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2024-05-12 02:48:08

    ok but the percy being a descendant of venus by mother headcanon does make sense Hear me out

    it would explain why percy is more fluent in latin than most of the other greek demigods and also how he is described as straight up GORGEOUS. gorgeous enough for hazel to think he was a roman god. A roman god in disguise (which, by the way, is confirmed to be a huge compliment considering that percy said in the calice of the gods that you could recognize a god in disguise by the fact that they tend to make themselves look a little too perfect)

    how sally is also "strikingly beautiful" in canon and i do not remember where but im pretty sure she has also been described to look like a "warrior princess" or something along that and descending from a goddess of love would explain how she managed to attract poseidon despite not having any characteristic related to the stuff poseidon is the god of (most gods chose their mortal partners based on that; ex. wills mother being a singer or annabeths dad a professor) also apollo in the trials of apollo saying that he understood why poseidon was attracted and if he were still a god would have tried hitting on her too

    Also! the swan being one of aphrodites/venus sacred animals but at the same time a symbol of loyalty. and whats percys fatal flaw? loyalty

    Chapters: 1/1
    Fandom: A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas
    Rating: Not Rated
    Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
    Relationships: Elain Archeron/Azriel
    Characters: Azriel (A Court of Thorns and Roses), Elain Archeron
    Additional Tags: Blood, Minor Violence, Murder, Soft Azriel (A Court of Thorns and Roses), Truth-Teller (A Court of Thorns and Roses), Spy Elain Archeron, Elriel Month 2024 | Tumblr: elriel-month

    The Cauldron doesn't care if you think Elain is boring he 🤌 is on 🤌 his 🤌 knees 🤌 for her.

    "The Cauldron seemed to realize what she’d done, too, as his head thumped to the mossy ground.

    That Elain� Elain had defended this thief. Elain, who it had gifted with such powers, found her so lovely it had wanted to give her something … It would not harm Elain, even in its hunt to reclaim what had been taken."

    (ACOWAR Pg 655)

    Gentle reminder this is an ancient primordial being of unnameable power who just pauses, periodically, to admire her, in all her loveliness.

    don't even get me started with all the purring etc.


    Secret Project 2?????? Lol

    Secret Project 2?????? Lol

    It’s Time Loop! I can’t keep a secret. Hi @feysand-hivemind

    In case you don’t know, Time Loop is a group Feysand round robin fic about Rhys being trapped in a loop UTM, facing death and failure until he can figure out the perfect sequence of events to defeat Amarantha and get time to proceed as normal. In the meantime, angst.

    I like this part a lot because just like Feyre, sometimes I am hangry and need a little treat.

    He saw the posture of Feyre’s body stiffen and lock, the small wobble of her chin, looking so young and so very, very mortal.

    These good moods could shift so quickly, although it was a wonder any mortal could find anything beautiful in this pit soaked with blood and terror.

    Rhysand reached out with a finger to her chin and turned her face towards him. If he could read her moods, he was also getting good at knowing how to turn them. What she might need to get through the next few moments, to pull back from the swirling pit inside her that looked suspiciously like a dank cell.

    “Would my little pet like a treat? You’ve been so good tonight.”

    She wrinkled her nose at his taunting tone, freckles faded but still visible peppered on her pale nose. Her eyes went wide as his answering smile.

    In a swift movement he had lifted her, standing to stride across the marble floor. To the table far away from the Attor.

    Feyre let out a squeak but grabbed his shoulder, a tacit agreement with his decision on her balancing capabilities at the moment.

    The crowd opened for them like a wound, red marble revealed before his feet. Eyes on them.

    Feyre reached out, glassy-eyed, to stroke the iridescent feathers of a Dawn Court soldier and Rhys pivoted elegantly to keep her hand out of reach.

    The fine desserts on the table sweated and drooped in the heat, here in one of the only places Under the Mountain where Amarantha kept constant roaring fires.

    Proud trees of spun sugar had drooped into willows, tiny cakes in the most vibrant colors dotted with candies and tall egg whips on top. Feyre leaned forward to inspect the bright pastries and the rich jellies, and he manuevered her around in his arms, following the line of her sight.

    Content to watch her wide eyes and parted lips until a snarl tore from his lips, at the green-skinned fae slipping past them and knocking into Feyre’s outstretched arm.

    Rhysand felt the unmistakable prickle at his neck, meaning some of the ire in the room had turned his way. He was always monitoring a few minds in the room, listening for spies or revolutionaries, tracking the changing temperature of Amarantha’s moods, keeping track of the Attor and other leaders in her army that may be scheming elsewhere. If he turned he knew he’d find the false Queen, draped tonight in blood red silk, staring at his little performance. Whether she bristled at the dramatic mockery or the lack of attention on her, he didn’t really know.

