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Quote1There will always be people who say mean words because you are different. And sometimes, their minds cannot be changed. But there are many more people that do not judge people based on how they look, or where they came from. Those are the people whose words truly matter.Quote2
―Starfire about racism in "Troq"

Starfire (real name Princess Koriand'r), or "Star" for short, is one of the main characters of the Teen Titans series. She is an alien princess from the distant world of Tamaran, and one of the five founding members of the Teen Titans. She is also Robin's main love interest and finally becomes his girlfriend in the series finale movie.

Character history



A young Starfire with her family.

Starfire was born and raised on the planet Tamaran before arriving on Earth and joining the Teen Titans. The Tamaraneans are an emotional race that see feelings and sensations as the force that drives their very livelihood and strengthens their abilities. In fact, it is their emotions that further increase their natural abilities of flight, and projection of pure ultraviolet energy. Because of this, Starfire is inherently the most sensitive member of the Titans.

Starfire was cared for as a child by Galfore, who first appeared in "Betrothed". Her only family of which we know in the series is her evil big sister Blackfire, who, despite having rescued her often when the two were little, despises her. Later, in the comic Teen Titans Go, it is revealed she also has a younger brother named Wildfire; he was sent away when the Gordanians attacked Tamaran. Starfire was traded as a slave by Blackfire to the Gordanians in order to bring peace to a war-torn Tamaran, after which their parents died from grief.

Joining Teen Titans

Go! (17)

Starfire trying to break the handcuffs.

Starfire came to Earth as Koriand'r, a Tamaranean princess being transported by Gordanians, in exile as a slave to the Citadel. Through the use of her innate Tamaranean superhuman strength and incredible agility, she broke free from the brig aboard a Gordanian ship and landed in Jump City. While attempting to free herself of the handcuffs with which she had been laden, she ended up both destroying buildings and cars and running into four young teenagers, with whom she would later fight crime.

Raven suggested that fighting may not be the answer, and only then did Robin notice the handcuffs. Carefully, he talked the mysterious girl down and took off the handcuffs. She grabbed and kissed him to learn the English language, and warned him to leave her alone if they do not wish to be destroyed. (This falls in line with how Tamaraneans learn a spoken language through lip contact with another life form.)

Once fully released, she sought out food in the form of popcorn and candy at the local video store.

Having been tracked by the Titans, she reunited with them and fought off the wave of Gordanians sent to recapture her. Angered at Lord Trogaar's promise of destruction, she yelled at Robin, reminding him that she told him to leave her alone. The two got into an argument, but the situation was quickly defused after they apologized to each other, and the decision was made to work as a team to save the city from the Gordanians' particle weapon. The five teenagers founded the Teen Titans shortly after.

Season 1

In "Final Exam", the Titans are attacked by the H.I.V.E. Five who plan on defeating them, and taking over the Titans Tower.

In "Sisters", Starfire and Robin were at the local carnival ferris wheel, observing the fireworks while eating cotton candy. She was curious about Earthly things. Starfire blankly told Robin that fireworks meant the Gordanians were attacking. After reassuring her that wasn't the case, Starfire was abruptly taken away and being chased by alien probes. After the Titans and her manage to fend it off, they all wonder why it was after Starfire, then they head back to Titans Tower. There, they discover that Blackfire, Starfire's older sister, has come to Earth for a visit. While Starfire is very pleased to see her, Blackfire seems to take a interest more in the rest of the Titans, complimenting them and getting along like they were old friends. Starfire is not very happy about this, thinking that her friends have replaced her with her 'cooler and better looking sister.' After a short while, the Titans are invited to a party in an abandoned warehouse, courtesy of Blackfire.

In "Divide and Conquer", Robin and Cyborg get into a fight causing Cyborg to leave the team. Starfire clearly becomes affected by this, showing the fact by making the Pudding of Sadness, done by Tamaraneans when bad things happen. She tries to cheer the rest of the Titans up amidst the situation. After the successful fight with Plasmus, Starfire is relieved and joyful to know that the two finally made up, even suggesting to initiate a group hug.

In "Forces of Nature", after being nailed by a prank from Beast Boy that was meant for Cyborg. Starfire became angry with Beast Boy constantly ignoring him. While looking for the brother pair named Lightning and Thunder, she paired with Beast Boy continues to ignore him even rejecting his "cute kitty eye" look. But after their second fight with Thunder and Lightning, Starfire finally forgives Beast Boy for the prank.

In "The Sum of His Parts",

In "Nevermore", Starfire is confused with Raven's recent behavior. Wanting to check up on her friend's well-being, Starfire suggests that she and Robin go look for her, but Robin turns the offer down as Raven did say she wanted to be alone. After many continuous requests, Starfire decides to just go on her own but Robin tries to stop her by pulling her knock-ready arm away from Raven's door. With the door opening mere seconds later, Starfire is thrilled to see Raven well with Cyborg and Beast Boy, and suggests a breakfast feast.

In "Switched", Starfire and Raven accidentally switches bodies and are tasked to save the boys from the Puppet King. They later have problems with controlling their powers, as their way with using them differs from one another. In a failed attempt to properly use each other's powers, the two come into an agreement to fully understand each other first. From their experiences and stories about their lives, to their respective powers, Starfire and Raven grew closer, finally understanding their differences. They later save the boys and are switched back to their original bodies.

In "Deep Six", Starfire and Raven develop crushes on Aqualad.

In "Masks",

In "Mad Mod", Starfire and the other Titans end up being caught in a never-ending school maze by Mad Mod so they could be taught a "lesson". Being separated in the process, Starfire wakes up and finds herself in the villain's library. She was forced to look into the hypnotizing screen. If not, she would be crushed. Until being rescued by Robin, the duo found it harder to get out and found Beast Boy completely hypnotized. She tries her best to wake him up to no avail but is reunited with Cyborg and Raven.

In "Car Trouble",

In "Apprentice - Part 1" and "Apprentice - Part 2",

Season 2

In "How Long is Forever?", Starfire intends to celebrate a traditional Tamaranean holiday, Blorthog, the Day of Friendship, with her fellow Titans, but she finds them bickering over trivial things. With everyone too hung up in their own issues, Starfire warns them of "Rekma", the concept of "the Drifting Apart", which would occur, and result in the death of close friendships if they are not truly valued. The Titans reassure Starfire that this is merely typical roommate behavior, and that they would always remain friends. With a villain at the technological museum, Starfire manages to impulsively charge at Warp and both vanish into the time-stream. Sucked into the future, Starfire must find her friends' future selves and get back to her own time.

