How to play Infinite Flight Simulator on your pc | Pocket Gamer
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How to play Infinite Flight Simulator on your PC

How to play Infinite Flight Simulator on your PC
| Infinite Flight

If you are already into Infinite Flight - Flight Simulator, one of the most comprehensive flying simulation games available on mobile, then you might be looking for ways to try out it on a bigger screen, preferably on a PC. If that’s the case, we've put together this article to show you how you can enjoy the flight sim title on your PC, right away.

Infinite Flight is a premium flight sim title that can be purchased from the official app markets for $0.99. The game lets you fly your favourite aircraft in a realistic atmosphere. The controls and features are well-balanced and the game is also visually impressive.

Apart from purchasing the game, there is also an in-game premium subscription called Infinite Flight Pro that lets you experience some extra features which apparently dramatically enhance the gameplay. These features include connecting with other pilots, unlocked aircraft and regions and lots more.

To try out Infinite Flight Simulator on PC all you have to do is install an emulator that allows you to run an Android file on the PC without any hassle. In this article, we will tell you the steps for two of the best Android gaming emulators, BlueStacks and LD Player. Infinite Flight Simulator works great with both of these emulators.

How to install Infinite Flight on BlueStacks?

Infinite Flight Simulator for PC - BlueStacks emulator

Follow the instructions below in order to download and install the game on BlueStacks:

  • First of all download the emulator on the official BlueStacks website.
  • After downloading it, follow the on-screen instructions to install it on your PC.
  • After successfully installing it, sign in/up on the Play Store to download the game.
  • Once you’re signed in, make the purchase and wait for the game to download and install.
  • Tap on the icon to launch the game and you will be asked to change the control settings.
  • If you wish to change the settings you can go ahead and make the changes, otherwise, it can also be done later by heading to the Settings tab on BlueStacks.

How to install Infinite Flight on LD Player?

Infinite Flight Simulator on LD Player

Follow the instructions below in order to download and install the game on LD Player:

  • Download the emulator from the official LD Player website and follow the installation process as with the above.
  • After LD Player is installed, head to the search bar and search for the game in order to purchase and download it.
  • If you manage to grab the APK file, you can also install it as LD Player supports third-party installations.
  • To bring changes to the controls and graphics settings, move to the Settings tab to toggle those features.

We hope that this guide will help you start enjoying Infinite Flight Simulator on your PC! If you're quite happy playing games on your phone, check out our list of the best console and PC games that you can play on your Android!

Suchit Mohanty
Suchit Mohanty
Suchit is an enthusiastic writer and an Otaku. He loves to watch and analyze eSport tournaments. Whenever he's not working you can find him watching anime or trawling through Reddit.