19 Astonishing Facts About Prince Frederic Von Anhalt - Facts.net
Bernette Garay

Written by Bernette Garay

Modified & Updated: 14 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: T-online.de

Prince Frederic von Anhalt, a name that exudes royalty and intrigue, is a fascinating personality known for his connection to the world of celebrity and his own captivating story. Born on June 18, 1943, in Germany, Prince Frederic has led a life full of astonishing experiences and accomplishments.

From his unique and controversial marriage to a Hollywood icon to his ventures in business and politics, Prince Frederic has become a beloved figure in both celebrity circles and the public’s imagination. With his distinct personality and impressive lineage, he has managed to capture the attention of the media and has left a lasting impression on many.

In this article, we will delve into 19 astonishing facts about Prince Frederic von Anhalt, shedding light on his captivating journey and the remarkable events that have defined his life. Get ready to explore the world of one of the most intriguing figures on the celebrity scene.

Key Takeaways:

  • Prince Frederic von Anhalt, known for his royal title and extravagant lifestyle, has been involved in politics, business ventures, and controversial paternity claims, making him a captivating and polarizing figure in the public eye.
  • Despite facing legal battles and scandals, Prince Frederic von Anhalt has also shown a philanthropic side, supported charitable causes, and amassed an impressive collection of luxury cars, showcasing the complexities of his fascinating persona.
Table of Contents

He was born on June 18, 1943, in Bad Kreuznach, Germany.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt, whose birth name is Hans Robert Lichtenberg, entered this world in the historic town of Bad Kreuznach, Germany.

He is known for his title of Prince

Prince Frederic von Anhalt acquired his royal title through his marriage to Zsa Zsa Gabor in He became universally recognized as a prince due to his association with the late Hollywood actress.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt is a socialite.

Known for his extravagant lifestyle and frequent presence at high-profile events, Prince Frederic von Anhalt has established himself as a prominent socialite in Los Angeles.

He has been involved in various business ventures.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt has embarked on multiple entrepreneurial endeavors throughout his life, including investments in real estate and nightclubs.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt has claimed to be the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s daughter.

In a controversial case that garnered worldwide attention, Prince Frederic von Anhalt asserted that he had a brief affair with Anna Nicole Smith and could potentially be the biological father of her daughter, Dannielynn Birkhead.

He has been married multiple times.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt has taken the plunge into matrimony several times, with notable former spouses including Marie Auguste of Anhalt and Zsa Zsa Gabor.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt is a well-known collector of art and antiques.

With a keen eye for aesthetics, Prince Frederic von Anhalt has assembled an impressive collection of valuable artwork and antiques over the years.

He has been involved in politics.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt made unsuccessful attempts to run for political office in California, aiming for positions such as mayor of Los Angeles and governor.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt has written a book about his life.

Sharing his captivating journey, Prince Frederic von Anhalt released an autobiography titled “From the Other Side of the Wall: My Life in East and West Germany.”

He has made appearances in films and television shows.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt has dabbled in the entertainment industry, making guest appearances in both movies and TV shows.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt adopted several adult men as adults.

Seeking to expand his lineage, Prince Frederic von Anhalt adopted numerous adult men and granted them the title of prince.

He is known for his flamboyant fashion sense.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt has a distinct taste in fashion and is often seen donning eye-catching and extravagant outfits.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt has faced controversy and legal issues in his life.

Throughout his colorful life, Prince Frederic von Anhalt has found himself embroiled in various legal battles and scandals, keeping the tabloids and gossip columns busy.

He has appeared on reality television.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt has allowed cameras into his life through appearances on reality TV shows, offering viewers a glimpse into his extravagant lifestyle.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt has been involved in philanthropic endeavors.

Displaying a philanthropic side, Prince Frederic von Anhalt has supported various charitable causes over the years, using his resources to make a positive impact.

He is known for his outspoken and controversial statements.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt has often made headlines for his provocative and polarizing remarks, never shying away from expressing his opinions.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt has a passion for luxury cars.

Known for his love of fast and expensive automobiles, Prince Frederic von Anhalt has amassed an impressive collection of luxury cars.

He has been involved in numerous lawsuits.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt has found himself in the courtroom on multiple occasions, entangled in various legal disputes ranging from property disputes to defamation claims.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt was named the Duke of Saxony by the head of the House of Wettin in 2011.

In recognition of his contributions and status, Prince Frederic von Anhalt was granted the honorary title of Duke of Saxony by the head of the House of Wettin.

These 19 astonishing facts about Prince Frederic von Anhalt provide a glimpse into the extraordinary life and experiences of this prominent figure. From his royal title to his involvement in various industries and his controversial personal life, Prince Frederic von Anhalt has left an indelible mark on the world stage. Whether you admire him or find him polarizing, there’s no denying his ability to captivate attention and maintain a prominent position in the public eye. Dive deeper into the realm of Prince Frederic von Anhalt and discover the intricacies and complexities that shape this fascinating persona.


Prince Frederic von Anhalt is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating celebrities in the entertainment industry. With a life filled with astonishing facts and unique experiences, he has captivated the public’s attention for decades. From his marriage to Zsa Zsa Gabor to his flamboyant persona, Prince von Anhalt has left an indelible mark on both Hollywood and society as a whole. Whether you’re intrigued by his royal title or his controversial decisions, there’s no denying that Prince Frederic von Anhalt’s life is a truly extraordinary one.


1. Who is Prince Frederic von Anhalt?

Prince Frederic von Anhalt is a German-born socialite and celebrity known for his various business ventures and high-profile marriage to actress Zsa Zsa Gabor.

2. How did Prince Frederic von Anhalt become a prince?

Prince von Anhalt claimed to have been adopted as an adult by a German princess, which he believes entitled him to the royal title. However, his adoption claim has been met with skepticism and controversy.

3. How many times has Prince Frederic von Anhalt been married?

Prince von Anhalt has been married once to actress Zsa Zsa Gabor. Their marriage lasted for over three decades until Gabor’s death in 2016.

4. What are some of Prince Frederic von Anhalt’s notable business ventures?

Prince von Anhalt has been involved in various business ventures, including real estate development, nightclubs, and even a run for political office. He has often made headlines for his extravagant lifestyle and flamboyant personality.

5. What is the public opinion of Prince Frederic von Anhalt?

Opinions about Prince von Anhalt vary greatly. Some view him as an eccentric and colorful figure, while others criticize him for his self-proclaimed royalty and controversial statements. Overall, he remains a polarizing figure in the public eye.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt's life is filled with astonishing facts, from his royal title to his controversial claims. While his marriage to Zsa Zsa Gabor brought him into the limelight, von Anhalt's own life story is equally fascinating. Born in Germany, he became a socialite, businessman, and even ran for governor of California. His love for luxury extends beyond his fashion sense, as he's a collector of art, antiques, and Hollywood memorabilia. Whether you find him intriguing or controversial, there's no denying that Prince Frederic von Anhalt's life is a captivating tale of extravagance and eccentricity.

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