presentador de televisi�n - English translation – Linguee

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La productora Fa-Iza
[...] Ibrahima y el presentador de televisi�n de programas para [...]
j�venes Kibano Elvis Adom, de 11 a�os de
edad, asistieron a la ceremonia de entrega de premios y al debate de la mesa redonda sobre teledifusi�n juvenil que tuvo lugar en la Sede de UNICEF.
[...] Fa-Iza Ibrahima and youth television host Kibano Elvis Adom, [...]
11, attended both the awards ceremony and a roundtable
discussion on children's broadcasting that took place at UNICEF House.
Stavans ense�a en el colegio Amherst en Amherst,
(Massachussets) y es cr�tico
[...] cultural, traductor, orador, editor, escritor de historias cortas y presentador de televisi�n conocido internacionalmente.
Stavans teaches at Amherst College
in Amherst,
[...] Massachusetts, and is an internationally known cultural critic, translator, public speaker, editor, short-story writer and TV host.
Ali Hussain Sibat, presentador de televisi�n que aparec�a [...]
como consejero y futur�logo en la cadena de televisi�n por sat�lite
libanesa Sheherazade, fue condenado mientras estaba en Arabia Saud� realizando la 'umra (un tipo de peregrinaci�n musulmana).
Ali Hussain Sibat, a TV presenter who appeared on the [...]
Lebanese satellite station Sheherazade, offering advice and seeking
to predict the future, was arrested while he was in Saudi Arabia to perform a form of Muslim pilgrimage, the 'umra.
Los cargos de "brujer�a" contra Ali Hussain
Sibat est�n relacionados
[...] con su antiguo trabajo de presentador de televisi�n del canal liban�s por [...]
sat�lite Sheherazade, donde
daba consejos y hac�a predicciones sobre el futuro.
The "sorcery" charges against 'Ali
Hussain Sibat relate to his
[...] former role as a presenter on the Lebanese satellite TV station Sheherazade, [...]
in which he gave advice
and predictions about the future.
Presentador de Televisi�n, Director de [...]
Television Presenter, News Director.
Presidente ejecutivo de la Comisi�n Nacional Indonesia para la UNESCO; profesor del Departamento
de Ingl�s de la Universidad
[...] Estatal de Yakarta; presentador de televisi�n; asistente del [...]
Ministro de Educaci�n Nacional sobre problemas de la juventud.
Executive Chairman of the Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO;
lecturer in the English Department,
[...] State University, Jakarta; TV presenter; assistant to the [...]
Minister of National Education on youth problems.
Y entre los "amigos" de buena voluntad est�n el campe�n
mundial de patinaje sobre hielo,
[...] Rintje Ritsma, el presentador de televisi�n Sipke Jan Bousema [...]
y el cantante y m�sico Trijntje Oosterhuis.
Goodwill 'friends' include world champion ice
[...] skater Rintje Ritsma, television presenter Sipke Jan [...]
Bousema and singer and musician Trijntje Oosterhuis.
As�, crea ricos personajes como el de Michel Serrault, un asesino en serie en Los fantasmas del sombrerero (1982), Jean
Poiret, un agresivo inspector en Pollo al vinagre (1984) o
[...] Philippe Noiret, presentador de televisi�n en Masques (1987).
Here he created wonderful portraits including Michel Serrault, as a serial killer in The Hatter's Ghost (1982),
Jean Poiret, as a caustic inspector in Chicken with Vinegar (1984)
[...] or Philippe Noiret as a TV presenter in Masks (1987).
La presentaci�n del acto corri� a cargo
[...] del periodista y presentador de televisi�n Sr. Mart� Gironell.
The act was presented by the
[...] journalist from Catalonia Television Mr. Mart� Gironell.
Amnist�a Internacional teme que
el ciudadano liban�s
[...] que podr�a ser ejecutado sea el ex presentador de televisi�n 'Ali Hussain Sibat, declarado culpable [...]
de "brujer�a" en Arabia Saud�.
Amnesty International fears that former television presenter 'Ali Hussain Sibat convicted on charges of "sorcery" in [...]
Saudi Arabia may be
the Lebanese national facing execution.
Eran socios de esta aventura dos valencianos: Eduard Sancho, en
[...] aquellos momentos presentador de Televisi�n Espa�ola, y su [...]
amigo Mart�n Dom�nguez.
In this adventure, I had two valencian partners, Eduard Sancho, in
[...] that moment working in Television Espa�ola� as a newsreader, [...]
and his friend Mart�n Dom�nguez.
Es presentador de televisi�n y corresponsal de la cadena [...]
Al Hurra.
He is a TV presenter and correspondent for Al Hurra channel.
Pas� por el quir�fano para perder peso en 2005
y emple� su fama y su resucitada imagen para emprender una brillante
[...] carrera como presentador de televisi�n y analista.
He received weight loss surgery in 2005 and used his fame and resurrected image to
[...] launch a successful career as a TV host and analyst.
Periodista y presentador de televisi�n, lleg� a la fama en la televisi�n irlandesa en la [...]
d�cada de los ochenta.
A journalist and TV presenter, he came to prominence in the Irish television schedules in the 1980s.