In "Every Dog Has His Day",

In "Terra",

In "Only Human",

In "Fear Itself",

In "Date with Destiny", while trying to catch the spider-headed jewel thief Fang, Starfire saves Robin from falling due to being paralyzed by the venom. After that, the two go back to Titans Tower for treatment.

In "Transformation", Starfire gains a large lump on her forehead. Worried about what the others might think, Starfire tries to keep her lump a secret, but as each day passes, she keeps getting more transformations. Once her secret is out, she flies away to find a different home, thinking about the others laughing at her appearance, and how they'll never accept her. Landing in a seemingly uninhabited planet, Starfire finds a beautiful and mysterious woman that later explains the recent changes. Starfire explains that Blackfire merely turned purple for two days, but the woman says that each Tamaranean has a different form of Transformation. Starfire was one of the few that would become a chrysalis. Soon, a chrysalis forms around her, and when it has almost completely formed, the Cironeilian Chrysalis Eater reveals its true form. Before the Cironeilian Chrysalis Eater is able to devour Starfire, the other Titans arrive and interfere. Finishing with Starfire's new eye-beams, the Cironeilian Chrysalis Eater is defeated. With the reassurance that the other Titans will always be her friends, no matter how much she changes on the outside, Starfire returns home, happy once again.

In "Titan Rising",

In "Winner Take All", Starfire, Raven, and Terra, are teleported to an alternate dimension. As the Master of Games somehow appears before them, his jewel mysteriously repaired, welcoming them to the Tournament of Heroines. Starfire states to Raven, "I have a bad feeling about this".

In "Betrayal",

In "Fractured",

In "Aftershock - Part 1" and "Aftershock - Part 2",

Season 3

In "Deception",

In "X", Starfire and the others answer a call to a break in and soon discover that the theft was someone that had stolen Robin's Red X suit. While fighting the new Red X, she was called cute by him but rejected his offer for a date. With Red X successfully escaping, the Titans come back to the tower. Starfire discusses with the team on who the mysterious and new Red X could be.

In "Betrothed", Starfire was called back to Tamaran, unaware that she is being tricked into marrying Glgrdsklechhh by her sister and new Grand Ruler of Tamaran, Blackfire.

In "Crash", Starfire was talking with Robin until Beast Boy zoomed past the pair. Cyborg was acting strange, even being asked to make her stewed gruntmag but recalled that the last time she did, it made Cyborg very sick.

In "Haunted", Starfire was subjected to threats and yelling from Robin after claiming that she could not see Slade (who was real to Robin). Fearing for his safety, Starfire knocks Robin unconscious before taking him to the infirmary to be examined.

In "Spellbound",

In "Revolution",

In "Wavelength",

In "The Beast Within", Starfire is baffled with Beast Boy's sudden dramatic change. Upon hearing Raven's cry, Starfire, Robin, and Cyborg rally, but they find Beast Boy and Raven missing, with Beast Boy's room filled with claw marks. Following Raven's tracer, they find her in the sewers hanging unconscious and injured from the fangs of a big green werewolf monster. Starfire quickly flies to Raven, and manages to protect Raven from the creature. Only with the greatest effort do the Titans manage to subdue it - to find out to their immense surprise that the creature was none other than Beast Boy.

In "Can I Keep Him?",

In "Bunny Raven... or ...How to Make A Titananimal Disappear", while dealing with the Amazing Mumbo after Raven gets sucked into the magician's hat Starfire and the others follow. Afterwards, she and the others find out that Mumbo's hat is way bigger on the inside, upon finding Raven as the villain's assistant Star was shocked Raven was turned into a rabbit calling her cute.

In "Titans East - Part 2", Starfire, along with the rest of the Teen Titans responded to Cyborg's call for help in the Titans East tower and fought Bumblebee. At the end of the episode, Más y Menos were attracted to Starfire, fighting each other over her as they bring her gifts.

Season 4

In "Episode 257-494",

In "The Quest",

In "Birthmark",

In "Cyborg the Barbarian",

In "Employee of the Month",

In "Troq",

In "The Prophecy",

In "Stranded", Starfire is offended when Robin says she isn't his girlfriend. Starfire misinterprets this due to Robin's poor choice of words. When the vicious space monster manages to latch onto the T-Ship, miscommunication leaves the Titans separated. Robin immediately sets out to find the others but is saved by Starfire from a slime creature, who is however quite cool and stand-offish towards him. They later talk in a cave, and Robin is confused why Starfire isn't using her powers. She explains that they are used when in an emotional state, and right now, she is feeling confused about their relationship. Robin awkwardly expresses and explains how much he cares about Starfire, and how it all was just a misunderstanding. After that, the space monster surprisingly comes back, and the two fight it, with Starfire getting her powers back. After tricking the space monster, Starfire and Robin are finally saved by Cyborg and Beast Boy.

In "Overdrive", Starfire becomes tired from fighting the duplicating Billy Numerous. She later tricks him, together with the other Titans, with holograms created by Cyborg.

In "Mother Mae-Eye", Starfire discovers that a witch is pretending to be their mother after realizing she was hypnotized this whole time. Starfire tries to fight her, but is unable to fight Mother Mae-Eye alone and is quickly overpowered. Although Mae-Eye tries her best to get her under her control again, Starfire deceives her and comes to her friends' rescue.

In "The End" trilogy, Starfire explains from her experience that Raven's powers are controlled by emotion. Starfire later fights an evil version of herself, together with Cyborg and Beast Boy.

Season 5

In "Homecoming - Part 1" and "Homecoming - Part 2",

In "Trust",

In "Snowblind", while on a mission in Russia, Starfire gets lost and nearly freezes to death in a snowstorm. Luckily, she is found and rescued by a mysterious figure, later revealed to be Red Star. After waking up, he and Starfire talk. Starfire teaches Red Star on how to control his powers.

In "Kole",

In "Hide and Seek", Starfire was mentioned by Beast Boy about being out on another mission.

In "Revved Up",

In "Calling All Titans!", Starfire finds and aids Argent in repairing a leaking dam in New Zealand. She then gives her a communicator. After a while, Argent is unexpectedly assaulted by General Immortus and his army. Starfire returns to find Argent, but is nowhere to be found, only to find Killer Moth and Kitten with his army waiting for her.