    The loops were making him sloppy. To not even have the endless years moving forward - to have already lived so many nightmares of watching Amarantha’s wrath acted out upon himself and Feyre over and over - perhaps it made death feel inevitable.

    Besides, the clock had been ticking on this loop, had it not? A simple slip up and the entire thing was off kilter.

    Maybe it ended tonight.

    Feyre, lost in admiring the confections on display, blinked when he placed a lemon tart in front of her. Some remaining self-preserving part of him set her down on her bare feet before he turned back to the room, hand on the small of her back as she scarfed the pastry, licking her fingers clean.

    He assumed by her little hum and gentle sway of her hips as she walked that he had diverted her attentions for now.

    Elriel Month 24' Prompt 3: Powers & Possibilities

    on the last day of the prompt. better late than never, right? @elriel-month

    reblogs and comments are appreciated. You can also read it on Wattpad, Fanfiction or Ao3 if you would prefer!

    Summary: Azriel joins Elain on a journey to Prythian's Summer Court, where an ancient library holds the answers she needs. As they search for them, they stumble upon secrets that could change their lives forever.�

    Authors note: This fic will tie into the fic for the last Elriel month prompt "Endless possibilities"



    I stood on the terrace, the cool night air wrapping around me like a comforting embrace. The wind playing with my hair, sending strands swirling around my face as if eager to dance with the stars above. I close my eyes, letting the sensation wash over me, savouring the fleeting moment of freedom before the weight of my impending quest settles upon my shoulders. The night sky stretched out before me, a tapestry of twinkling stars scattered across the infinite expanse. Each constellation seemed to hold a story, a whispered secret waiting to be discovered. I lift my gaze, tracing the familiar patterns with a sense of wonder and awe.

    At this moment, I feel untethered, as if the constraints of the world have momentarily dissolved, leaving me suspended in a realm of pure possibility. The terrace, with its quiet solitude and sweeping views, becomes my sanctuary, a haven where I could lose myself in the beauty of the night. But even as I revel in the freedom of the present, I knew that duty calls, that soon I would have to embark on a journey fraught with danger and uncertainty. The thought weighs heavily on my mind, casting a shadow over the tranquil scene before me.

    I can hear Azriels footsteps getting closer, he steps forward, his eyes meeting mine with unwavering intensity. "Rhysand and Feyre are waiting. Come," Azriel says, extending a hand toward me. "There is much we need to discuss.".

    I offer my hand to Azriel, and a mix of emotions swirl within me. The weight of the recent rejection of my mating bond hangs heavy in my heart, casting a shadow over every interaction. Yet, here I am, reaching out to Azriel, seeking comfort and understanding in his touch.

    He takes my hand without hesitation, his grasp firm yet gentle. There's a silent understanding between us as we walk together, fingers intertwined, down to the highlord's study room. It's a gesture of solidarity, a silent acknowledgment of the complicated feelings that bind us together. Just before we enter, we share a fleeting look, a silent exchange of emotions too complex to put into words. Then, with a silent agreement, we let go of each other's hands. The moment is bittersweet, a reminder of the distance that still lingers between us despite our shared bond.

    Azriel steps forward, his movements purposeful as he leads the way into the room. I follow behind him, my gaze drifting to Rhysand as we enter. There's suspicion in his eyes, I can see it plain as day. But beneath the surface, I sense something else, a flicker of concern perhaps, or maybe it's just my imagination.

    As I step further into the room, the weight of Rhysand's gaze bears down on me, a reminder of my choices and the consequences that come with them. 

    "Elain," Rhysand begins, his voice a velvet whisper that fills the room, "we need to discuss your journey to the Summer Court.".

    Feyre reaches across the table, her hand finding mine in a gesture of solidarity. "It's imperative that we prepare you for what lies ahead, Elain. But you don't have to go, we can ask Tarquin again," she says softly, her voice a soothing balm amidst the storm of uncertainty.

    "Don't worry, Feyre. Tarquin is already lending a hand. It wouldn't be right to burden him further, especially considering the chaos left behind from your last visit.".

    "Tarquin will ensure her safety while she's at the Summer Court. But the challenge lies in getting her there safely." Mor adds.

    Azriel's expression remains impassive, but I sense the weight of his concern as he meets my gaze with steady reassurance. "We'll take every precaution necessary to ensure her safety there," he promises, his voice a low murmur that carries the weight of his unspoken worry.

    "But we can't ignore the possibility of an attack," Cassian interjects, his tone grave as he considers the potential threats that Autumn Court poses. "I will come with you both.", he looks at me and Azriel.

