Renowned Broward County Philanthropist, Susie Levan, Dies at 73 - Lifestyle Media

Renowned Broward County Philanthropist, Susie Levan, Dies at 73

The wife of Alan Levan, Chairman of BBX Capital, Inc., left an indelible mark on the community.

Susie Levan dedicated her life to empowering women across South Florida. Through her Susie and Alan B. Levan Family Foundation, Levan helped numerous South Florida organizations, leaving a profound and lasting impact on the community. Her dedication to philanthropy and passion for making a difference have touched many lives. She was particularly passionate about empowering women and was actively involved with Nova Southeastern University. On Sunday, Levan, 73, succumbed to cancer at her home, surrounded by family. She leaves behind her husband, five children and stepchildren, and 12 grandchildren.

“Susie Levan is an extraordinary philanthropist, businesswoman, mentor, coach, author, and friend,” Kathleen Cannon says, president and CEO of United Way of Broward County. Susie’s latest project with United Way of Broward County was a program for women veterans called Operation Refresh. She completely redecorated and refurbished women veterans’ homes to help them in civilian life. She befriended each client she did so she could really get to know them and their tastes, personalities and likes and dislikes. She wanted each home to be a vibrant, beautiful representation of the woman veteran and their children. She became Auntie Susie to the kids. She transformed lives in such a way that people became her forever friends. She gave selflessly and abundantly and always had beautiful words of wisdom for each veteran she helped.”

Lifestyle profiled Levan’s charitable and business endeavors in a 2020 article.

“Susie was a force like no other in Broward County,” Laurie Jennings says, former TV personality and friend. “Her impact will live on as one of the grandest philanthropists we’ll ever know and a leader who empowered other women by teaching them life-altering lessons. One of her favorite titles was “Chief Soul Officer,” and if you were lucky enough to be in Susie Levan’s close circle of friends, you knew every encounter with Susie would leave you enlightened and inspired to be the best person, the best soul, you can be.”

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