In "Titans Together", she, however, was not captured and resurfaced with Bumblebee and Red Star at the Brotherhood of Evil's hideout in Paris, helping free her friends and taking part in the final fight against the Brotherhood.

In "Things Change",

Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo

Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans

Physical appearance


Starfire full view

Starfire is said to be an incredibly pretty, lovely and beautiful girl. She is tall with bright orange skin, large green eyes with light-green scleras, and small rounded eyebrows. She has straight, shiny, waist-length, fiery-red hair with short bangs and a widow's peak.

Her uniform consists of a sleeveless violet crop top, a violet miniskirt, a silver belt, and thigh-high violet boots with silver soles and bands at the top. For armor, she wears a silver gorget with a round green gem embedded into it, silver bracers with green gems over the backs of her hands, and a silver armband on her upper right arm.

As a Tamaranean, she has alien physiology, which includes a long violet tongue and nine stomachs (possibly for storing food during meager times). She also seems to resemble some Japanese girls, inheriting similar eyebrows and very shiny hair.

In "Date with Destiny", she wore a long purple dress to the prom, with white gloves and purple slippers to match.

In "Bunny Raven... or ...How to Make A Titananimal Disappear", she was transformed into a cat by the villainous Mumbo. Her eyes became feline-like, and she had a white underbelly and a tail. She also lost her hair and boots, but the rest of her outfit did not change.


Starfire is very cheerful and sweet, yet somewhat naive and considerably insecure, but her naivety should not be mistaken for stupidity. An alien and an outsider, she is still rather new to Earth and its customs. (For example, she did not understand what a boy meant when he asked if she was "diggin' the scene" when she was at a party, and stated, confused, "I did not know we were supposed to bring shovels.") This leads to much confusion for her and others, such as the awkwardness in casually drinking mustard as a beverage, and thinking cotton candy and cotton balls are the same things. Presumably, because English is not her first language, Starfire speaks without contractions and misuses idioms (e.g. "Kick the butt!" as opposed to "Kick butt!" or "The mall of shopping" instead of "shopping mall" as well as "lobstery" instead of "crabby"). Additionally, she uses several Tamaranean words and phrases, such as "bumgorf" (a term of endearment towards one's own child), "K'norfka" (parent or guardian), "clorbag varblernelk" (insulting term), "G'lufnog" (bless you; said after one sneezes), and "shlorvak" (dream). She also insists on sharing her own customs with other members of the team (such as providing a crown of raw meat to be worn on one's birthday), but Starfire does not generally take offense when they do not understand or refuse her. In one instance ("Can I Keep Him?"), she lies about a holiday celebrated by destroying drapery and blows up a window to explain an accidentally torn curtain, an act that barely registers as odd behavior by the others.

She takes friendship very seriously and is easily distressed when others, especially her friends, argue or fight. She is arguably the most social of the Titans, regularly meditating with Raven, or lifting weights with Cyborg. She can also be particularly indignant to the point of snubbing her teammates when she believes they do not care for her friendship or company. Above all, Starfire wishes to be friends with everyone she meets, and for everyone to get along. This is in part probably, as before coming to Earth, Starfire did not have real friends apart of her adoptive father, as she mentioned in "Go!" to Robin that "nice" is not a common word in her planet and that no one had been so nice with her apart of him and her own guardian.

Sisters (15)

Starfire watching fireworks in awe

Her personality changed dramatically from her first meeting with the Titans in Go!. She demonstrated her power and strength as she escaped from the Gordanian ship. While the others saw rampant destruction without a cause, Raven saw her trying to free herself from her handcuffs. As mentioned above, Tamaraneans learn language through lip contact, and having gotten what she wanted from Robin, she leaves him with a warning to leave her alone, she flies away knowing full well that the Gordanians were still hot on her trail. As she fought against the Gordanians with the four other young heroes, her personality calmed dramatically, and she eventually apologized for the destruction she had caused during her escape. This change in behavior suggests truly was, at heart, a somewhat friendly, kindhearted person. The reckless behavior seen at the beginning of the episode might lend some credence to why Tamaraneans are so feared throughout the galaxy: their strength is not easily matched. It also proves that Starfire, when the time is right, is not afraid to "kick the butt".

While naive, Starfire is extremely perceptive. As shown in "Apprentice - Part 2", while knowing Robin and Slade had similar personalities, she refused to believe he had gone to be Slade's apprentice of his own accord, spending hours looking for him. Later, she states that she "cannot live in a world where they must fight," showing that she values her friends more than anything. Starfire has also shown that she has a lot of wisdom, most notably in "Snowblind", when she got Red Star to embrace his powers. She has also taught lessons to both Cyborg and Beast Boy in "Forces of Nature" and "Deception".

She cares about each of her friends, but there is one person whom she cares more than anyone on Earth: Robin. Since the day they met, both her and Robin have had romantic feelings for each other, which are obvious to everyone including a few villains. There have been multiple hints throughout the show showing how much they care about one another (as evidenced in "Sisters", "Date with Destiny", "Betrothed", "Stranded", "Go!", and finally in Trouble in Tokyo); but Robin and Starfire did not admit their strong romantic feelings for each other until the series finale movie Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo. At that time, they share a few scenes with each other and have attempted to kiss twice. By the end of the movie, Robin and Starfire finally reveal their feelings for each other, and they finally share a real romantic kiss. They are seen the next day holding each other's hands, confirming that they have finally become a couple.


Starfire prom

Starfire in a prom dress in "Date with Destiny".


Quote1Robin...stop talking.Quote2
―Starfire to Robin[src]

Starfire is close to all her friends, but the most important person that she loves more than anyone in her team is her boyfriend Robin. She has secretly harbored romantic feelings for him ever since they first met, though what she does not know is that Robin feels the same way about her. Until the events of the series finale movie, both were too afraid to confess how they really feel about each other, even though it was obvious to all of their friends and even enemies.

Since she is still new to Earth and its customs, Robin takes the time to help her learn to adjust to life on Earth which also strengths their bond with each other. On occasion this had led to dates (or date-like events) - for example, at the beginning of "Sisters", where Robin explains to her that fireworks are not a signal of an impending attack whilst they are riding a Ferris wheel. Starfire enjoys Robin's teachings to no end, and they get along very well. As such, both can be considered to be as intelligent as each other.