    Feyre's voice cut through the tension like a blade, her words laced with a quiet urgency that brooks no argument. "Cassian," she says, her tone firm yet tinged with empathy, "you cannot leave Nesta at a time like this."

    Cassian's gaze flickers with a mixture of determination and reluctance as he meets Feyre's unwavering stare. "I know.", his voice heavy with resignation, "but Elain needs us.".

    Mor's gaze flitts between each of us, her expression a mixture of determination and unease. "Perhaps it would be best if I accompany them instead" she suggests, looking to Rhysand.

    Rhysand regards Mor with a furrowed brow. "What of your other responsibilities?".

    Mor meets his gaze squarely. "They can wait, can't they?". A hint of concern flashes in his eyes, but he nods in understanding. "Of course. you will accompany Elain and Azriel to the Summer Court.". Mor nods in silent agreement.

    "I'll do whatever it takes to ensure Elain's safety," she affirms, looking to Feyre.

    Feyre reaches out, her hand finding Mor's in a silent display of gratitude. "We'll be counting on you," she murmurs, her voice a gentle reminder of the weight of responsibilities that rests upon Mor's shoulders. Mor only smiles and squeezes Feyre's hands in her own.



    We step out into the crisp night air, and the stars above seem to twinkle with a silent understanding of the journey that lies ahead. Mor leads the way, her strides purposeful and determined, Elain and I follow close behind, our hearts heavy with the knowledge of what is at stake.

    For two days, we traverse the vast expanse of the fae lands, our progress slow and deliberate as we winnow from one location to the next. 

    But as the hours stretched into days, Elain's condition got worse, her strength waning under the strain of our travels. With each winnow, the toll on her body became increasingly evident, her pale features drawn and haggard with exhaustion. It was on the second night, as the darkness enveloped us in its embrace, that Elain's sickness finally overcame her. She stumbled, her steps faltering as nausea washed over her in relentless waves.

    Mor's concern was palpable as she moved to support Elain, her brow furrowed with worry. "Elain, are you alright?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

    I could feel the tension in Elain's body as she struggled to maintain her composure. "I'll be fine, where are we?" she murmured, though her voice trembled with fatigue.

    But Mor knew better than to dismiss Elain's condition lightly. 

    "Day Court." I replied.

    "Azriel, why don't you fly with Elain for a while?" Mor suggested, her voice gentle yet decisive. "We can't afford to stop, but she needs rest.".

    I nod, understanding the necessity of Mor's suggestion. "Alright," I agree quietly, my heart heavy with worry for Elain's well-being. Gently, I gather Elain into my arms, her warmth seeping into my skin as I unfurled my wings with a silent whisper. With a powerful beat, we lift into the night sky, the rush of wind a soothing balm against the ache of uncertainty that lingered in my chest. 

    We soar through the night sky in silence for a long time, the weight of Elain's body pressed against mine. 

    I can't help but be transported back to that fateful day in Hybern. The memory of her rescue lingers like a ghost between us. "Do you remember when we rescued you from Hybern?" I ask softly, the words slipping from my lips before I can stop them.

    Elain's breath caught in her throat, a shiver coursing as she nodded against my chest. "How could I forget?" she murmurs, her voice barely audible over the rush of wind around us. The memory came rushing back with startling clarity, the image of Elain's hand shackled and her shock at seeing me burned into my mind's eye. Her beauty had been a beacon of light even amidst Hybern camp, her strength a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in a newly made fae body.

    "You were so brave." I confess, my voice tinged with emotion. A faint smile tugs at the corners of Elain's lips as she meets my gaze. "You were the one who saved me," she reminds me, her eyes shining with gratitude.

    "But you saved me too," I add softly. Elain simply meets my gaze again, her eyes holding an unspoken understanding that transcends words. She didn't need to inquire about my meaning; she possessed a knack for comprehending me without the need for explanation. So, I hoped she understood that my gratitude extended beyond mere physical danger—we both knew it encompassed everything, every darkness, and every fear.

    "Can I ask you something?" she ventures, her tone hesitant yet curious. The question caught me off guard, interrupting the steady rhythm of our flight through the night sky. I turned to face her, the moonlight casting a soft glow upon her features as she met my gaze with a steady intensity. I turned to face her, "Of course,".

    "Why haven't I seen much of you since... since I rejected the bond?" she asks, her words tinged with uncertainty.

    For a moment, silence grapples me with the weight of her question. The truth is a bitter pill to swallow, a confession that lay heavy on my tongue.

    "Rhysand kept me busy," I finally admit, "There were... matters that required my attention.".

