Leiva - Letra de Breaking Bad + traducción al Inglés
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    Breaking Bad → traducción al Inglés

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Breaking Bad

Life has changed me in a strange minute
Too much glow, too much impact
It's too big for me, to be exact
I know it's no big deal.
Glory has knocked me down in the second assault
Too much smoke, too many deals
The anonymity was an odd loss
I know it's no big deal.
Sometimes I look back and I can't
decipher I'm at
other speed
Open my eyes, throw me to the tracks
Get me out of this darkness
I'm just pretending to be me
I'll do it for once in my life
I kept repeating it to myself
til I felt fucking suicidal
Nobody was right
lover of lost causes
You thought I'd be the best
Be careful with expectations
We'll cook glass in the desert
We'll believe in God for a little while
I was dead for a few seconds
My love is too big
It's too big
My love is too big
It's too big
Sometimes I look back and I can't
decipher I'm at
other speed
Open my eyes, throw me to the tracks
Get me out of this darkness
I'm just pretending to be me
I'll do it for once in my life
I kept repeating it to myself
til I felt fucking suicidal
Nobody was right
lover of lost causes
You thought I'd be the best
Be careful with expectations
We'll cook glass in the desert
We'll believe in God for a little while
I was dead for a few seconds
My love is too big
It's too big
My love is too big
It's too big
Letra original

Breaking Bad

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Modismos de "Breaking Bad"