There are many hints throughout the show that they have feelings for one another. One significant example is when Robin fights Starfire and easily defeats the other Titans when Slade commands him to (The Apprentice). However, it is shown that he actively avoids battling Starfire, and when forced to face her, he refuses to strike her down even when Slade repeatedly orders him to. Robin also defies Slade's orders to be silent, saying Starfire's name before he can stop himself.

Robin is usually the first to jump in and save Starfire when she is in trouble, often catching her when she falls, or shouting her name when she is in danger. There are many times when Robin saves her from falling or being hit by something. Equally, Starfire saves Robin just as often; usually by grabbing him and flying out of danger. Since they are allies and part of a team, these acts are rarely given second thoughts, but Starfire and Robin save one another significantly more often than they save the others - but that does not mean that they do not care for the rest of their team, however.

Having such strong feelings for him, Starfire often gets extremely jealous when other girls flirt with Robin, such as Blackfire and Kitten, as shown in "Sisters" and "Date with Destiny" respectively. Robin has also been shown to become equally (if not more) jealous whenever Starfire appears to be interested in someone else or when boys flirt with her - Red X is a prime example, often calling her "Cutie" and flirting with her as they battle. This tends to happen more often, as it is frequently mentioned by various villains (with varying degrees of interest in) that Starfire is very beautiful - this is even noted in the opening monologue in "Transformation".

Throughout the series, there have been crucial moments to the growing bond between Robin and Starfire, even having 5 episodes that focus primarily on their feelings for one another: "Sisters", "Date with Destiny", "Betrothed", "Stranded", and "Go!" The show's finale film Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo also had their romance as a major plot point.

Robin and Starfire (Sisters)

Robin and Starfire enjoying a Ferris Wheel ride together

"Sisters" is the first episode to show that Robin and Starfire have strong romantic feelings towards each other. At the start of the episode, they are on a Ferris wheel, enjoying a fireworks display together. Starfire is still having a hard time adjusting to life on Earth but is enjoying herself. During the ride, she is suddenly snatched by an alien robot. The Titans destroy the robot, and when they return to the Tower they find a surprise visitor: Starfire's older sister Blackfire.

At first, Starfire very happy to see Blackfire; however, she soon starts to become upset as Blackfire quickly makes herself popular on the team, due to her rebellious lifestyle and a better understanding of Earth. As she tries to spend time with her friends but is blown off as they prefer to hang out with Blackfire. However, she only becomes truly upset when Blackfire is shown to be constantly flirting with Robin.

Sisters (411)

Robin attempting to comfort a dejected Starfire.

Later on, they all go to a nightclub. Blackfire and the Titans are really enjoying themselves, except Starfire. She goes onto the roof of the club and starts to think that maybe she does not belong on Earth, after all, seeing that her sister fits in much better. Then, to her surprise, Robin appears and ask what was wrong, Starfire tries to avoid the subject, but Robin can easily see that she is distressed. Eventually, Starfire explains she is unhappy because she does not fit in and is nothing like her older sister. Robin begins to console her but is suddenly interrupted and (literally) dragged off by Blackfire who wants to dance with him, leaving by herself on the roof. Later, she is attacked by three robots like the one from the Ferris wheel. When Blackfire destroys them practically single-handedly, she is offered the chance to become a Teen Titan. At this, Starfire decides that it is best that she leaves the team, thinking that Blackfire is better suited for the job.

Just before leaving, however, she is stopped by Robin. She flies down to him and is about to explain to him why she has decided to leave but is suddenly attacked and kidnapped by two aliens. As the aliens are about to leave, they are attacked by Robin, who grabbed on to the underside of the ship (saying "no one's taking [her] away"). After fighting the aliens, they then learn the truth: the aliens are police, and are after a Tamaranean who has committed many crimes on their home planet: Centauri. Starfire reveals she has never been to the Centauri Moons, but Robin remembers that Blackfire has. The two realize that it is really Blackfire the aliens are after, and she came to Earth so that Starfire could take her place in jail. She then soon confronts her sister, fights her and wins. Blackfire is taken away, but not before she swears revenge.

Sisters (729)

Robin comforting Starfire.

The next morning, Starfire is sitting on the Tower's roof. When Robin joins her and asks how she is doing, she replies saying she is sad about her sister but is glad that the truth was discovered before she was replaced. Surprised, Robin asks what Starfire means. She explains that everyone liked Blackfire so much that it seemed she would take her place. However, Robin states "your sister was interesting, but she could never take your place. No one could ever take your place." The episode ends with both Robin and Starfire watching the sunrise together on the rooftop.

Happy Couple

Robin and Starfire in "Date with Destiny"

"Date with Destiny" is the second episode that focuses on Robin and Starfire's relationship. The villain Killer Moth threatens to release an army of mutant moths on the city unless Robin takes his daughter, Kitten, to her junior prom. Starfire is horrified at the arrangement, but with no other ideas on how to stop them, Robin is forced to agree. Later, Robin tells the Titans to investigate Kitten and find out what her connection to Killer Moth is (unaware that they are related), and having Starfire found a loophole in "investigating Kitten" acquires a dress, Starfire goes to the prom, too. Robin is very surprised (and happy) to see; spending a long time admiring her. When Kitten arrives, he is considerably less pleased, smiling through gritted teeth at Kitten's orders. Starfire becomes enraged with jealousy seeing Robin and Kitten walking into the dance together - so much so that she punches the hood of Kitten's limo so hard, that it immediately becomes destroyed.

Throughout the entire episode, Starfire is shown to be out of her mind with jealousy seeing Robin and Kitten together - she even melts a punch bowl and scares a couple when she sees Robin and Kitten dancing. When Robin finds out that the Titans are taking down Killer Moth, he immediately dumps Kitten (which makes Starfire very happy). However, to their utter surprise, Kitten reveals herself to be Killer Moth's daughter, as well as the fact that she has the controller that will release the moths.

Prom King & Queen

Robin and Starfire declared the Prom King and Queen.

She threatens to release them on the city unless Robin kisses her. Robin is as disgusted as he is horrified. Just as Kitten is about to kiss him, Robin puts his finger against her lips and tells her "not even if you paid me". He tries to get the controller but is interrupted by the arrival of Kitten's boyfriend, Fang (a teenaged boy with a massive spider for a head) who bats Robin away from her. Starfire then shoots a Starbolt at Fang and asks Robin if he is alright. At the end of the episode, after Fang, Kitten and Killer Moth are defeated, an announcer declares Robin and Starfire as the Prom King and Queen. Robin had earlier told Kitten that he did not dance, but at this point, he smiles, takes Starfire's hand, and says one more could not hurt. Thus, Robin and Starfire share their first romantic dance together.

