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The taste of Siegen

Of all the ingredients used in Siegerland cuisine, it is the ‘Duffel’ (potato) that takes centre stage. Potatoes are the main element in numerous traditional dishes, whether savoury, sweet or both at the same time. However, ‘Broart’ (bread) plays a key secondary role. Try ‘Dong’ or ‘Knifte’ for a ready-buttered takeaway, traditional Schanzenbrot from a Backes (bakehouse) or ‘Riewekooche’, a loaf of bread made with potatoes, which dominate the local dishes. MORE

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Around the Rabenhain

In the triangle formed by the Siegen districts Bürbach and Breitenbach and… MORE

Nightwatchman tour: “Hear, people, what I say!”

The year is 1576. Darkness settles on the city, the streets of Siegen are… MORE

TOP Sights


Mining trail on the Eisernhardt

The “shorter” mining trail on the more than 482 m high Eisernhardt, a popular mountain and recreation area to the south of the Siegen townsite, provides interesting insights into the history of mining in the Siegerland region. MORE

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