Gemini Horoscope Today | National Post
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Gemini Daily Horoscope

Georgia Nicols

Jun 09, 2024


Tread carefully today because you might find that your actions are blocked by authority figures or that it is difficult to do what you set out to do. Therefore, be more realistic and focus on what you can accomplish. Realign your goals and your expectations.

Previous readings

Saturday, June 8

Today you feel the squeeze-play about your finances and assets, which is why you will want to buy long-lasting, practical items if you're shopping. With your ruler Mercury in your sign, you feel talkative and want to share your ideas with others, perhaps about the cost of food.

Friday, June 7

With four planets in your sign, this continues to be a powerful time for you. Nevertheless, today the Moon is in your Money House making you think about your values and what really matters in life. One moment you're thinking about cash flow, the next moment you're pondering your entire future.

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Thursday, June 6

The New Moon today is in your sign, which is an opportunity for you to take a realistic look in the mirror and ask yourself: "What kind of impression do I create on my world?" How well does your image reflect the real you? Hmm?

Wednesday, June 5

Today the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the Sun are all in Gemini. All hail Gemini! Trust your lucky stars. You might see ways to improve your image in the world or your appearance. You might also improve relations with others because you're optimistic and confident.

Tuesday, June 4

Today your ruler Mercury is lined up with lucky Jupiter in your sign, which is an extremely useful influence. This will broaden your comprehension of issues and make you more tolerant. In addition, it will favour business and will help you get better organized. It's also a great day to wrap up stuff.

Monday, June 3

Today you're intrigued with life and the people around you, especially because you want to know what's going on beneath the surface of things. You want to know what makes others tick. You want to know what they're up to and what everyone is doing. You want the scoop.

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