"Betrothed" is the third episode that focuses on their relationship. Robin is extremely disturbed and distraught when Starfire announces that she is to marry someone - especially to someone that she has never met. Upon arriving on Tamaran, Starfire is discovered to be a princess - second in line for the throne - and introduces her friends to her guardian, Galfore, and discovers her sister, Blackfire, is now ruler, as well as the person responsible for her upcoming marriage. Later, when Starfire mistakes a handsome Tamaranean for her groom, Robin's reaction of intense disapproval and comical jealousy contrasts to Galfore's approval. When Robin and the other Titans find out more about what is happening, Robin climbs to Starfire's balcony and tries to talk her out of the wedding. She tells him she has to get married for the good of her people. Starfire then tells Robin that it is better if he should not attend the wedding, knowing full well that Robin does not approve of the arrangement. However, before Robin can say anything, he is kidnapped. She sees that Robin is gone and sadly walks back to her room to prepare for the ceremony.

However, even though Robin could not fully see it, Starfire is not happy with the situation either, as she is forced into marrying someone she does not love. She is willing to go through it, though, because it will save her people. Later, after Blackfire's plot is discovered and Starfire has won the crown, she tells her people that she fought her sister because Blackfire was not best for Tamaran, but neither is she herself. She gives the crown to Galfore, knowing he will care for her planet as he cared for her. Before leaving, Starfire tells him that when she is ready to be married, "I shall choose my own husband. Who is to know? Perhaps there is a groom for me on Earth," as she bids Galfore goodbye, and Starfire walks side by side with Robin back to the ship, a clear foreshadowing of the future.

"Stranded" is the fourth episode. It is also considered to be one of the most important, as Robin and Starfire came very close to finally admitting how they truly feel about each other. At the start, the Titans are attacked by a shrieking alien monster. They are overwhelmed until only Robin and Starfire and remain able to fight. They defeat the monster, and whilst they congratulate each other, Cyborg teases Robin about his and Starfire's relationship by calling his girlfriend.

Stranded (232)


Robin becomes both shocked and embarrassed at the suggestion and starts to hyperventilate. He also notices that everyone (minus Raven) have smug looks on their faces revealing that they are all fully aware of how Robin and Starfire truly feel about each other. Still embarrassed, he yells "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" which shocks so much that she falls to the ground. She becomes confused, very angry, and offended, but as Robin starts to prepare himself from some uncomfortable questions from her, they hear a loud shriek: the alien monster is revealed to have survived the fall and starts to destroy the station. The Titans are able to escape the station before it explodes, but the monster eventually causes them to land separately on an alien planet.

After landing, Robin starts to look for the others, and he comes across Starfire's pod first. Inside it, however, he finds a slug creature. Believing the monster to have done something to Starfire, Robin attacks it, but its slimy body makes it difficult for him to fight and it almost eats him. Luckily, Robin is saved by Starfire. He runs towards her, relieved that she is alright. But to his surprise, she does not act like her usual self; stand-offish and indifferent. She then says they should start looking for the others, and for the most part, ignores Robin.

Stranded (631)

Robin rescues Starfire.

While searching for the others, Starfire keeps moving away from Robin every time, he gets to close to her. Starfire reveals she is giving Robin "the space" as he requested back at the station, which reveals to Robin that she is still hurt. She suggests that they would have better luck looking for the others if they split up, Robin, however, is against the idea and asks if she could just talk to him. Starfire asks him if he is finally ready to explain why she is not his girlfriend. This makes Robin nervous which makes go back to ignoring. Later, Robin almost falls into a lava-pit but is saved by her. Despite this, she continues ignoring him. Thinking she has misunderstood what "girlfriend" means on Earth, Robin starts to explain, but to his surprise is revealed to already be aware of what girlfriend means. They soon find themselves on different parts of the mountain and the ground beneath them breaks apart and the two of them end up falling, Robin is able to save himself, but to his surprise, Starfire reveals that she is unable to use her powers. Robin jumps down to save her and the two of them land safely in a cave. Now that they are safe, Robin asks why she was unable to use her powers to save them, and she reveals that her powers are connected to her emotions. She cannot fly or shoot star-bolts is because she was upset and started to fear that their relationship would not be the same since he will not admit how he really feels about her.

Stranded (676)

Robin attempting to confess his true romantic feelings to Starfire

Robin starts to explain how he really feels about Starfire, albeit somewhat awkwardly. He says that "it's awesome the way [she] shoots star bolts" and that "it's cool that [she's] brave and the strongest girl ever." She asks him if he does not mind having a girlfriend, but before Robin can answer her they are suddenly attacked once again by the monster. As they fight, regains her powers. They are cornered onto the edge of a cliff, and with no way of escape, Robin says it is time to fly. Starfire is nervous, but Robin reassures her by taking her hand and telling her as long as they are together, it will be okay. They both jump off the cliff and she regains her flight abilities. They safely fly to the top of the mountain, look into each other's eyes and with having forgiven him, they share a hug.

Stranded (758)

Robin and Starfire officially reconcile

"Go!" is a prequel to the series and reveals how the Teen Titans first met and how they were first formed. It is also the fifth and final episode focusing on Robin and Starfire's love for each other and also reveals exactly how Robin and first met and how they both developed their strong romantic feelings for each other. When Robin and Starfire first met, their relationship was rather rocky at the start since she had been a prisoner for so long and she was in a place that was still very new to her. However, (by the end of the episode), their relationship greatly improved and shows that they have both developed strong romantic feelings for each other.

In the beginning, Starfire is revealed to be a prisoner of the Gordanians and is fighting her way off of their ship, she quickly escapes and flies off on the planet Earth to get away from her alien captors. Robin (having just left Batman) decides to become a solo hero at Jump City and is fighting a thief when he notices a bright green light fast approaching the city. He soon finds himself an alien girl destroying everything around her and soon starts to fight her.

Go! (38)

Robin and Starfire's "first" kiss in the prequel "Go!".

