Two robbers among three killed in Karachi 'encounter' - Crime - Dunya News

Two robbers among three killed in Karachi 'encounter'

Two robbers among three killed in Karachi 'encounter'


A citizen came in the line of fire and was shot dead

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KARACHI (Dunya News) - Two suspected robbers and a citizen were killed in an exchange of fire with police on Super Highway near Jamali Pull here the other day. 

Police were alerted that two robbers were plundering valuables from citizens on a road. When police reached the crime scene, the bandits opened fire on law enforcers. 

Police fired back as a result of which two robbers were killed. A citizen was also killed. He was identified as Nehal.

Police recovered cash and valuables from the robbers. 

In another incident in Abdullah College, a robber was arrested and his accomplice fled after an encounter with police. 

In the shootout, a robber was injured and later arrested. A pistol and a mobile phone were seized from the arrested suspect.