The Meaning Behind The Song: Walls Came Down by Calexico - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Walls Came Down by Calexico


The Meaning Behind The Song: Walls Came Down by Calexico

Title Walls Came Down
Artist Calexico
Writer/Composer Joey Burns & John Convertino
Album Maybe on Monday (2013)

The Power of Walls Came Down

Walls Came Down, a song written and composed by Joey Burns and John Convertino, is a powerful track that addresses social and political issues. Released in 2013 as part of Calexico’s album, Maybe on Monday, it offers a strong message about the consequences of corruption and the division it causes within communities.

In the song, the artists metaphorically describe how blowing horns caused walls to crumble, representing the impact of truth and revelation on corrupt systems. The opening lyrics, “Well, they blew the horns and the walls came down,” immediately capture the listener’s attention and set the tone for the song.

The repeated line “They’d all been warned” suggests that the actions and corruption of those in power had consequences, and people were well aware of it. However, as the walls come down, sanctuary fades, and the congregation splits, it becomes clear that despite the warnings, the corrupt individuals continue their actions unabated.

A Reflection on Corporate Criminals

One of the powerful themes in this song revolves around the idea of corporate criminals. Calexico uses their lyrics to highlight the hypocrisy and destructive actions of those in power who manipulate systems for their own gain, at the expense of the average person.

I personally find this song both emotive and thought-provoking. As someone who has witnessed the consequences of corruption in society, hearing the lyrics “Just corporate criminals playing with tanks” resonates deeply within me. It serves as a reminder that those in power often prioritize their self-interests, leaving ordinary citizens to suffer the consequences.

The line “It’s a song of assassins ringing in your ears” draws attention to the dangers of misinformation and fear-mongering. Calexico highlights the power of the media and how it can be used to manipulate public opinion. By employing the term “terrorist thinking” and the phrase “playing on fears,” they shed light on the tactics employed by those who seek to control and divide society.

A Call for Unity

Despite the somber tone of the song, there is also a call for unity and resistance against corruption. The lyrics deliver a stark reminder that people, irrespective of their nationality or origin, are not the enemy. Calexico boldly state, “I don’t think there are any Russians, and there ain’t no Yanks, just corporate criminals playing with tanks.”

This call for unity resonates strongly with my personal experiences. Growing up, I witnessed first-hand how divisive ideologies and agendas can tear communities apart. It is a reminder that we should not allow ourselves to fall victim to the manipulation of those in power who aim to create rifts between us.


In conclusion, Walls Came Down by Calexico addresses important social and political issues that remain relevant today. With its powerful lyrics and captivating melodies, the song carries a significant message about corruption, division, and the manipulation of power. It serves as a call for unity and a reminder to challenge the destructive systems that try to keep us apart.

As I listen to this song, I am reminded of the importance of standing up against corruption and working towards a more inclusive and just world. Music has the incredible ability to evoke emotions and inspire change, and Walls Came Down is a perfect example of this power.

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