Robin soon realizes that she is much stronger than she looks and that he cannot handle her on his own. He soon finds himself getting help from his future teammates: Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven. Raven then realizes that the girl is not trying to destroy the city, but she is merely trying to get out her restraints. At this, Robin begins to approach. She is very tired but quickly becomes battle-ready to defend herself, however, Robin approaches her slowly and calmly explains to her that he just wants to help by showing his lock-pick. She lowers her star bolts and allows Robin to remove her restraints. When they are removed, she grabs Robin and kisses him. Just as suddenly, Starfire then pushes him away and starts to speak English, she tells him "If you wish not to be destroyed, you will leave me alone!" and flies off leaving Robin still surprised over the kiss she gave him. Shortly after, Robin decides to track her down on his own to see if she is a threat to the city. However, the city is then invaded by Gordanians, and they find it at a video store where she explains the situation.

Go! (72)

Robin and Starfire arguing

During a fight, Starfire almost gets herself captured again, but is saved for the first time by Robin. The Gordanians retreat and their leader threatens the planet for the interference. She blames Robin as she told him to stay away from her. Robin, however, then becomes mad at her as he states "My fault?! You blast me, you KISS me, but you never stop to mention that they have a gigantic particle weapon?!" The fighting eventually stops and the group again resume their fight against the Gordanians to stop them from destroying the city by sneaking into their ship.

Go! (79)

Robin and Starfire begin to develop romantic feelings for each other.

Once they are inside the ship, the Titans go to look for the Control Room. While searching for the room, Robin and Starfire share a private moment where they both apologize to each other for the fight they had earlier. Starfire claims that on Tamaran the only person to ever show her kindness was her guardian and Robin explains to her that things on Earth are very different and they share their first romantic moment together. However, they are interrupted by Beast Boy who then alerts them to the arrival of Gordanians.

Go! (98)

Starfire and Robin's budding romance begins

Later on, long after they won the fight against the Gordanians, Starfire appears wearing clothing from her own world. Robin comes forward and says that he still does not know her name and she then explains that in English, she is called "Starfire." Robin gives her a formal welcome to Earth and Starfire thanks them for their bravery and help. She says that she wishes to stay on Earth and that even though the people appear strange, they are also very kind. She and Robin start blushing from her comment knowing very well that she meant that she is also thanking Robin for the kindness that he has shown her the time she has spent on Earth so far. This marks as the beginning of not only of the Teen Titans, but also the beginning of a beautiful relationship that will someday blossom between Robin and Starfire.

However, even though their relationship is not the focus of every episode, there are subtle hints and affirmations in most episodes. For example, when Mad Mod is explaining to why her star bolts are not working, Robin becomes protective of her and tells Mad Mod to get away from her. In "For Real", Control Freak jealously claims that is "too good for Robin, he'll never appreciate her!" to which Más y Menos (who also have crushes on) agree (incidentally, the only time these two brothers fight is when they compete against one another for her affections). In "Revolution", when Mad Mod takes Robin hostage, Starfire is shown to more worried about him than any of the other Titans. When the Titans are deciding over which course of action they should take, Starfire thinks that it is best that they find Robin and restore his youth so that he may lead them to victory. When the Titans decide to go with this plan first, they track Robin through his communicator. The Titans seemed to have found him and when they go to hug him, they find that "Robin" is nothing more than a hologram. Later, when the Titans have successfully defeated Mad Mod and restored Robin's youth, Starfire is briefly shown with hearts in her eyes, hugging Robin, happy that he is back to normal.

In "The End - Part 2", when Starfire was fighting her Nega self, she was using Starfire's inner feelings against her. So while she was fighting her, her Nega self taunted regarding her feelings for Robin and kept telling her when the fight was over, Robin would be "all [hers]." In "Snowblind", Starfire leaves by herself to track down the monster on her own. Robin (worried for her safety) yells her name, but she ignores him. Later, before she collapses in the snow, she weakly murmurs "Robin..." It is later shown the rest of the Titans waiting near the broken down T-Ship, Robin decides to go after her, but the others are against the idea as he would not be able to survive in the storm, though he listens to his friends Robin remains very worried about Starfire. While Starfire is missing, Robin is looking around the area seeing if she has come back yet, Raven tries to assure him by telling him Starfire can take care of herself, and Robin replies, "That doesn't mean I can't worry." When they find her at Red Star's home, Starfire hugs Robin before looking to see the rest of her friends.

TT Trouble in Tokyo (115)

Robin and Starfire in the series finale, Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo.

In the series finale movie Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo, it not only served as the series finale to the show, but it also served as a vital part in the growing relationship between Robin and Starfire. At the beginning when the Titans are chasing after the villain Saico-Tek, he attacks and makes her fall out of the sky, but luckily, Robin saves her when he grabs her hand and they both ride on his R-Cycle together to catch Saico-Tek.

When the Titans first arrive in Tokyo, they have some trouble with the language since none of them are able to speak Japanese. However, Starfire claims that she might be able to help and, to the shock and surprise of her friends, she suddenly grabs a teenaged stranger and kisses him. Out of all the Titans, Robin is the most shocked, and he becomes very jealous that Starfire kissed the boy, even though it was for a reason. Robin also seems to realize that the reason why Starfire kissed him when they first met was just so she could learn to speak English, which makes him more upset, as he most likely believed it was an entirely romantic action. When the Titans decide to explore Tokyo separately, Starfire and Robin go to explore Tokyo together.

By sunset, they have explored a great deal of the city, and retreat to the rooftop of the Tokyo Tower. There, Starfire mentions about the kiss she shared with the boy earlier, while also discussing the kiss they shared with each other on the day they first met. They start to discuss the topic and its uses on Tamaran and Earth. Where on Tamaran, it is merely a way to transfer certain amounts of information and knowledge, but now, Starfire has now learned that on Earth it means "more."

TT Trouble in Tokyo (778)

Robin and Starfire attempting to have their first real kiss

Robin and Starfire then start to get more comfortable about the subject and they finally start to express their true feelings for each other. Just as they are about to share their first true kiss together, Robin backs away at the last moment just having Starfire discovered a new thought about Brushogun. Robin then states that he is a hero only and that there is nothing between them. This greatly upsets Starfire and she flies away crying.

Later on, Starfire is seen in front a store watching two robot mice kiss each other, making her depressed. A little girl comes up to her and tries to ask what was wrong. Starfire says that everything is fine, but as the girl leaves, Starfire starts to follow her and finally admits that she has had feelings for Robin ever since the day the two of them first met. Starfire then starts to say that maybe she was foolish to think such things, to think there was anything between her and Robin. The little girl then gives her a hopeful smile and finally realizes that there has always been something more between her and Robin and that she would not give up on them.

