Video Gaming Industry Statistics • WorldMetrics

Worldmetrics Report 2024

Video Gaming Industry Statistics

Highlights: The Most Important Statistics

  • The global video game market size was valued at USD 167.9 billion in 2020.
  • By 2025, the global gaming market is expected to be worth $268.8 billion.
  • Mobile gaming took over 50% of the total gaming revenues worldwide in 2020.
  • In 2021, there are 2.81 billion gamers worldwide.
  • The United States has the highest number of PC gamers, around 164 million adults in 2020.
  • 61% of gamers in the US play video games to kill time.
  • As of Q2 2021, PlayStation 4 is the second best-selling home console of all time, with over 116 million units sold.
  • 58% of gamers prefer multiplayer games.
  • The average age of a video game player is 35-44 years old.
  • Esports viewership is expected to grow at a 9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2019 and 2023
  • As of 2020, 'Fortnite' has over 350 million registered users
  • As of 2020, The United States has over 214 million gamers
  • 90% of American kids play video games and more than 90% of games rated by ESRB receive a rating of E for Everyone, E10+ for Everyone 10+, or T for Teen.
  • The North American video game market was worth $50.9 billion in 2021
  • The average number of years adult gamers have been playing video games is 16 years.
  • As of 2021, it is estimated that 217.9 million people in the United States play digital games.

The Latest Video Gaming Industry Statistics Explained

The global video game market size was valued at USD 167.9 billion in 2020.

The statistic that the global video game market size was valued at USD 167.9 billion in 2020 indicates the total revenue generated by the video game industry worldwide during that year. This figure reflects the significant economic impact and growing popularity of video games as a form of entertainment. The market size includes sales of video games, consoles, and related hardware and software. The substantial value underscores the importance of the video game industry in the global economy and highlights the opportunities for businesses and investors within this sector.

By 2025, the global gaming market is expected to be worth $268.8 billion.

The statistic stating that by 2025, the global gaming market is expected to be worth $268.8 billion represents a projection of the significant growth anticipated in the gaming industry over the next few years. This figure reflects the exponential rise in demand for video games, online gaming, and related services driven by technological advancements, increased accessibility to gaming platforms, and a growing global gaming community. The estimated value of $268.8 billion underscores the economic importance of the gaming industry on a global scale, highlighting opportunities for businesses, investors, and stakeholders to capitalize on the expanding market and evolving trends within the gaming sector.

Mobile gaming took over 50% of the total gaming revenues worldwide in 2020.

The statistic “Mobile gaming took over 50% of the total gaming revenues worldwide in 2020” indicates that mobile gaming, the act of playing video games on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, generated more than half of all revenue earned within the global gaming industry in 2020. This statistic highlights the growing prominence and profitability of mobile gaming compared to other forms of gaming, such as console and PC gaming. The shift towards mobile gaming can be attributed to factors such as the increasing accessibility of smartphones, the convenience of playing games on-the-go, and the availability of a wide range of gaming apps and monetization strategies on mobile platforms. This trend suggests the importance of mobile gaming in the overall gaming landscape and its influential role in shaping the future of the industry.

In 2021, there are 2.81 billion gamers worldwide.

The statistic “In 2021, there are 2.81 billion gamers worldwide” indicates the estimated number of individuals globally who engage in playing various forms of video games across different platforms such as consoles, PCs, mobile devices, and online gaming services. This figure highlights the widespread popularity and penetration of gaming as a form of entertainment and recreational activity on a global scale. The statistic points to the significant growth and evolution of the gaming industry, driven by advancements in technology, accessibility to gaming platforms, and the increasing diversity of gaming genres and experiences available to players around the world.

The United States has the highest number of PC gamers, around 164 million adults in 2020.

The statistic “The United States has the highest number of PC gamers, around 164 million adults in 2020” indicates that a significant portion of the adult population in the United States engages in playing video games on personal computers. This high figure suggests a strong interest and widespread adoption of gaming technology in the country. The statistic reflects not only the popularity of PC gaming as a recreational activity but also the potential economic impact, as the gaming industry continues to grow and evolve. Additionally, it could suggest opportunities for further market expansion, innovation, and outreach within the gaming community in the United States.

61% of gamers in the US play video games to kill time.

The statistic “61% of gamers in the US play video games to kill time” indicates that a majority of gamers in the United States engage in gaming activities primarily as a way to pass time. This statistic suggests that for many individuals, playing video games serves as a form of entertainment or distraction from other activities or responsibilities. It also implies that gaming is a popular pastime among US gamers and highlights the role of video games as a source of leisure and enjoyment rather than necessarily being driven by competitive or skill-based motivations.

As of Q2 2021, PlayStation 4 is the second best-selling home console of all time, with over 116 million units sold.

As of the second quarter of 2021, the PlayStation 4 has attained the notable distinction of being the second best-selling home console in history, having sold over 116 million units worldwide. This statistic underscores the immense popularity and impact of the PlayStation 4 within the gaming industry, solidifying its position as a dominant force in the console market. The impressive sales figures highlight the widespread appeal of the console among gamers globally, cementing its legacy as a top-tier gaming platform that has resonated with millions of consumers.

