Aiga Forum, an Ethiopian forum for news and views that promotes Ethiopia's Unity in Diversity!
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Wurayna Magazine #62- Sep 2020


A call from Adwa Mayor to all Diaspora Adwa development supporters - Aug 2020



The founder and leading member of the Ethiopian left movement, Hagos Gebre Yesus died on July 8, 2020 at QE2 Health Science Center in Halifax Canada. Hagos was born June 22, 1930 in Tigray Province. He has been cremated and his ashes will be will taken to his beloved Ethiopia


Hakfen Media Remembering PM Meles with Former Comrades August 31,2020


DW TV: Tigrai Election- Public Debate between political parties in Tigrai Part3
Aug , 2020


DW TV: On the passing of Journalist Fikru Weldu
Aug 30 , 2020


DW TV: Tigrai Election- Public Debate between political parties in Tigrai Part2
Aug , 2020


African Ascent: Yara Shahidi Interview


Tigrai TV : With Getachew Reda TPLF Executive Leader on Current Issues - Aug 24, 2020


News, Analysis & Articles
Opinions and Views published on this site are those of the authors only! Aigaforum does not necessarily endorse them. © 2002-2020 All rights reserved.
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Ethiopia tried to silence its own citizens stuck in hellish Saudi detention centres - A document leaked to The Telegraph shows that the Ethiopian government tried to silence hundreds of its own citizens stuck in hellish detention centres in Saudi Arabia and cover-up allegations of horrendous abuse. The official document, which bears the stamp of the Ethiopian consulate in the city of Jeddah, warned Ethiopians...

U.S. Senators demand legal rights for Oromo men detained in Ethiopia. Family members in Minnesota worry and wait for charges.
Minnesota U.S. Senators Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar have asked the U.S. State Department to put pressure on the government of Ethiopia to release Jawar Mohammed and Misha Chiri, both former residents of Minnesota.

US cuts aid to Ethiopia
The US is cutting aid to Ethiopia over a controversial mega dam being built on a tributary of the River Nile. The move was triggered by Ethiopia's move to start filling the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam before reaching agreement with Egypt and Sudan.

Tigrai Regional Government Letter to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia King
(Mekelle) Sep 2, 2020 - The Government of the Regional State of Tigray has been pleading to the federal government of Ethiopia to bring the thousands of Ethiopian refugees in Saudi Arabia languishing in squalid and suffocating prisons. The federal government doesn't seem to care. To add insult to injury the Prime Minister labelled them as terrorists and Covid-19 public health hazards.

The main contradiction in Ethiopia
Tesfay Atsbeha 09-02-20 - The murder of the famous Ethiopian Oromo musician, Hachalu Hundessa on 29 June 2020 and the killings as well as the destruction of properties following the death of Hachalu should be condemned in the strongest terms. The opposition against the EPRDF (Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front) was transformed into opposition against the TPLF (Tigray People's Liberation Front) due to the fact that the Amhara and Oromo member organizations of the EPRDF sided with the opposition.

Am I being unrealistic and exaggerating?
Gebru Boj'Boj. September 2, 2020. - What is happening in Ethiopia today in general and on Tegaru in particular is very concerning and spine-chilling? The government of the country seems running at high speed in destroying the country and prepared to commit full-blown or full-blooded atrocities against Tegaru and others. . .

Award-Winning Hydropower Project Helps Electrify Ethiopia

The government of Ethiopia(EPRDF) has set a goal of providing access to electricity to all its citizens by 2025. It still has a long way to go, but projects such as the Genale Dawa III hydropower station are helping it get closer to the target. That's one of the reasons Genale Dawa III is a POWER Top Plant.
Imagine how dark Ethiopia would have been today and how bleak life would be for Ethiopians today had it not been for the EPRDF regime.TPLF/ EPRDF has done its best to change the country. Unfortunately, the country is not able to continue the development path. Imagine where it could have been today had the Abiy regime continued the development agenda of TPLF/EPRDF.