When Robin goes into hiding to avoid being captured by Commander Daizo and the Tokyo Troopers, he takes on the disguise as a mugger and goes to find information about Brushogun. However, he is soon discovered by them and Robin gets into a car chase. Robin almost gets himself captured again, but Starfire thankfully saves Robin and the both fly off together to a secret hideout.

TT Trouble in Tokyo (1869)

Robin and Stafire's first real kiss

While there, Starfire explains to Robin about the current situation and gives him a fresh copy of his uniform. is about to leave, but Robin grabs her arm just before she goes. They both share another tender moment and attempt to kiss again, but are interrupted by the arrival of Beast Boy and the other Titans who barge in on them. When they defeat Commander Daizo, Robin then tries to reveal his true and strong romantic feelings for Starfire, but getting the message she silences him by simply saying "Robin... stop talking," and they finally share their real kiss. In the end, Robin and Starfire are seen holding hands and have finally become a romantic couple.


Wildfire 7

Starfire and Wildfire reuniting

Wildfire, formally known as Prince Ryand'r of Tamaran is Starfire's younger brother. Unlike Blackfire's relationship with Starfire, Starfire has a close relationship with her brother. And just like Robin, Starfire loves her brother more than anything or anyone because he is all the family that she has now. She can also get quite worried about him when she and Wildfire are separated as well. Despite this, she never stopped searching and never gave up on him.


Quote1Raven! We have done it!Quote2

Raven and Starfire meditating together

Raven did not take a liking to her once she became part of the team due to their very different personalities. Starfire did not initially understand Raven, and so she did not connect with her very well either. She attempted to connect with Raven more, but Raven shot her down. When they accidentally switched bodies with one another, they discover more about each other and finally, Raven learns to respect Starfire and her optimism, just as Starfire has accepted Raven and her gloominess.[1] After that, Raven and Starfire are seen meditating together and they hang out when the boys are together. Sometimes, if Starfire is worried about a girl thing, she talks to Raven[2] and tells her about her newly-found pimple. One thing the two have in common is that they both fawned over Aqualad together.[3] In some battles, Starfire and Raven combine their powers. They do this again to stop the Brotherhood of Evil.[4][5] Despite their rocky start at the beginning and their different traits, the girls have become close friends. Primarily, they are the only two females on the team. Unlike her male teammates, Raven is the only one who has never called her "Star."

Beast Boy

Quote1On my planet, we have a name for those who do such terrible things. You are a...a...CLORBAG VARBLERNELK!!Quote2
―Starfire to Beast Boy[src]
Forces of Nature (159)

Beast Boy reconciles with Starfire for pranking her.

Just as Cyborg serves as an older brother to Starfire, Beast Boy tends to act as her younger brother. He sometimes oversteps himself by taking his pranks too far and being insensitive about matters that are serious to Starfire, but the two are very close and trust each other in battle. Beast Boy has learned good things from her. One time, Beast Boy plans to get revenge on Cyborg for pranking him, by throwing an oil balloon in Cyborg's face. When the balloon accidentally hits Starfire, an angry Starfire chooses to ignore Beast Boy. They soon reunite. Beast Boy realizes that she taught him to be a good person.[6] Starfire laughs at most of Beast Boy's jokes, even though they are not funny and she does not get the majority of them, but they remain family, and Starfire is the first person of choice Beast Boy would entrust a very delicate secret to. Beast Boy also trusts Starfire enough to help hide his secret pet Silkie from the other Titans, and it is during this episode she forms her maternal bond to Silkie. Incidentally, both find the silkworm to be cute.

Starfire was surprised at his stern attitude after he refused to talk about his past with the Doom Patrol and saw more of his true self.


Quote1I did not know you before, so to me, you are normal.Quote2
―Starfire to Cyborg[src]

Starfire reunites with future Cyborg, who has deeply missed her after she had been gone for two whole decades.

Next to Robin, Cyborg is the one Starfire confides the most in. For example, he was the first to find out the true meaning behind the word "Troq", which is what their ally Val-Yor called her, telling her she was inferior. In that same episode, Cyborg is shown to know just what to say to make her feel better. Cyborg, along with everyone else, is also well aware of Robin and Starfire's romantic feelings for each other and is known to make the most remarks. A good example would be when he called her Robin's girlfriend in "Stranded" or pointed out Robin is jealous when she was forced into an arranged marriage in "Betrothed". Aside from being aware of their feelings, he supports their relationship such as when and Robin had their first real kiss, Cyborg expressed his approval, saying, "Well, it's about time." The two of them are very social with each other, as seen in "Overdrive", where Cyborg is shown to be lifting weights with her and when he decides to learn Tamaranean from her.

Another episode showing their close friendship was "Deception", where Cyborg was sent to infiltrate the H.I.V.E. academy by using a hologram to disguise himself. Prior to his departure, Starfire came to say goodbye to him in his room, where he was admiring the hologram. Here, she concedes how much the hologram impresses her, but prefers the original version better, meaning the way she has always known him. After the mission was over, she visits him again, where he is sadly taking off the hologram. When he talks about how much he misses being normal, it shows her ability to cheer people up by saying, "I did not know you before, so to me, you are normal," which made Cyborg feel better. Another episode where Cyborg is positively encouraged by is the adventure in "How Long is Forever?" where Starfire was accidentally sent twenty years into the future during a fight with the time traveler Warp. Making her way to Titan's Tower, she found Cyborg in disrepair, but he still told her where to find Beast Boy and Raven. Later, when he receives Nightwing's distress signal, he chooses to help his old friend return back to the past. Overall, apart from the many villains they have to fight, little has been done to interfere with their friendship.


Silkie is Starfire's alien pet. Starfire's relationship with Silkie is like an adoptive mother-adoptive son relationship. Along with this information, Starfire and Silkie are very close, trusting and being loyal to each other. Starfire loves Silkie very very much and would get worried about him whenever she and he are separated. And just like Starfire and Raven, Silkie and Star have a very close bond and would often spend together (although there were not that many scenes with Starfire and Silkie together).