    "I- I understand, I just missed my best friend," she whispers. Her words hung in the air between us, a declaration that sent shockwaves through my entire being. Best friend. The words echo in my mind, reverberating with a force that threatens to consume me. Everything seemed to slow down, the world around me fading into the background as I grappled with the weight of Elain's words. Best friend. It was a title I had never dared to hope for, a role I had never imagined myself worthy of. And yet, here she stands before me, offering me a place in her life that was more precious than any treasure. Best friend. 

    I opened my mouth to respond, to tell her what her words meant to me, but the words caught in my throat, choked by the intensity of my emotions and instead I said "Only Cassian has ever called me that.". She smiles, bright and unguarded. "I am honoured, Elain.". I tell her, hoping to convey what that means to me. She smiles again.



    The night drapes around us like a comforting cloak as Azriel and I soar through the sky, our conversation fading into the stillness of the night. Azriel began to descend, the world around us seemed to slow, the rush of wind whispering through the night as we spiralled gently downward. With a soft thud, we land on solid ground, the earth firm beneath our feet.

    Before us stood a quaint little cottage, its windows glowing with warmth and light. As we approach, Morrigan emerges from the shadows, a smile lighting up her face.

    "I got here a bit earlier and left some food for you inside," she says, her voice filled with genuine affection. "But I have to return to the Hewn City for an emergency."

    Concern flickers in my chest at Morrigan's words, but I nod understandingly. "Is everything alright?" I ask, my voice hard with concern.

    Morrigan's smile falters for a moment before she reassures us. "It's nothing to worry about," she says. "Just some matters that require my attention.".

    She turns to Azriel, her gaze earnest. "I'll be back in time to meet you both at the Summer Court. Take good care of Elain until then.". Azriel nods.

    As Morrigan vanishes into the night, Azriel pushes open the door to the cottage, darkness greets us, swallowing the feeble moonlight that filters through the windows. The air is cool and still, a stark contrast to the warmth of the Night Court we had left behind. I follow Azriel inside, my senses adjusting to the dimly lit surroundings. Candlelight flickers in the corners of the room, casting dancing shadows against the walls. Azriel's blue siphons illuminate the space, their ethereal glow casting an otherworldly hue over everything they touch.

    "Is it always this cold in the Winter Court?" I ask, my voice carrying a hint of uncertainty as I survey our new surroundings. Azriel's siphons dim slightly as he turns to me, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. His tone was gentle, "I suppose it's to be expected, I have only been here a couple of times." I felt a blush creep into my cheeks at my oversight, a nervous laugh bubbling up from within me. "Of course," I concede. 

    "We can rest here tonight, then I will scout for any danger tomorrow before we cross the border to Tarquin's territory.". I watch Azriel move to the hearth, his movements are fluid and confident as he kneels to gather kindling for a fire. The flickering candlelight cast shadows across his face, accentuating the sharp angles of his features as he worked.

    "I'll start a fire," he announced, his voice a low rumble that filled the silence of the room.

    I nod in agreement, moving to join him by the hearth. Together, we work in silence, the crackle of the flames the only sound as they dance to life beneath Azriel's skilled hands. The fire began to grow, I turned my attention to the pot of soup that Morrigan had left for us. With a gentle touch, I lift the pot from the hearth and set it down on the coals, the scent of hearty vegetables and savoury broth filling the air.

    Azriel settles beside me, his gaze fixed on the flames as they lick hungrily at the wood. Without a word, I ladle the soup into two bowls that sat beside the soup. The warmth of the broth was soothing against the chill of the night. We ate in silence, the only sound the soft clink of spoons against ceramic as we savoured each mouthful.

    Sitting aside our bowls, I wrap myself in the blanket Azriel had provided, he stands from his seat by the fire, "I'll get another fire started in the room where you can sleep," he says disappearing down the hall. 

    When he comes back, I hesitate for a moment, uncertainty flickering in the depths of my eyes. "Where will you be?" I ask.

    Azriel's gaze meets mine, his eyes dark with emotion as he takes a step closer. "There's only one bedroom in this cottage," he confesses quietly, the intensity of his gaze sending my heart into overdrive. "I can take the couch.".

    Reluctantly, I nodded, my pulse quickening at the thought of being alone in the dark with him so close by. We have never been alone together, not like this. A sense of longing washes over me, the ache of desire burning like wildfire in my veins. 


    In the dead of night, as the fire dwindles to mere embers, the darkness presses in around me like a suffocating shroud, and the visions come. It starts as a whisper, a faint tremor in the air that sends shivers down my spine. Then, like a bolt of lightning, the vision struck, vivid and merciless in its clarity. I see a figure cloaked in shadows, their hands reaching out with cruel intent, a sinister smile curling upon their lips as they tear into flesh with savage abandon, pulling out a thudding heart...the sound of ripping flesh echoes in my ears, a symphony of agony that sends bile rising in my throat. I could feel the coldness of their touch, a bone-deep chill that seeped into my very soul, freezing me in place as terror gripped my heart in its icy embrace.