58% of gamers prefer multiplayer games.

The statistic “58% of gamers prefer multiplayer games” indicates that out of the total population of gamers surveyed, the majority, specifically 58%, have a preference for playing multiplayer games over other types of gaming experiences. This suggests that multiplayer games hold a significant appeal among gamers, likely due to the social interaction, competitive nature, and collaborative gameplay they offer. Understanding such preferences can be valuable for game developers, marketers, and researchers in designing and promoting games that cater to the interests and preferences of the gaming community.

The average age of a video game player is 35-44 years old.

The statistic that the average age of a video game player is 35-44 years old indicates that, on average, individuals within this age range make up the largest proportion of the gaming population. This suggests that video games are not solely popular among younger demographics but are also played by a significant number of adults in their mid-thirties to forties. This data highlights the diversity of the gaming community and challenges stereotypes that video games are predominantly for young people. Additionally, it indicates that the appeal and accessibility of video games span across different age groups, making it a popular form of entertainment for adults as well as for younger individuals.

Esports viewership is expected to grow at a 9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2019 and 2023

The statistic “Esports viewership is expected to grow at a 9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2019 and 2023” indicates that the number of people watching esports events is projected to increase steadily at a rate of 9% per year over the specified four-year period. This means that there is anticipated growth in the audience for esports competitions, tournaments, and streams. The compound annual growth rate takes into account the compounding effect over time, resulting in a continuous increase in viewership levels. This statistic suggests a positive trend in the popularity and engagement of esports, highlighting the potential for expansion and interest in competitive gaming in the coming years.

As of 2020, ‘Fortnite’ has over 350 million registered users

The statistic “As of 2020, ‘Fortnite’ has over 350 million registered users” indicates that by the end of the year 2020, the popular online video game ‘Fortnite’ had amassed a substantial user base of over 350 million individuals who have created accounts to play the game. This figure reflects the widespread popularity and reach of ‘Fortnite’ among the global gaming community. Having such a large number of registered users suggests the game’s broad appeal across different demographics and regions, cementing its position as one of the most successful and widely played video games in the world as of that time.

As of 2020, The United States has over 214 million gamers

The statistic ‘As of 2020, the United States has over 214 million gamers’ indicates the significant prevalence of gaming as a recreational activity in the country. With a population of approximately 331 million in 2020, this statistic suggests that a large majority of Americans engage in gaming to some extent, whether it be casual or regular players across various platforms such as consoles, PCs, or mobile devices. The figure highlights the widespread appeal of video games in the United States, showcasing how gaming has become a mainstream form of entertainment and a key component of American culture. Additionally, the high number of gamers also signifies the vast market potential for the gaming industry in terms of sales, advertising, and other related revenue streams.

90% of American kids play video games and more than 90% of games rated by ESRB receive a rating of E for Everyone, E10+ for Everyone 10+, or T for Teen.

The statistic provided states that 90% of American kids play video games and that more than 90% of games rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) receive a rating of E for Everyone, E10+ for Everyone 10+, or T for Teen. This suggests that a large majority of American children are engaged in video gaming, and that the majority of video games available are considered appropriate for a wide range of age groups, from young children to teenagers. The statistic highlights the popularity and accessibility of video games among children in the United States, as well as the ESRB’s efforts to provide age-appropriate content for gamers of varying ages.

The North American video game market was worth $50.9 billion in 2021

The statistic stating that the North American video game market was worth $50.9 billion in 2021 indicates the total revenue generated by the video game industry in North America for that year. This figure encompasses sales from a variety of sources such as video game software, hardware, accessories, and in-game purchases. The substantial market value reflects the continued growth and popularity of the video game industry, driven by factors such as technological advancements, increasing consumer demand, and the rise of online gaming platforms. This statistic underscores the significant economic impact of video games as a form of entertainment and highlights the industry’s importance within the broader digital economy.

The average number of years adult gamers have been playing video games is 16 years.

The statistic “The average number of years adult gamers have been playing video games is 16 years” indicates that, on average, adult gamers have been engaging in video gaming activities for a significant amount of time, specifically 16 years. This suggests that playing video games is a well-established and enduring leisure activity among this demographic. The statistic highlights the long-standing relationship that adult gamers have with video games, implying that these individuals have likely developed a strong interest and involvement in gaming over the years. This average duration of 16 years provides insight into the level of experience and familiarity that adult gamers have within the gaming community, emphasizing the importance of gaming as a form of entertainment and engagement for this group.

As of 2021, it is estimated that 217.9 million people in the United States play digital games.

The statistic “As of 2021, it is estimated that 217.9 million people in the United States play digital games” indicates that a large portion of the US population is actively engaged in playing video games on various digital platforms such as consoles, computers, and mobile devices. This figure suggests that gaming has become a mainstream form of entertainment and leisure activity in American society, with a diverse range of individuals, spanning across different age groups, genders, and backgrounds, participating in gaming. The availability of a wide variety of digital games catering to different interests and preferences, along with advancements in technology and ease of access to gaming platforms, have likely contributed to the widespread popularity of digital gaming among the US population.


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