Apoyado por una coalici�n de 11 partidos, Netinho de Paula, que alcanz� gran �xito como
cantante de pagode en la banda
[...] Negritude Jr. y como presentador de televisi�n, se present� [...]
para el Senado despu�s de ser el tercero
con m�s votos entre los miembros del Concejo de la ciudad de San Pablo en 2008.
Supported by a coalition of 11 parties, Netinho de Paula, who succeeded
as a pagode singer of the
[...] Negritude Jr. band and as a television host, ran for the senate [...]
after she received the third-most
votes of all council members in the city of S�o Paulo in 2008.
Ahora reside en Palencia, donde es un activo
[...] periodista y presentador de televisi�n.
He now resides in Palencia, where he is
[...] active as a journalist and television host.
El presentador de televisi�n del programa de entrevistas de madrugada, David [...]
Letterman, el presentador de noticias de ABC
News, Peter Jennigns, los actores Steve Martin, Richard Thomas, Burt Reynolds y Sylvester Stallone, las estrellas de pop y rock Engelbert Humberdinck, Jeff Beck, Sting, Cher, Eric Clapton y Bono (cuyo nombre art�stico proviene del nombre de una tienda de aud�fonos de su ciudad natal Dubl�n, Irlanda) son algunos de los muchos personajes famosos que sufren tinnitus y algunos incluso una discapacidad auditiva severa.
Late night TV talk show host, David Letterman, ABC news anchor Peter Jennings, [...]
actors Steve Martin, Richard Thomas, Burt
Reynolds and Sylvester Stallone, pop and rock stars Engelbert Humberdinck, Jeff Beck, Sting, Cher, Eric Clapton and Bono (whose stage name was concocted from the name of a hearing aid store in his hometown of Dublin, Ireland) are among the thousands of entertainment stars suffering from tinnitus and often severe hearing impairment.
Los cargos formulados contra Ali Hussain Sibat est�n relacionados con
[...] su antiguo trabajo de presentador de televisi�n.
The charges against 'Ali Hussain
[...] Sibat relate to his former role as a TV presenter
Al cabo de dos a�os me di cuenta de que, en
[...] realidad, quer�a ser presentador de televisi�n, e hice planes [...]
para viajar a Francia a educarne.
After two years, I decided that in actual
[...] fact I wanted to be a television presenter and I made [...]
arrangements to travel to France to train.
Hasta ahora, la limitada potencia de proceso restringi� la toma de im�genes a una peque�a zona donde se sentaban los participantes, mientras
que el fondo era est�tico, no muy
[...] diferente de un presentador de televisi�n sentado frente [...]
a la imagen fotogr�fica de un perfil urbano.
Previously, limited processing power restricted the gathering of images to a small area where participants were
seated, while the background was
[...] static, not unlike a television anchor seated before [...]
an unchanging image of a city skyline.
Bellamy, bot�nico, escritor y presentador de televisi�n es presidente de Conservation Foundation [...]
y uno de los m�s notables difusores
de nuestro patrimonio natural.
[...] botanist, writer and TV presenter is President of Conservation Foundation and one of the most [...]
known advocates of our natural wealth
Fue fundador de m�s de media docena de colectivos
[...] culturales en Lugo, presentador de Televisi�n de Lugo, colaborador [...]
de Radio Voz, colaborador de
La Voz de Galicia, director de cursos y congresos de cultura tradicional, colaborador con m�s de una docena de asociaciones, ayuntamientos y organismos en temas culturales y colaborador de la Conseller�a de Educaci�n y Orientaci�n Universitaria.
Besides, he worked as presenter on Lugo's TV and collaborated in [...]
the radio station 'Radio Voz'. He also colaborated in the
newspaper La Voz de Galicia, directed courses and conferences on traditional culture and collaborated with cultural themes in many associations, city councils and other institutions such as the 'Conseller�a de Educaci�n e Ordenaci�n Universitaria'.
Si un presentador de televisi�n y un modelo anterior [...]
Verona Feldbusch dice algo que es impreso en papel cada d�a.
If TV presenter and former model Verona Feldbusch [...]
says something it is printed in the papers the very next day.
Hace poco Darren recibi� el encargo de retratar al presentador de televisi�n ingl�s, Noel Edmonds.
Now working mainly
[...] in London for magazines and PR companies, Darren was recently commissioned to take portrait photographs of UK television presenter, Noel Edmonds.
El fin de semana en la categor�a reina comenz� con un acto promocional en el que los pilotos de Yamaha Jorge Lorenzo, Ben Spies y Colin Edwards, junto a los legendarios Eddie Lawson,
Kenny Roberts y Wayne Rainey
[...] visitaron al famoso presentador de televisi�n Jay Leno, que [...]
les mostr� su incre�ble colecci�n de coches y motos.
Taking advantage of that were Jorge Lorenzo, Ben Spies and Colin Edwards, who were joined by MotoGP legends Eddie Lawson, Kenny Roberts and Wayne Rainey as Yamaha riders past
and present were treated
[...] to a trip around American TV presenter Jay Leno's extensive [...]
collection of cars and motorcycles.
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