    Suddenly, his presence was a beacon of hope. He wraps me in his arms, his touch like a lifeline, anchoring me to reality amidst the chaos. But even as he held me close, the chill of the vision lingers, a stark contrast to the warmth of his embrace. I clung to him desperately, seeking solace in the heat of his embrace, a refuge from the icy tendrils of fear that coiled around me.

    "Elain," Azriel's voice soft, a gentle reassurance. "It was just a nightmare. You're safe here.".

    But even as he spoke, the memory of the vision lingered, a spectre haunting the edges of my consciousness. "I know," I whisper, my voice trembling with uncertainty. "But it felt so real.". Azriel reaches out, his touch a soothing balm against the coldness that threatens to consume me. "I'm here," he murmurs, his voice a steady anchor in the storm. "You're not alone.".

    With a deep breath, I forced myself to calm, to push back the tide of fear that threatened to overwhelm me.

    "I'll try to sleep again," I promise, though the thought of closing my eyes fills me with dread. He turns to go, "Stay," I whisper, my voice barely above a breath as I reach out to him, my fingers curling around the fabric of his shirt.

    Azriel hesitates for a moment, uncertainty flickering in the depths of his eyes. But then, with a soft sigh, he nods, settling in beside me on the bed. As I lay there, cocooned in the warmth of his embrace, I felt the tension slowly melt away, replaced by a sense of peace. 

    And then, as the minutes stretched into eternity, I felt Azriel's warmth envelop me from behind, his arms wrapping around me protectively as he pulled me close. 



    The soft light of dawn filtered through the window, painting the room in hues of gold and amber. For the first time in months, I woke to the gentle warmth of the morning sun, a welcome respite from the darkness that had haunted my dreams. I stirred from sleep, acutely aware of the weight pressing against my chest, the comforting warmth of another body nestled against mine. Elain. The realization sent a jolt of electricity coursing through me, my heart pounding in my chest as I struggled to process the flood of emotions that washed over me. With trembling hands, I reached out to gently brush a lock of hair away from Elain's face, her features softening in the light of dawn. But even as my heart swelled with longing, a sense of unease settled over me. I couldn't afford to give in to these feelings, not now, not when the stakes were so high. I carefully began to extricate myself from Elain's embrace, my movements slow and deliberate as I tried to avoid waking her. But with each inch of distance, I put between us, my heart felt heavier. Finally free from her grasp, I rose from the bed with a sense of urgency. Quietly, I scribbled a note for Elain, "I'll be back," I wrote, "Stay safe.".

    With one last lingering look at Elain's sleeping form, I turn and begin to scout for any danger to the summer court.



    I woke to the soft light of morning filtering through the window. But as my eyes fluttered open, I realized that Azriel was no longer beside me. A pang of disappointment surged through me, then I noticed the note lying on the bedside table. "I'll be back, stay safe.".

    With a sigh, I rose from the bed and made my way to the small kitchen, to make myself a cup of tea. A simple task to occupy my mind as I wait for Azriel's return.


    I sipped my tea, glancing around the room, taking in the cozy surroundings of the cottage. My eyes land on a shelf lined with books, their spines worn with age. Curiosity piques, I make my way over and select one at random, losing myself in its pages as I wait for Azriel to return. Hours later, as I delved deeper into the story, a sense of unease crept over me, a feeling of foreboding that settled like a lead weight in the pit of my stomach. And then, without warning, the visions come.

    I see a figure kneeling over a body, their hands glowing with an otherworldly light as they work with feverish intensity. With a shock, I realize that the body on the ground is lifeless, its eyes closed in eternal slumber.

    But then, as if by some miracle, the figure's hands begin to glow brighter, the air crackling with energy as they channel their power into the body below. And then, with a gasp, the body stirs, the chest rising and falling with the first breath of life. The sight sends a shiver down my spine, a sense of dread clawing at the edges of my mind. 

    My mind is still reeling from the intensity of the visions when Azriel's voice breaks through the haze, pulling me back to reality. I blink, my vision clearing as I turn to face him, his eyes dark with concern.

    "What did you see?" he asks, his voice gentle yet urgent.

    I take a deep breath, the memories of the visions still fresh in my mind. "I saw... someone... resurrecting a dead body," I murmur, the words feeling heavy on my tongue.

    Azriel's expression hardens, his jaw tightening with resolve. "We need to leave for the Summer Court immediately," he declares, his voice leaving no room for argument. 

