Rx for Survival: A Global Health Challenge | PBS
This groundbreaking project examines what makes us sick, what keeps us healthy, and what it would take to give good health the upper hand.

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Web Features

The Television Broadcasts

Learn more about the series, its creators, and the content of each episode.

Watch Program Video

Watch selected individual stories from the complete Rx for Survival series online.

Global Health Champions

Delve into stories of present-day men and women who are saving lives around the world and profoundly changing global health outcomes.

Why Global Health Matters

Weigh arguments for and against a greater commitment to global health initiatives.

Global Health Atlas

Explore the distribution of many of the world's most troubling diseases and some of the socioeconomic factors that affect their prevalence and impact.

Deadly Diseases

Discover the nature, origin, causes, and consequences of many of humanity's most feared diseases.

Politics & Global Health

Learn how the world's major public health institutions are organized, governed, and interrelated, and how to influence U.S. federal health policies.

Ask the Experts

Read how a panel of global health experts responded to your questions about vaccines, international aid, and the danger of another deadly flu pandemic.

Dispatches from the Field

Explore first-person accounts of life at the forefront of the battle for global health.

For Teachers

Enhance the teaching and understanding of global health in high school science and social studies classes.


Short definitions for key words and terms used in features throughout the site.


Materials that will be helpful to those seeking a more comprehensive understanding of global health challenges and solutions.

The Television Broadcasts

Screenshot from Rx for Survival Series
Watch Preview (7:01)

This television event chronicles leaders who battle the most critical and emerging threats to global health and who. against all odds, deliver the goods.

Rx For Child Survival: A Global Health Challenge

Get Involved

Understanding the health of young children around the world offers an opportunity to explore important global health issues and make a difference in children's lives.
Learn more about the Campaign.


Make a financial donation to help the world's neediest children receive the health interventions they so desperately need.

Speak Out

Follow health legislation and policy-making, and then let your friends, neighbors, and policy-makers know what you think.

Give Time

Volunteer your time, host an event, or engage in hands-on activities.

Spread the Word

Tell others about this project by sending an e-Postcard or linking to our site.

Learn more about the project