'Synchronic' Trailer: Anthony Mackie, Jamie Dornan Mind-Bend Thriller
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‘Synchronic’ Trailer: ‘The Endless’ Directors Send Anthony Mackie Into a Psychedelic Head Trip

Filmmakers Aaron Moorhead and Justin Benson have gone on record not endorsing the theatrical release of the movie.
Well Go USA

Indie filmmakers Aaron Moorhead and Justin Benson generated a cult following with their 2017 science-fiction dazzler “The Endless,” an acclaimed head trip that remains one of the best indies available to stream on Netflix. Now the duo returns with bigger stars in “Synchronic.” Moorhead and Benson’s new project stars Anthony Mackie and Jamie Dornan in a reality-bending murder mystery that was one of the highlights of the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival. The supporting cast includes Katie Aselton and Ally Ioannides.

The official “Synchronic” synopsis from Well Go USA reads: “When New Orleans paramedics and longtime best friends Steve (Mackie) and Dennis (Dornan) are called to a series of bizarre, gruesome accidents, they chalk it up to the mysterious new party drug found at the scene. But after Dennis’s oldest daughter suddenly disappears, Steve stumbles upon a terrifying truth about the supposed psychedelic that will challenge everything he knows about reality—and the flow of time itself.”

While Well Go USA announced earlier this month it would be bringing “Synchronic” to movie theaters in October, filmmakers Moorhead and Benson released a joint statement to social media denouncing the decision to put their film out into the world amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“We want to be very clear: at the time of writing this, we personally wouldn’t go to an indoor movie theater, so we can’t encourage you to,” the directors wrote. “To us, this isn’t only about feeling safe in a theater, this is also about the scientific community indicating that enclosed spaces like movie theaters are still a hazard for spreading COVID-19 to others.”

The directors prefer moviegoers use the drive-in option, adding, “If you do go to see it in an indoor theater, please adhere to all guidelines. We love and miss the theatrical experience, so let’s work together to stop the spread of the virus. We are infinitely grateful for anyone checking out our movies, as well as everyone who has worked on them, and want all of you to remain as healthy as possible during these unprecedented times.”

Well Go USA is opening “Synchronic” theaters and drive-ins on October 23. Watch the official trailer below.

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