelligent, but not the most nefarious. (McCracken also said that he can be pushed either way, though.)
  • Mojo has his own leitmotif, a snippet of which can be heard during the opening when the villains are shown.
  • Although he is the overall main antagonist and has bigger plans, he is occasionally usurped by the more dangerous HIM.
  • In the season 5 episode 15 episode of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Irwin appears in Mojo's lair dressed in his outfit, complaining it is too tight for him to breathe in.
  • MsMojo ranked Mojo Jojo as the #2 Powerpuff Girls villain.
  • He was a Napoleon Soldier (as told in Child Fearing).
  • In the episode Get Back Mojo, Mojo went in the Professor Utonium's time travel to go back in time to kill Utonium as a child by throwing him into Townville's volcano (which Mojo's lab will be built) to prevent the Powerpuff Girls from being created. Mojo didn't realize if his plan was successful in killing the professor to stop the creation of Powerpuff Girls, he would have also been erased from existence since Mojo, as he is known today, was created in the same accident when the Powerpuff Girls was created.
  • He has saved the day more than any other villain despite being the main antagonist.
  • He was the only recuirng villain who didn't cameo in Night Mayor.
  • He, along with Lenny Baxter, Sedusa, Mike Brikowski, Dick Hardly and the Gangreen Gang, is one of the only villains to successfully capture all of the Powerpuff Girls.
  • Mojo Jojo is on probation. This is because if he commits crimes again in Townsville, he'll go back to jail and his probation is suspended. The Powerpuff Girls are already notified of his parole.
  • Mojo Jojo was the first villain to actually kill people onscreen, as he blows up a bus with the driver and passengers clearly visible (and not shown to escape) in "The Rowdyruff Boys".


The Powerpuff Girls
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Episodes and VHS/DVD releases

 - The Powerpuff Girls Movie - Powerpuff Girls Z

Characters: The Powerpuff Girls  (Main: Blossom - Bubbles - Buttercup Other: Bunny - Bullet) - Professor Utonium - Mayor - Ms. Bellum - Ms. Keane
Mojo Jojo - Fuzzy Lumpkins - HIM - Princess Morbucks - The Rowdyruff Boys (Brick - Boomer - Butch) - The Amoeba Boys - Sedusa - Gangreen Gang - Minor characters
Video Games: Fifth Generation Games:  Chemical X-Traction (PS, N64) - Bad Mojo Jojo (GBC) - Paint the Townsville Green (GBC) - Battle HIM (GBC)
Sixth Generation Games:  Relish Rampage (PS2, GCN) - Mojo Jojo-A-Go-Go (GBA) - HIM and Seek (GBA)
Seventh Generation Games:  Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z (DS)
PC Games:  Mojo Jojo Clone Zone - Princess Snorebucks - Mojo Jojo's Pet Project
Misc. Superpowers - Townsville
Creator: Craig McCracken