"Who is the Judge?: The Life of Berhanemeskel and Tadelech in the History of EPRP's Struggle")

Addis Abeba, August 01/2020 - In 1970, 19-year-old Tadelech Hailemikael ("Tadi" as she is known to her family and friends) travels to Switzerland to pursue her university education. An urban girl educated in elite schools in Addis Abeba, Tadi was excited for her new life in Europe. At the time, Ethiopia was experiencing the height of the Ethiopian Student Movement, a long and sustained opposition to the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie I.

Reflections on Revolutions
Aesop 08/30/2020 - I was pleasantly surprised by the election debates in Tigrai. The parties introduced their political programs with clarity. Their concern for Tigrai was evident. Their critiques were civil. The commission assigned capable moderators. The moderators allocated sufficient time. They organized the discussion around pressing agendas affecting the people. Those who scoffed at Tigreans as, inter alia, aliens to democracy are, once again, proven wrong.

(TECA) 08-31-20 - PM Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia, who came to power following the resignation of his predecessor, promised to bring about positive changes to Ethiopia, in his April 3, 2018, inaugural speech to the parliament. Instead, his modus operandi has been divide-and-rule that has plunged the country into much more inter-ethnic conflicts ...
Read Also: (Tigrigna Version)

(Tigrai TV Mekelle Foresight -An English Language Program) : With Getachew Reda TPLF Executive Leader and Prof Meresea Tsehaye - Aug 29, 2020

Oh My, My, Cry Mother Tigrai!
Temesgn Kebed 9-1-20 - There is a revolution of the poor and dispossessed to make ends meet; there is another revolution of haves to satisfy never ending greed. The revolution of the poor is caricatured as mean and menacing that had to be crushed by all means. On the other hand, the revolution of the haves is to be greeted with welcome news, bankrolled by governments and corporate capitalists.

Berhe Tekle 08-31-20 - Like business startups, we do have more than enough political parties.In the jungle of bureaucracy, forming party has been treating as means for economically prosperity. This is because forming political party is less capital and operating cost intensive than business startups.

Free Tigrai: Must Vote for Tigrai Independent Party
Gebre Selama 08-30-20 - More or less I dare say I have a good idea of all the parties that are participating in the panel discussion and their respective campaigns to win the coming soon election in Tigrai. First, I have lauded their civility while competing to sell their ideas to the public at large. I am not going to waste time reiterating each party's mission. I have picked for myself the Tigrai Independent Party. In this piece I am going to highlight the need for voting for Tigrai Independent Party.

To A Life of a Singer-Songwriter: Hagos GebreHiwet
Yohannes Woldegabriel 8-30-20 - The news of Hagos Gebrehiwet's untimely death on August 13, 2020 has sent shock waves throughout the nation and among his community and supporters. Artist Hagos Gebrehiwet is survived by his loving and wonderful wife of more than 30 years Weizero Hirut Arage and his three children: Bereket, Halewat and Ezana.

A generation which lost the future: Is feudalism worth glorifying?
Yohannes Aberra, Ph.D. 8-29-20 - My paternal grandfather was a nobleman with the rank of a grazmatch in the court of Ras Seyoum at Yohannes IV's palace. He died of illness soon after he fought in Maichew. I only have his story as told by my father. My maternal grandfather who also was a nobleman in the same court was killed by the Italians. Such are the glories that hit the march of history hiding other gruesome things considered...