    I nod. "We should winnow, I am okay now." I tell Azriel.

    "Are you sure?" He asks, concern lacing his tone.

    "Yes. I want answers and I want them now." I say.



    We enter the grand halls of the Summer Court, Tarquin greets us with his usual charm, his eyes lighting up as they fall upon Elain. "Elain Archeron," he says with a warm smile, stepping forward to greet her, "you are even lovelier than I was led to believe.".

    Elain's cheeks flushed pink at the compliment, a shy smile gracing her lips. "Thank you, Your Majesty," she replies, her voice soft with gratitude. "Feyre speaks very highly of you.".

    Tarquin's gaze lingers on her for a moment longer before turning to me with a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Shadowsinger, always the stoic one," he remarks, his tone teasing. "You must forgive me for being so distracted by your lovely companion.".

    I resist the urge to bristle at his words, forcing a tight smile instead. "We're here on urgent business," I reply tersely, eager to move past the pleasantries. "We need access to the old seer's books.".

    Tarquin's smile falters for a moment at my abruptness, but he quickly recovers, gesturing for us to follow him. "Of course," he says, leading the way through the bustling corridors of the library. "But before we get to business, I must say, Elain, before I met you, I thought Feyre was a vision. But now, seeing you, I realize I was mistaken. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." Elain's blush deepens at his words, her gaze dropping to the floor as she murmurs her thanks. My jaw clenches at the blatant flirtation, a surge of jealousy coursing through me like wildfire.

    I pushed against it hard, "Where is Morrigan?" I ask.

    "She sent word that she will be coming later on.". I nod at his reply, the only answer I can come up with amidst the worry of getting a hold of me at Mor's sudden departure to Hewn City and her no-show. It is unlike her. But now was not the time to worry about her whereabouts, we had a more important task ahead of us. 


    Tarquin led us through the winding corridors of the Summer Court library corridors, we eventually arrived at a grandiose set of double doors adorned with intricate carvings of celestial scenes. With a flourish, Tarquin pushed open the doors, revealing a breathtaking sight.

    The library stretched out before us in all its splendour, rows upon rows of towering bookshelves laden with ancient tomes and scrolls. The air was heavy with the scent of old parchment and leather bindings, a tangible reminder of the wealth of knowledge contained within these hallowed walls. Sunlight streamed in through tall windows, casting long shadows across the polished marble floor. Overhead, a vaulted ceiling adorned with intricate frescoes depicted scenes of wisdom and enlightenment, adding to the sense of reverence that permeated the room.

    Tarquin gestured for us to follow him, his footsteps echoing in the silence as we made our way deeper into the heart of the library. "Would you care for some tea?" he asked, his voice echoing softly in the vast space.

    Elain shook her head, her eyes scanning the shelves with a sense of wonder. "No, thank you," she replied.

    Tarquin nodded, leading us to a secluded corner of the library where the old seer's books were kept. "Do you know what you're looking for?" he asked, his gaze flickering between us.

    I shook my head, a sense of frustration gnawing at me. "We're hoping that the seer's books will speak to Elain," I explain, my voice tinged with urgency.

    With that, we began our search, combing through the ancient tomes in search of any mention of seers and their powers. Hours passed in a blur as we delved deeper into the mysteries of the past, our fingers tracing the words of long-forgotten prophecies and ancient rituals. But despite our efforts, we found nothing that could help Elain make sense of her visions. The sun began to sink below the horizon, casting long shadows across the library, Tarquin returned to find us. "Lunch is ready," he announced, his voice breaking through the silence of the room.



    We made our way to lunch with Tarquin, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Azriel was unusually quiet, his brooding silence a stark contrast to the lively banter that usually flowed between us.

    Tarquin, on the other hand, seemed determined to fill the silence with his brand of charm and wit. He peppered me with questions, his eyes lingering on me with warmth. I knew I had to be polite – after all, he was a male, and my outward beauty had always attracted attention from the opposite sex.

    But there was something about Tarquin that put me at ease, a sense of trust that I couldn't quite explain. My sister Feyre had vouched for him, after all, speaking highly of his honour and integrity. Tarquin continued to make small talk. As if sensing my discomfort, Tarquin turned to me with a smile, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "So, Elain," he began, his tone casual yet probing, "what are your plans now that you've rejected your mating bond?".

    The question catches me off guard, a flush creeping up my cheeks as I struggle to find the right words. "I... I'm not sure," I admit. 

    Tarquin's smile widens, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Well, if you do decide to entertain suitors," he says with a playful wink, "you'll have no shortage of offers, I'm sure.". Azriel's jaw clenches at the mention of suitors, his gaze darkening with a hint of jealousy that sends a thrill of warmth through me. 

