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Primeval - Episode Guide

Season 1

Episode 1

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Feb 10, 2007

Episode 1

Prehistoric creatures burst through a rip in time and our team find themselves running for their lives from the hungry jaws of a flesh-eating Gorgonopsid.

Episode 2

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Feb 17, 2007

Episode 2

Mammoth spiders attack the London Underground, but in the darkness of the tunnels lies something more sinister still.

Episode 3

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Feb 24, 2007

Episode 3

An ancient sea monster attacks two lifeguards in a municipal swimming pool while a mother makes a terrifying discovery when her utility room starts to flood.

Episode 4

Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Mar 3, 2007

Episode 4

When a flock of comical-looking dodos appear through the anomaly, no one realizes that they have brought with them a dangerous parasite.

Episode 5

Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: Mar 10, 2007

Episode 5

Connor's carelessness reveals Rex's presence, and an aerial anomaly releases a new danger thirsty for blood.

Episode 6

Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: Mar 17, 2007

Episode 6

Missing people could be the work of a new creature that arrived via a rift in time from the future.

Season 2

Episode 1

Episode: 2x01 | Airdate: Jan 12, 2008

Episode 1

Cutter grapples with Claudia's disappearance, whilst struggling to adjust to working with her replacement, Oliver Leek; The team try to re-capture a pack of Raptors on the loose in the local shopping center.

Episode 2

Episode: 2x02 | Airdate: Jan 19, 2008

Episode 2

An anomaly, to a period before an oxygen-based atmosphere, fills the 15th floor of an office tower with smoke, with gigantic worms inside.

Episode 3

Episode: 2x03 | Airdate: Jan 26, 2008

Episode 3

An outdoor adventure park is terrorized by a hungry saber-tooth tiger.

Episode 4

Episode: 2x04 | Airdate: Feb 2, 2008

Episode 4

The new anomaly detector detects a new anomaly opening in the middle of the River Thames, where Abby is taken by one of the creatures.

Episode 5

Episode: 2x05 | Airdate: Feb 9, 2008

Episode 5

An anomaly in a drainage pipe leads a young girl chasing her dog into a bleak, sandy past landscape filled with burrowing monsters.

Episode 6

Episode: 2x06 | Airdate: Feb 16, 2008

Episode 6

The team capture a Mammoth running rampant on the M25. The conspiracy is finally revealed as they attempt to kill Cutter and his team and destroy the ARC.

Episode 7

Episode: 2x07 | Airdate: Feb 23, 2008

Episode 7

The conspiracy unravels and people working closely on the project die -- or do they?

Season 3

Episode 1

Episode: 3x01 | Airdate: Mar 28, 2009

Episode 1

A crocodilian, a creature from the Eocene period which was mistaken for a god and worshipped in ancient Egypt is released through an anomaly whilst on display at an Egyptian exhibition at the British Museum. It kills the curator, Marion and flees across London, diving into the Thames. Cutter recruits Dr. Sarah Page, Marion's assistant, to help his team retrieve it.

Episode 2

Episode: 3x02 | Airdate: Apr 4, 2009

Episode 2

The team discover a creature that can camouflage itself at an abandoned house. As they investigate, they cross paths with an interfering cop. Meanwhile, their headquarters is infiltrated by someone who should have been dead.

Episode 3

Episode: 3x03 | Airdate: Apr 11, 2009

Episode 3

The team must dispose of a number of diictodons, cute-seeming but malevolent burrowing creatures who appear via an anomaly in a hospital, where they cause a power failure by biting through cables. Mick Harper, a nosey journalist, takes an interest in the team's work. The diictodons are disposed of but Helen Cutter makes a clone of her husband in order to enter the ARC and find out more about an artefact she has stolen.

Episode 4

Episode: 3x04 | Airdate: Apr 18, 2009

Episode 4

Whilst Lester appoints Jenny as temporary leader and Connor perfects his machine to close anomalies, a Giganotosaurus, a huge carnivorous dinosaur, appears in an aircraft hangar and eats a television crew summoned by greedy reporter Harper and his editor. To the team's initial annoyance, Danny Quinn arrives but proves his worth when they have to save a besieged air crew from the monster. Lester is suspicious that his boss Christine Johnson is conducting secret experiments in the ARC.

Episode 5

Episode: 3x05 | Airdate: Apr 25, 2009

Episode 5

An anomaly appears in the flat of unsympathetic millionaire Sir Richard Bentley,ultimately turning him into a flesh-eating monster,slowly evolving into a giant fungus. Sir James allows an enthusiastic Danny to replace Cutter at the ARC and,along with Connor,he destroys the former Sir Richard by exposure to extreme cold. Jenny sees an old photograph of herself from the days when she was Claudia and decides to move on.

