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University of the Arts London

London College of Fashion London College of Fashion

AI generated image of model in space.
Krittaya Vutisivachatkul Dreamscape | BA (Hons) Fashion Styling and Production | London College of Fashion | UAL Showcase
A girl in a blue dress standing in a field.
A girl in a blue dress standing in a field.
Kai Shui | The Days Gone Past | MA Fashion Photography | London College of Fashion | University of Arts London

We believe in using the subject of fashion, together with its industrial importance, to shape lives and drive economic and social transformation.

  • Model with bright red hair sitting on tree stump next do life size red flower.
    Sarah Rigby | BA (Hons) Fashion Photography | London College of Fashion | UAL Showcase
  • Male and female model in smart attire standing beside a lake.
    Ashwina Ganesalingam | MA Fashion Media and Communication | London College of Fashion | UAL Showcase


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