    Tarquin seems to sense the shift in the atmosphere, his smile widening as he turns his attention to Azriel. "You bat boys are always so protective of the Archerons," he remarks with a playful twinkle in his eye.

    Azriel's response is curt, his voice tight with restraint. "We have our reasons," he replies, his tone leaving no room for further conversation. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, feeling the weight of their unspoken tension bearing down on me like a heavy burden. 

    "I think we should head back to the library; we have much to cover," I say quickly, hoping to diffuse the tension that lingers.

    "Of course," Tarquin replies graciously. Azriel stands from his seat and approaches me, pulling out my chair with a quiet gesture of chivalry.

    "Such a gentleman," Tarquin teases, his tone light-hearted. I feel a flush of embarrassment colour my cheeks as I offer a shy smile.

    "Thank you for a lovely lunch, Your Majesty," I say politely.

    "Please, call me Tarquin," he insists warmly. "We're friends now, aren't we, lovely Elain?".

    "Yes," I managed to reply, the word catching in my throat. With that, I turn and make my way to the library, Azriel falling into step beside me. 


    Hours stretch into the night, Azriel and I remain hunched over the ancient tomes in the library, our fingers tracing the faded pages in search of answers. The air is heavy with the scent of old parchment and candle wax, the only sound is the soft rustle of pages turning.

    But as the clock struck eight, a gentle knock on the door broke the silence, and a maid entered to inform us that dinner was served. Tarquin had returned to his manor for some urgent business and would not be joining us.

    Azriel and I make our way to the dining room in silence, our eyes meeting briefly as we exchange the barest of nods. The meal passes in a blur of muted conversation and awkward glances, the tension between us palpable in the air. But despite the distance that lay between us, there were moments of fleeting intimacy – a brush of fingers as we passed food between us, a shared glance that spoke volumes more than words ever could.

    As the meal came to an end, the maid reappeared to show us to our bedrooms. 

    "I'm not tired," Elain murmurs to the maid, echoing my sentiments. "I think I'll continue looking through the texts for a while longer.".

    I nod in agreement. Together, we return to the library, the soft flicker of candlelight illuminating the room as we delve back into our research.

    But as the night progresses, exhaustion creeps in. Elain's eyelids grow heavy, and I watch as she struggles to stay awake. Close to midnight, her breathing evens out, and I realize she had fallen asleep amidst the books.

    I cannot help but smile at the sight of her peaceful slumber, her face illuminated. Gently, I approach her, the sound of her faint snores filling the silence of the library.

    With a tender touch, I lift her into my arms, her warmth seeping into my skin as I carry her to her bed. I lay her down gently, she stirs, murmuring my name in her sleep. "Azriel?" she whispers, a smile playing on her lips. "It's always you." My heart clenches at her words, a surge of emotion washing over me. "Always," I whisper, before tucking her in beneath the covers. 



    I slowly blink awake, the warmth of the bed enveloping me, I cannot help but feel a sense of confusion. The last thing I remember was poring over the ancient texts in the library with Azriel by my side. But now, I find myself lying in a comfortable bed, the morning light filtering through.

    Realization dawns on me as I remember Azriel carrying me to bed the night before. A blush crept up my cheeks at the thought, but I pushed it aside and hurried to get ready for the day. 


    I make my way to the library, on the way the maid informs me that it is afternoon and that I had slept in without realizing it. With a sense of urgency, I quicken my pace, eager to continue our search for answers.

    I entered the library, finding Azriel slumped in a chair, a book resting on his chest as he slept soundly. My steps are light as I approach him, his name on my lips as I reach out to gently shake him awake.

    "Elain," he murmurs, his voice soft with sleep as he opens his eyes to meet mine. I smile at the sound of my name on his lips, a warmth spreading through me at the sight of him. 

    "I have been waiting for you." Azriel's expression grew serious as he sat up, his eyes locking with mine. "I might have found something."

    My heart quickens at his words, "what is it?", I ask with fear. He pushes the book towards me, pointing to a passage. I read the words, a chill runs down my spine. This book called��The History of Seers, was a thick bound of seers throughout Prythian history. Many of the tells told by the first-ever seer of Prythian herself, and yet, here in its pages, my name was written alongside the names of all other seers, who had come and gone. How could this be possible? I had been human, hadn't I? Hadn't I been made by the Mother?

    I look up at Azriel, confusion etched into every line of my face, I see the same bewilderment mirrored in his eyes. "I'm not sure," he admits softly. "I've never heard of such a thing in all my years.".