Episode 6

Episode: 3x06 | Airdate: May 2, 2009

Episode 6

Sarah establishes the purpose of the artefact - it can predict the whereabouts of anomalies. Johnson, anxious to claim it for herself, deposes Sir James, causing the team to flee with it to a ramshackle safe house in deep woodland, where large and carnivorous prehistoric birds emerge through an anomaly to pursue them. Good teamwork sees off the predators and Johnson but Abby gets a shock due to her imbecile brother.

Episode 7

Episode: 3x07 | Airdate: May 9, 2009

Episode 7

An odd-looking, wounded dinosaur leaps through an anomaly in a scrapyard, pursued by a medieval knight, who thinks it is a dragon and causes havoc in the high street during a carnival, believing he is in Hell. Whilst Abby patches up the creature's wounds, Sarah steps back in time through the anomaly to discover that the knight is William de Mornay, seeking redemption for his sins by slaying a dragon and on her return persuades him to spare the dinosaur and return home. Connor meanwhile takes drastic action to retrieve Abby's pet Rex, lost in a card game by her brother.

Episode 8

Episode: 3x08 | Airdate: May 16, 2009

Episode 8

A giant ant from the same future location as the artefact comes through an anomaly and kills two guards. Jack, Abby's daft brother,from whom she has kept her job secret and is anxious to know what she really does, arrives at the site and is chased through the anomaly by the ant and its offspring. The team follow him into an urban wilderness where they are besieged in a bus by carnivorous monsters but manage to escape. Jack atones for his bad behaviour by telling Abby how much Connor loves her but Danny and James are disturbed to find that Johnson and her henchman ...

Episode 9

Episode: 3x09 | Airdate: May 23, 2009

Episode 9

A herd of rhinoceros-like creatures, embolotherium, come through a rift at a camp-site. Danny rescues Eve, the young woman Johnson and Wilder have brought from the future and takes her to the site where she saves the day with a device which creates an anomaly, through which the beasts return home. She is taken to the ARC where she is not who she first appears to be.

Episode 10

Episode: 3x10 | Airdate: Jun 6, 2009

Episode 10

Sarah and Becker battle giant insects who have come through the rift at Johnson's H.Q. whilst Abby, Connor and Danny pursue Helen Cutter through the anomaly she has created. Her plan is to travel back to Africa in the year four million B.C. in order to stop the evolution of human life. With Connor injured Danny faces her alone but has an unexpected ally to help him save the world. Can he make it back to his own time before the anomaly closes?

Season 4

Episode 1

Episode: 4x01 | Airdate: Jan 1, 2011

Episode 1

Connor and Abby struggle with life in the Cretaceous Period, meanwhile the A.R.C. has been rebuilt and updated with two new members.

Episode 2

Episode: 4x02 | Airdate: Jan 2, 2011

Episode 2

When Connor looks up old friend Duncan, he doesn't expect to find him obsessed with creature sightings. Warning him of the elusive dock creature, the pair track it down to the docks, only to find evidence of a fresh kill. With Abby and Matt arriving to help, they find the creature after a tense chase through a container yard. Will Connor's quick-thinking and bravery earn him back his place on the team?

Episode 3

Episode: 4x03 | Airdate: Jan 8, 2011

Episode 3

A mysterious group come through an anomaly in a theatre, unknowingly followed by deadly tree creatures. As they attempt to escape, Matt inadvertently brings one of the group - Emily - back against her will. She promises to help him find the creature, in return for going back through the anomaly. In a frantic chase through the city, they track the creature down, only to discover the anomaly has closed, leaving Emily stranded.

Episode 4

Episode: 4x04 | Airdate: Jan 15, 2011

Episode 4

Whilst Abby is arguing with Burton,who wants to kill the menagerie,the team gets called to a school where a Therocephalian has come through a gateway and killed a young teacher. Unaware of his fate two nerdy boys in weekend detention accidentally lock the school's security system so that the ARC lads are unable to reach the anomaly. By the time Connor has rectified the system a a whole tribe of the creatures appear and have to be killed with a smoke bomb. Sir James stops Burton from disposing of the animals,making him Abby's hero though she is annoyed at Connor's lack...

Episode 5

Episode: 4x05 | Airdate: Jan 22, 2011

Episode 5

Abby and Connor travel to coastal Witchfield Cove,home to the legendary giant worm,after the death of a camper. They find the worm is no myth but a Labyrinthodont,come through a portal in a cave,accidentally opened by a farmer and her son,tipping waste acids. After its disposal Connor accepts a role in Burton's secret project. Matt traces Emily via the black box he has given her and saves her from being buried in a vault,the former burial place of Ethan's sweetheart Charlotte. However Ethan escapes .

