43 Facts about the movie Sully - Facts.net
Jany Laboy

Written by Jany Laboy

Modified & Updated: 30 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Plex.cpm

When it comes to movies based on real-life events, “Sully” stands out as a gripping and emotionally charged masterpiece. Directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Tom Hanks in the titular role, this film tells the incredible story of Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, who successfully landed US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River in 2009, saving the lives of all 155 passengers on board. “Sully” captured the hearts of millions, and its popularity has only grown since its release. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of “Sully” and uncover 43 fascinating facts about the movie that will leave you spellbound. From behind-the-scenes trivia to interesting tidbits about the real-life events, prepare to be amazed by the remarkable journey of this extraordinary film.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sully is a gripping movie about a real-life aviation miracle, showcasing the heroism of Captain Sullenberger and the collaborative efforts that saved lives. It’s a must-watch for fans of compelling storytelling and aviation enthusiasts.
  • The movie Sully immerses viewers in the intense atmosphere of the emergency landing, celebrating the importance of experience and expertise in the aviation industry. It’s a testament to the indomitable human spirit in the face of extraordinary challenges.
Table of Contents

The movie Sully was released in 2016.

It premiered on September 2, 2016, and captivated audiences worldwide with its compelling narrative.

Tom Hanks plays the role of Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger.

His extraordinary performance brought the character to life and earned him critical acclaim.

The screenplay for Sully was written by Todd Komarnicki.

Komarnicki skillfully adapted the book “Highest Duty” by Captain Sullenberger and Jeffrey Zaslow into a captivating script.

The movie Sully was primarily filmed in New York and Georgia.

These locations were chosen to recreate the intense scenes of the “Miracle on the Hudson” water landing.

Clint Eastwood was inspired to direct the movie after reading Captain Sullenberger’s book.

The story resonated with him, and he felt compelled to bring the heroic tale to the big screen.

The real Sully Sullenberger appeared in a cameo role in the movie.

He portrayed one of the ferryboat captains who helped rescue passengers from the freezing Hudson River.

The water landing scene in Sully was shot at a specially constructed set.

Using advanced techniques, the filmmakers created a realistic and immersive portrayal of the miraculous landing.

The movie explores the investigation following the water landing.

It focuses on the National Transportation Safety Board’s inquiry into Sullenberger’s decision-making during the emergency.

Aaron Eckhart stars as First Officer Jeffrey Skiles.

Eckhart’s portrayal of the co-pilot adds depth to the story, showcasing the teamwork displayed during the crisis.

Laura Linney plays the role of Lorraine Sullenberger.

As Sully’s wife, Linney delivers a heartfelt performance, highlighting the emotional toll the incident had on their family.

The movie Sully grossed over $240 million worldwide.

Its compelling story and stellar performances resonated with audiences and made it a commercial success.

The real-life Sully Sullenberger served as a technical advisor on the film.

His expertise ensured accuracy in the portrayal of aviation procedures and emergency protocols.

Eastwood chose to present the events of Sully in a non-linear narrative.

This decision added depth to the storytelling, allowing for a more nuanced exploration of the emotional aftermath of the landing.

The movie Sully received positive reviews from critics.

Its gripping storytelling and strong performances were praised, with particular acclaim for Tom Hanks’ portrayal of Captain Sullenberger.

The emergency landing on the Hudson River occurred on January 15, 2009.

Sully successfully landed the US Airways Flight 1549 after both engines were disabled by a bird strike.

The movie Sully highlights the heroism of the flight crew and first responders.

It sheds light on the collaborative efforts that saved the lives of all 155 passengers and crew members.

Sully Sullenberger was later awarded the Master’s Medal by the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators.

This prestigious honor recognized his exceptional skill and judgement during the emergency landing.

The movie Sully has a runtime of 96 minutes.

Despite its relatively short duration, it manages to pack a powerful punch, captivating viewers from start to finish.

Sully’s decision to land on the Hudson River was initially met with skepticism.

However, the movie highlights the critical seconds he had to make the life-saving choice and the justification for it.

The movie Sully emphasizes the toll the investigation took on Captain Sullenberger.

It explores the psychological impact of being questioned and doubted despite his heroic actions.

The movie Sully features actual footage from the emergency landing.

This inclusion adds to the authenticity of the film and reminds viewers of the real-life magnitude of the event.

The film’s score was composed by Christian Jacob and The Tierney Sutton Band.

The music adds emotional depth to the movie, enhancing the audience’s connection to the story.

The movie Sully was released in IMAX.

Viewers had the opportunity to experience the gripping story and breathtaking visuals on the big screen.

Sully Sullenberger received the Legion of Honor from France for his heroism.

This esteemed award recognizes his extraordinary bravery and contribution to aviation safety.

The movie Sully was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Sound Editing.

The seamless integration of sound design heightened the intensity and realism of the film’s pivotal moments.

The movie sheds light on the psychological aftermath of the landing.