    I continued reading.��The descendants of Prythian's seers were rumoured to have multiple powers, and abilities that defied conventional understanding and seemed to defy the laws of nature themselves. These powers were as diverse as they were mysterious, ranging from elemental manipulation to telepathy, from shape-shifting to healing. But what intrigued me the most was the notion of "make-up powers" – abilities that seemed to be unique to each seer, crafted from the very fabric of their being. These powers were said to be as unpredictable as they were potent, manifestations of the seer's innermost desires and fears, strengths and weaknesses.

    I absorb the implications of what I just read, a wave of fear washing over me, threatening to engulf me. I had only been a seer for a little over a year, barely scratching the surface of my abilities. The thought of wielding such immense power, of having multiple abilities at my fingertips, fills me with a sense of overwhelming dread.

    I glance up at Azriel, my eyes wide with apprehension. "I'm not ready for this," I whisper, the words barely audible in the silence of the library. I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of my stomach. Enemies of the Night Court would see me as a threat, a weapon to be feared and eliminated. The danger that lurked in the shadows seemed tenfold now, the weight of my newfound powers bearing down on me like a heavy burden. 


    For your fun drabble : how about, the sisters walk in on the bat boys in the birchin 😏they’re bruised from the fight but now invested in persuading them to join

    Thank you so much for participating! 😊🌼 I took some creative liberties but I hope this lives up to your expectations!

    Elriel Month Drabble 1 - Family Bonding

    It took the sisters about three seconds to understand what, exactly, they were seeing.

    They knew about the yearly snowball fight, just like they knew about the brotherly sauna session that usually followed, but for some reason, neither seemed to think of it when they first planned to spend the afternoon at the Cabin, wrapping Solstice presents away from prying eyes (read: Cassian and Azriel).

    Now, as all three sisters stared at the bruised, semi-naked form of three very strong, very big Illyrians, all merry thoughts of Solstice presents, and hot chocolate seemed to vanish.

    Rhysand was the first to notice them, raising his head just as he was about to pull down his pants. Azriel followed, turning bright red as his eyes snapped towards Elain’s, whose pink cheeks darkened under his startled gaze. Cassian, frustrated that his rambles kept being met with silence, finally looked up and what came over his face was nothing but pure delight at seeing the three sisters staring at them in different states of distress.

    “Ladies,” He purred, and Nesta immediately narrowed her eyes, as if daring him to make a single joke. But Cassian grinned, all wicked charm and innocence. “Care to join us?”

    Before he could even pretend to regret inviting them, Nesta was hurling something at his head, fast enough he barely evaded it. Feyre and Elain had dissolved into giggles just as Azriel slapped the back of his head with unnecessary force. Cassian scowled at him just as the sound of the front door closing echoed through the cabin, the girls long gone.

    He turned to Rhys, who was watching him with a raised eyebrow.

    “I just thought we could do some family bonding.” He reasoned, not sure he even believed himself.

    Azriel walked away, shaking his head in disappointment. Rhys simply rolled his eyes.

    He scoffed at his brother. “Don’t act like you didn’t think it was a good idea.”

    Rhys simply smirked, smug as he turned and dropped the rest of his clothes on the couch. “Good luck explaining your good idea to Nesta tonight.”

    Cassian flinched, swearing under his breath. He was sleeping on the couch tonight, wasn't he?

    No, actually I will never be over Annabeth throwing her knife into the ocean hoping Percy will notice and come help only to have Percy, king among boyfriends, make the most dramatic ass entrance, knocking out attackers with a giant wave, ocean waves cascading behind him as he casually walks up onto the beach to Annabeth, hands her her knife and says “I think you dropped this.” Fucking legend.

    everything about this fan art kills me.

    rhys and feyre laughing together like no one else is in the room probably talking through their bond.

    cassian staring at nesta like shes the only woman in the world even though nesta is looks like she couldn’t care less.


    amren giving rhys and feyre the biggest attitude bc shes so grossed out.

    mor’s attitude glowing from across the room with her wine in hand… mor just being mor…


    “She plucked another figurine from the mantle: a rose carved from a dark sort of wood. She held it in her palm, it’s solid weight surprising, and traced a finger over one of the petals. “He made this one for Elain.”

    “Her gaze shifted to the carved wooden rose, she’d placed upon the mantle, half-hidden in the shadows beside a figurine of a supple-bodied female, her upraised arms clasping a full moon between them. Some sort of primal goddess—perhaps even the mother herself.”

    Never forget that Feyre Archeron is the first human Made High Fae by a greater power and she went down in history as "Cursebreaker" for freeing an entire species as a human and then again in the battle repairing a broken cauldron with her mate by her side so that she can save everyone once more.

    (Amren isn't technically Made from another power source but her own ancient magic so Feyre was the first Made by the High Lords' magic)