The winner is....!
We watched the two public debates by Tigrai political organizations that are participating in the upcoming election. We were very surprised by the civility and content of the discussion. We asked a few of our readers what they think about the discussion and to our surprise, almost all agree in the first discussion TIP was the winner, and TPLF and Baytona came a close second. The looser was SAWET. In the second discussion, the winner was Baytona, and TPLF and TIP came a close second. All in all, we were surprised to see TPLF not dominating the discussion and how bad SAWET came prepared. Assimba party was given a pass by many as not a serious party. --Aigaforum Aug 29, 2020

DW TV(Eyeta) : With Sekuture Getachew and Shishay Amare (PhD) on Current Issues - Aug 29, 2020
Ethiopia's political crisis plays out in the regions. Why it's a federal problem
The political crisis in Ethiopia is not showing sings of abating. Ongoing riots in Oromia and Wolayta; state fragmentation in the Amhara region, and the standoff between the federal government and the Tigray region have put the survival of the government in question.

መዘከርታ ንግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ኑርሑሴን (ነሓሰ 20. 2012 ዓም)
ኣሰፋ ኣብርሃ 08-28-20
Retraction: According to an email we received from a Family Member, the compensation noted in the article cites that the reimbursement was provided by the Tigray government or TPLF, however, this is incorrect- Aug 30, 2020

U.S. Halts Some Foreign Assistance Funding to Ethiopia Over Dam Dispute with Egypt, Sudan
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has approved a plan to halt U.S. foreign assistance to Ethiopia as the Trump administration attempts to mediate a dispute with Egypt and Sudan over the East African country’s construction of a massive dam on the Nile River. The decision, made this week, could affect up to nearly $130 million in U.S. foreign assistance to Ethiopia

All indications are pointing Abiy is about to surrender Hedase Dam's control to the Egyptians. The U.S. is believed to have assured Abiy that if he signs the Deal he will be guaranteed to stay in power. If there are any nationalist left in the Abiy government, now is the time to speak up and inform the public. The Trump administration is using the pressure tactic to give Abiy a cover.

The State of Tigray Post-Election Opportunities and Challenges
Lebelo Hailesilassie 08-27-20 - First and foremost, I would like to express my genuine delight that Tigray is poised to make its first-ever regional election on time without the Federal Government the Republic of Ethiopia. I am even more cheerful this election is on chores in a period of political instability and unrest across widespread of Ethiopia, geopolitical challenges and worldwide health crises.

Ethiopian Expands Its Global Hub - Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, unveils its new Aviation Infrastructure blending Modernity with Bio Safety.
Addis Ababa, 25 August 2020 Ethiopian Airlines Group, the Largest Aviation Group in Africa is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed a new passenger terminal at its hub Addis Ababa Bole International Airport with emphasis on Bio Security and Bio Safety measures.

In Support of TPLF and Its Leaders and Against Dr.Aregawi Berhe,Lilay Hailemariam
Gebre Selama 08-26-20 - I have to admit I have opposed TPLF for the past 30 years. I have bashed them for 30 years. However, the current situation in Ethiopia has impacted me too. I am now sympathetic to TPLF leaders. They have done more than their share in the face many attacks from all corners including neoliberals. They cleaned Ethoipia’s mess of 150 years in 27 years.

The self-degrading, belittling, and betrayal of Lilay's interview:
Gebru Boj'Boj 08-26-20 - After years of interrogation, torture, and mistreatments at the notorious Mae'Kelawi prison center, one Saturday late afternoon I and my fellow Tegaru prisoners were shipped off to Alem'Bekagn as it was getting over-crowded and to keep us in Alem'Bekagn until the regime decides on our fate. When we were leaving Ma'ekelawi for Alem'bakagn all of us including the other prisoners who remained in maekelawi believed that our last day had arrived.

Opinions and Views published on this site are those of the authors only! Aigaforum does not necessarily endorse them. © 2002-2020 All rights reserved.

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We started Aigaforum some 20 years ago right around the end of the Shaibya-Ethiopia war. One of the earlier songs we have on our page for a long time was "ክነዛርቦምኢና". As if our talented brother was reading our brain he has updated his old song. What a coincidence! We are entering a new chapter to defeat Derge 2.0. Enjoy ክነዛርቦምኢና 2.0. Thank You, Berhane Haile.
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