It delves into the emotional challenges faced by Captain Sullenberger as he coped with the weight of his actions.

Sully Sullenberger retired from US Airways in 2010.

He continues to be an advocate for aviation safety and training.

The movie Sully showcases the power of human resilience.

It serves as a reminder of the extraordinary strength individuals can summon in times of crisis.

The portrayal of the aviation industry’s reaction to the water landing sparked critical discussions on safety protocols.

The movie prompted a reevaluation of emergency preparedness and reinforced the commitment to passenger well-being.

The movie Sully received the AARP “Movies for Grownups” award for Best Actor.

Tom Hanks’ nuanced performance resonated with older audiences, earning him recognition for his exceptional portrayal.

The movie explores the human elements behind the headlines.

It delves into the personal lives of the flight crew and their struggle to cope with the aftermath of the extraordinary event.

Sully’s experience as a pilot and flight instructor prepared him for the high-pressure situation.

The movie highlights his expertise and quick thinking as instrumental factors in the successful water landing.

The movie Sully serves as a tribute to the everyday heroes who selflessly put the lives of others before their own.

It honors the bravery and unwavering dedication of those who rise to the occasion in times of crisis.

The NTSB investigation into the water landing lasted 15 months.

The movie sheds light on the intense scrutiny faced by Captain Sullenberger during this period.

Sully Sullenberger is a renowned author and public speaker.

He continues to share his insights and expertise on aviation safety and emergency preparedness.

The movie Sully has a strong emphasis on teamwork and collaboration.

It showcases the coordinated efforts of the flight crew, air traffic controllers, and rescue teams that saved lives.

The movie Sully received the Best Film honor at the National Board of Review Awards.

The recognition solidified its status as a remarkable cinematic achievement.

The events of the movie Sully take place in the span of a few minutes.

However, the impact of those minutes reverberates throughout the entire film.

The movie Sully immerses viewers into the intense atmosphere of the emergency landing.

The direction and cinematography place audiences in the shoes of the passengers and crew, intensifying the viewing experience.

The movie Sully celebrates the importance of experience and expertise in the aviation industry.

It highlights the invaluable knowledge gained through years of training and dedication to the craft.

Sully Sullenberger’s quick decision-making saved the lives of all onboard.

The movie portrays the immense pressure he faced and the weight of the responsibility he carried during those crucial moments.

The movie Sully was a phenomenal success at the box office.

It showcased the enduring appeal of real-life stories and the public’s fascination with tales of heroism.

The movie Sully serves as a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

It reveals the resilience and determination that can emerge when faced with extraordinary challenges.

There you have it, 43 incredible facts about the movie Sully! From its exceptional cast to its powerful storytelling, Sully continues to captivate audiences with its gripping portrayal of a real-life aviation miracle. Whether you’re a fan of aviation films or simply appreciate compelling narratives, Sully is undoubtedly a movie worth experiencing.


In conclusion, “Sully” is a gripping film that offers a compelling portrayal of the true story of Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger and the miraculous landing of US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River. The movie provides an intense and emotional journey as it explores the immediate aftermath of the incident and the subsequent investigation. Tom Hanks delivers a captivating performance as Captain Sullenberger, capturing the essence of his bravery and heroism.Directed by Clint Eastwood, “Sully” succeeds in showcasing the complex human emotions and the moral dilemmas faced by Captain Sullenberger and his co-pilot Jeff Skiles during this extraordinary event. The film also highlights the power of teamwork and human resilience in the face of adversity.With its breathtaking cinematography and impeccable storytelling, “Sully” is a must-watch for movie enthusiasts and aviation enthusiasts alike. It is a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human mind and serves as a reminder that heroes can emerge from the most unexpected places.


Q: Is “Sully” based on a true story?

A: Yes, “Sully” is based on the true story of Captain Chesley Sullenberger and the remarkable emergency landing on the Hudson River in 2009.

Q: Who directed the movie “Sully”?

A: “Sully” was directed by Clint Eastwood, known for his exceptional work in the film industry.

Q: Who plays the lead role in “Sully”?

A: Tom Hanks portrays the role of Captain Chesley Sullenberger in the movie “Sully.”

Q: What is the significance of the Hudson River landing?

A: The Hudson River landing made headlines worldwide as Captain Sullenberger successfully landed the damaged plane on the river, saving the lives of all 155 passengers and crew on board.

Q: How long is the movie “Sully”?

A: The runtime of “Sully” is approximately 1 hour and 36 minutes.

Q: Did Captain Sullenberger approve of the movie?

A: Yes, Captain Sullenberger was involved in the making of the movie and approved of its portrayal of the events.

Q: Are there any notable awards or nominations for “Sully”?

A: While “Sully” did not receive any major award wins, it was nominated for several awards, including the Critics’ Choice Movie Award for Best Actor (Tom Hanks) and the Satellite Award for Best Editing.

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