Beloved comedian Martin Short has had quite a career in the film and television industry over the years, racking up over 100 IMDb credits dating back to the 1970s. He is likely best known for his collaborative work with fellow comedian Steve Martin and other classic comedic actors. While Martin Short is likely to go down as one of the greatest comedians of our time, are his most memorable comedies considered his best films overall?

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When looking at IMDb ratings of Martin Short projects, some of his most recognizable films such as Three Amigos! lack acclaim in comparison to some of his other works. Of course, this only means that Short has accumulated a widely diverse resume and has been a part of a slew of iconic films and television shows with varying levels of audience reviews.

Inherent Vice (2014) - 6.7

Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd, D.D.S. sits at his desk in Inherent Vice

Inherent Vice is one of iconic filmmaker Paul Thomas Anderson's more recent feature films with a star-studded cast that includes Joaquin Phoenix, Josh Brolin, Owen Wilson, and many more, including Martin Short of course. It follows a private investigator in the 1970s on a marijuana-fueled psychedelic journey through crime-solving.

Short's role in Inherent Vice is exactly that - short. He plays a doctor who doesn't appear until well over the halfway mark and doesn't stay long on screen after that. Still, his experience as a well-versed comedic actor makes his odd, quirky character stand out amongst the rest. Short's brief moment could even be considered by some to be the most memorable part of the film.

Innerspace (1987) - 6.8

Close up of Martin Short wearing a suit in Innerspace

Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan star alongside Martin Short in Innerspace, an action-adventure comedy produced by Steven Spielberg. The film follows Quaid's character, a pilot set to take part in an experimental investigative flight in which he is to be miniaturized and injected into a rabbit, but is instead accidentally injected into Short's character, a grocery store clerk and hypochondriac.

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Innerspace's concept of one human being trapped in another human's body makes for an entertaining combination of science fiction and quirky comedy. Martin Short shines in this role, especially since it is full of physical and situational gags.

Frankenweenie (2012) - 6.9

Mr. Burgermeister in Frankenweenie speaking into a microphone

Martin Short plays three different characters in Tim Burton's Frankenweenie, giving voice to Mr. Frankenstein, Mr. Burgemeister, and Nassor. The stop motion, claymation, and black-and-white film which follows a young boy who brings his deceased dog back to life is the recreation of a short film that Tim Burton made in 1984.

Short lends his voice to the film along with others such as frequent collaborator and comedy legend Catherine O'Hara and recurring Burton star and horror icon Winona Ryder. Frankenweenie may not be considered one of Tim Burton's career bests, but according to IMDb, it is one of Martin Short's greatest projects.

The Prince of Egypt (1998) - 7.1

Hotep and Huy talk to Moses over his shoulder in The Prince Of Egypt

The Prince Of Egypt is a Dreamworks film that tells the story of Moses and his journey of coming into his Hebrew identity. The movie's cast is nothing short of star-studded, including names like Val Kilmer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jeff Goldblum, Sandra Bullock, Patrick Stewart, and many more.

However, comedy fans might consider the highlight of the film to be Martin Short and Steve Martin, who play the convincing duo of Huy and Hotep, respectfully. Though not the main villains of the movie, it is quite entertaining to hear the comedic pair play snarky, evil characters together.

Treasure Planet (2002) - 7.2

Jim Hawkins holds up Ben in Treasure Planet

Treasure Planet is one of many Disney movies that could be classified as underrated, especially compared to some of the other massive Disney animation hits. This action-adventure is an adaption of the classic story "Treasure Island" except it is instead set in outer space and on alien planets.

Martin Short plays the film's comedic relief character, a quirky robot named B.E.N. He becomes the sidekick of the main character voiced by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and could easily be considered the most memorable character in the entire movie thanks to his hilarious performance. Treasure Planet just might even be Martin Short's best comedic animated voice acting performance of all time.

The Wind Rises (2013) - 7.8

Characters in The Wind Rises gather around a drawing board

The Wind Rises is one of the many animated masterpieces from filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki and his animation company Studio Ghibli. The film is a biography of Jiro Horikoshi, a designer of WWII Japanese fighter jets. Martin Short plays Kurokawa, Jiro's stern boss.

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Although not the original voice actor and instead giving voice to the English dub version of the film, Martin Short brings a much-needed likable edge to the bold, business-oriented character. Short was even reunited with his Treasure Planet co-voice actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt for the English dub of the film.

Saturday Night Live (1975-present) - 8.0

Martin Short playing Ed Grimley in 'The Contestant' sketch on SNL, making an awkward smile with spiked up hair

When thinking of iconic comedians of today who are Saturday Night Live alumni, Martin Short may come to mind for many people. However, Short actually only lasted one season on SNL from 1984 to 1985.

Despite such a short stint with the comedy sketch show, Martin Short undoubtedly made his mark on SNL. After the show had dropped in ratings following the departure of Eddie Murphy, Short brought audiences back by introducing memorable characters such as quirky Wheel Of Fortune lover Ed Grimely before ultimately leaving on his own accord.

Damages (2007-2012) - 8.1

Close two-shot of Martin Short talking to Joe Tobin in Damages

Glenn Close and Rose Byrne led FX's crime drama Damagesa show about high-stakes litigation lawyers in New York City. Although canceled due to poor ratings after its fifth season, the show is adored by audiences and lovers of legal dramas, earning it an unsurprisingly high IMDb rating.

Martin Short was not a main character on the series, but instead a recurring character for one season only. Still, his time on Damages remains highly memorable nonetheless, especially since his role is far more serious than his usual characters given that the show is not in Short's typical comedic style.

Only Murders In the Building (2021-present) - 8.2

Steve Martin and Martin Short standing on the street in Only Murders In The Building.

Only Murders In The Building is Martin Short's most recent project, and yet it is already considered one of his greatest. The success may be due in part to the fact that he once again acts alongside his longtime screen partner Steve Martin seeing how the two absolutely thrive in roles that play off of each other.

Alongside Selena Gomez, the duo play satirized versions of true-crime podcasters. Short plays a high-energy, charismatic character, which is perfect for him considering his comedic talents. His performance in the show makes Oliver Putnam by far the funniest character on Only Murders In the Building.

SCTV (1976-1984) - 8.4

Martin Short as character Lawrence on SCTV sketch 'Half Wits'

Nearly everyone knows about Saturday Night Live and its impact on the comedy scene, but many might be unaware that plenty of iconic comedians, including Martin Short, got their start on the hilarious Canadian comedy sketch series SCTV, short for Second City Television. Short was a cast member in the early 1980s, and his memorable SNL character Ed Grimley even originated on SCTV.

The show has gone by a few different names while it was on the air, such as SCTV Channel and SCTV Network, but the premise always consisted of television show parodies full of memorable characters played by a wildly talented cast. SCTV cast members alongside Martin Short included John Candy, Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, Rick Moranis, and more.

NEXT: Selena Gomez's 10 Best Movie & TV Roles, According To IMDb