it's your turn - Translation into Spanish - examples English | Reverso Context
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it's your turn

Translation of "it's your turn" in Spanish


Now it's your turn to please the dearest person - mom.
Ahora es tu turno de complacer a la persona más querida, mamá.
So tonight, it's your turn to take out the garbage.
Así que esta noche, es tu turno de sacar la basura.
I saved him last time, now it's your turn.
Yo lo salvé vez pasada, ahora te toca a ti.
I lost my dad, now it's your turn.
Yo perdí a mi padre, ahora te toca a ti.
If necessary, it's your turn to shoot someone.
Si es necesario, es su turno para disparar a alguien.
Today it's your turn to show how much you appreciate him.
Hoy es su turno para mostrar lo que lo amas mucho.
Pay attention to the action to know when it's your turn.
Presta atención a la acción para así saber cuándo es tu turno.
Now it's your turn to surprise mom on her birthday.
Ahora es tu turno de sorprender a mamá en su cumpleaños.
When it's your turn, that block will change colour.
Cuando es su turno, ese bloque cambiará de color.
I did you a favour and now it's your turn.
Te he hecho un favor y ahora es tu turno.
It just means that now it's your turn to wait for me.
Significa que ahora es tu turno de esperarme a mí.
I am ready, and now it's your turn, my son.
Estoy preparado, y ahora es tu turno, hijo mío.
I've told you everything, now it's your turn.
Te lo he contado todo, ahora es tu turno.
You should never be surprised when it's your turn on the green.
Nunca debería estar distraído sobre cuándo es su turno en el green.
This time, it's your turn to go through the car wash.
Ahora es tu turno para pasar por el túnel de lavado.
Now, it's your turn to work and serve in the army.
Ahora, es tu turno para trabajar y servir en el ejército.
But now it's your turn to try it out for yourself.
Pero ahora es tu turno de probarlo por ti mismo.
Today it's your turn to guard the water towers.
Hoy es tu turno de proteger las torres de agua.
You mustn't be, because it's your turn to talk now.
Usted no tiene que ser, porque es tu turno para hablar.
When it's your turn, use various attack moves.
Cuando es tu turno, utilice varias jugadas de ataque.
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Results: 2714. Exact: 2714. Elapsed time: 483 ms.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200