Episode 6

Episode: 4x06 | Airdate: Jan 29, 2011

Episode 6

Doglike Hyenadons come through an anomaly in the basement of a stately home and when the team go to investigate they meet ex-ARC worker Jenny Lewis,who is about to get married in the hall. It is a true epiphany for Jennifer's groom,unaware of her background,as he and other terrified guests watch Jenny and her old colleagues push the creatures back through the portal. Jess saves Becker from being killed by a booby trap rigged up by Ethan,whose police record from 1900 shows him to be a wanted assassin and anarchist in his own time. Matt learns that Emily was once the ...

Episode 7

Episode: 4x07 | Airdate: Feb 5, 2011

Episode 7

The ARC team gets called to a prison where they find themselves unable to control the anomalies and suspect that Ethan is manipulating them. Suddenly Danny emerges from one of the worm-holes and it transpires that Ethan is his brother Patrick,who went through an anomaly as a boy and for whom Danny has been searching ever since. He had assumed the name Ethan and appeared in different time schemes to wreak havoc and,as he returns through an anomaly,Danny goes after him to keep an eye on him. Before this Danny has warned that Burton knew Helen Cutter and is not to be ...

Season 5

Episode 1

Episode: 5x01 | Airdate: May 24, 2011

Episode 1

The team is called out when a giant,subterranean insect surfaces to drag victims to its nest - including Connor though Matt manages to save him. Connor is recruited by Burton to his New Dawn project,supposedly to harness energy from anomalies and he is given a glamorous,if mysterious helper,April,who stresses the top secret nature of the scheme. After Abby has caught Matt hacking into Connor's computer she learns that he is a visitor from a very bleak future,sent by Gideon to save the world and that Burton is merely using Connor for his own ends.

Episode 2

Episode: 5x02 | Airdate: May 31, 2011

Episode 2

A Liopleudon enters submarine HMS Gartside through an underwater anomaly, though the sub's captain bans the team from bringing their weapons on board and it is left to Connor to try and shoot the creature back through the hole on a torpedo. However the craft is sucked through the anomaly,causing a loss of power and is surrounded by a school of the creatures. Whilst Sir James dissuades a gung-ho admiral from nuking the area the team discharge the animal and return to their own time where Abby tries in vain to dissuade Connor from working for Burton before showing a Matt a newspaper cutting telling the fate of Emily.

Episode 3

Episode: 5x03 | Airdate: Jun 7, 2011

Episode 3

When a raptor comes through an anomaly at an art exhibition Matt pursues it back to Victorian England,where it is credited with being the mysterious bogey man Spring Heel Jack. Matt also encounters Emily,who is investigating the creature,incurring the wrath of her nasty possessive husband Henry,who wants her committed. Circumstances allow Emily to return to the twentieth century with Matt though the raptor and Henry are less fortunate. Abby meanwhile manages to secure evidence of Connor's work for Matt,though she incurs April's suspicion.

Episode 4

Episode: 5x04 | Airdate: Jun 14, 2011

Episode 4

Still naively believing that he is working to make free energy Connor completes his first task for Burton - creating an artificial anomaly,which he claims is too small to be dangerous. Needless to say he is proved wrong as thousands of deadly beetles swarm through,killing a guard and almost finishing off computer operator Jess. Abby and Matt are able to send the creatures back thanks to the information they stole from Connor's hard drive. However Connor now realises that Burton is not to be trusted and,worse,has created a machine capable of making far larger anomalies.

Episode 5

Episode: 5x05 | Airdate: Jun 21, 2011

Episode 5

As the team explains to James that Burton was in league with Helen Cutter in wishing to return the world to its primeval state a huge T Rex which has come through one of his anomalies and is on the rampage in London needs their attention. Anomalies are opening the world over and Burton leaves Connor to die at one nearer home though fortunately Abby comes to the rescue. The team tries in vain to get Burton to close down his New Dawn machine but,after pterodactyls have seen off April,Burton closes all the other anomalies worldwide putting all their power into a huge one...

Episode 6

Episode: 5x06 | Airdate: Jun 28, 2011

Episode 6

Abby and Matt follow Connor through the anomaly,finding themselves in a vast wasteland,in which they fight off predators before returning to their own time. Eventually realising that he has been used by Helen Cutter Burton sacrifices himself along with the destruction of the New Dawn machine but the team still have to close off the giant anomaly by merging it with the smaller one created by Connor and causing it to implode. The world is saved but,as the team heads off on another mission, Matt has a disturbing confrontation.


Primeval: Webisodes

Episode: S04 Special | Airdate: Dec 22, 2010

No image (yet).

Five webisodes were released from 22 December 2010 in the run-up to the fourth series, which began airing on New Year's Day 2011 in both the UK and US.

ITV released the webisodes, each 2–4 minutes long, written by Sarah Dollard, that provided background to the upcoming series 4.

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