Quote1I am not so little anymore!Quote2
―Starfire to Blackfire[src]

Sisterly rivalry

Blackfire dislikes her younger sister due to the fact that she sent her to prison then later dethroned on Tamaran, leaving the crown to Galfore (her adoptive father and caretaker). Blackfire always challenged Starfire to fights and believed herself to be better than her at everything, yet has defeated by her several times. After being dethroned, she was sent into exile with Glyrdsklechhh. Yet Starfire, being the forgiving person that she is, always seems willing to make peace with her no matter how many times Blackfire has wronged her for her own selfish ends.

Sometime later, an angry Blackfire is hired by Madame Rouge to toy with Starfire's feelings by masquerading as their long-lost younger brother, Wildfire. This attack ultimately failed and a furious Starfire finally snapped. Deeply hurt that Blackfire would even resort to staging their lost brother's "return" for the mere sake of revenge, Starfire went to Blackfire's prison outrageously renouncing Blackfire as her sister then vows that she will go find Wildfire as he is "the only family [she] has left now."


Quote1I shall miss you, friend.Quote2
―Starfire to Terra[src]

Starfire hugging Terra

When they first met, Starfire became instant friends with Terra, similarly to Beast Boy, and would often compete with him to hang out with or hug Terra. Starfire becomes hurt and angry after Terra betrays them to Slade, but does not realize at first. She blames herself when she allows Terra to trick her into believing that she is hurt, and thus allowing Terra to have a slight advantage. She attempts to drop all remorse for Terra when Terra knocks her off a cliff with a boulder, but Starfire still shows concern for her after she flees a fight with the Titans, stating that "she seems quite scared." But this may be a slight victory statement. Finally, when Terra overcomes her devotion to Slade and destroys him in molten lava, but subsequently turns to stone while trying to stop a volcano from erupting, Starfire is saddened, but proud of Terra's heroic sacrifice. She brings flowers to Terra's memorial/grave. Like the other Titans, Starfire is confused about whether or not Terra has truly returned.

Red Star

Quote1You must use your ability to help people.Quote2
―Starfire to Red Star[src]
Starfire shoulder carry

Red Star carrying an unconscious Starfire over his shoulder as he rescues her from a terrible blizzard.

After receiving a distress signal from Siberia, Starfire and the other Titans arrived to find a destroyed city. After exploring and searching for survivors, they learned from the locals that one of their own people was responsible for the destruction. During a search for the outcast in the T-Ship, the Titans got attacked by a mysterious creature. After scanning the creature, Cyborg informed the others that the creature was giving off radiation levels that were off the scale, which was dangerous to all except Starfire, who was naturally immune to radiation. When the creature fled, Starfire chased after it in a blizzard; ultimately, the creature escaped and she collapsed in the snow due to the cold. Unconscious, freezing, and the snow piling on top of her, Starfire was seemingly doomed to freeze to death alone. Fortunately, she was found by Red Star, who, despite not know who she was, pull her out of the snow before she could be buried under it.

Draping the beautiful Tamaranean girl atop his shoulder, Red Star took her out of the storm and into the safety of his home. When she woke up, Starfire was initially confused about her landings and assumed her savior was holding her prisoner. Upon hearing him out, Starfire discovered that Red Star was not holding her prisoner. Instead, he was isolating himself from her because of a power he had inside him but finally allowed to speak to him when she told him of the resilience of her people. After talking about the creature, she learned that Red Star was not the creature she was looking for, but he was being blamed for the destruction it was causing.

Snowblind Dinner

Starfire bonding with Red Star over dinner.

However, because Red Star had little control of his power, he was prevented from trying to clear his name. Despite this setback, he was willing to let Starfire pursue the creature. As she was preparing to leave, Starfire found the other Titans and introduced them to Red Star, to whom she assured she owed her life to, though Red Star was modest. After explaining how he got his powers through a military experiment, the radiation monster attacked, in which Red Star displayed his power against the creature. Unfortunately, he was unable to stop the creature from amplifying its power with some of the canisters Red Star used to shed his power. Despite his guilty feelings, Starfire encouraged Red Star to embrace his power and help them fight the creature, to which he agreed and was made an Honorary Titan. When they returned to the city and the people tried to make Red Star leave, Starfire refused to let him go, reminding the general that Red Star was not the only one to bear the blame for the creature's existence. Before leaving to fight the creature, the general encouraged Red Star to do his best.

In the end, the creature lost control of the extra power it had obtained Starfire and was destroyed by Red Star. However, Red Star's power had reached high levels of power, requesting Starfire that take him to space to discharge himself, assuring her that he would no longer have to worry about being alone since he would no longer be shunned by his people. After he had discharged his power, Robin told Starfire he was proud of her for what she did for him. In response, she said she believed he would return the favor someday, which he did by helping defeat the Brotherhood of Evil.


Argent and Starfire 3

Starfire warmly offers to help Argent with her task.

Argent and Starfire 7

Starfire and Argent working together to fix the broken dam.

When the Brotherhood of Evil started targeting young heroes, Robin sent Starfire to New Zealand to warn Argent and give her a Titans communicator in case they came after her. Starfire first encountered Argent when she was fixing a dam that was starting to collapse. While Argent was initially somewhat cautious about Starfire, she became friendly with her after realizing she was a Teen Titan. Despite having only just met, Argent trusted Starfire and the two worked together to repair the broken dam. Right after that, Starfire warned Argent about the Brotherhood, and gave her a communicator so that she could assisted if the Brotherhood came after her. When Argent was attacked by General Immortus and his robot soldiers Starfire immediately went back to help her and was shown to be worried about her when she arrived too late to prevent her abduction. The the two would later fight together against the Brotherhood of Evil at their base in Paris and against Dr. Light. The two have since developed a friendly relationship and work well together when they need too.

Powers and abilities


Go! (17)

Starfire after being experimented on.

Tamaranean Physiology: All of Starfire's superpowers are native to her extraterrestrial species of the Tamaraeans. Though outwardly humanoid in appearance, she has several biological differences, like having nine stomachs, reddish hair and eyebrows, and very pale orange skin. All of her abilities are tied to her emotional state, and generally can only be triggered when a specific emotion is focused on; because of this, her powers can be weakened or compromised when she is in emotional turmoil, like when she lost her ability to fly due to depression.

Starfire solar blast

Starfire's bright green-colored Starbolt

  • Ultraviolet Energy Projection: As a result of being experimented on, Starfire can project incredibly powerful bright green-colored energy from her hands, activated by righteous fury. Her energy attacks produce both thermal energy and highly explosive results on contact. She can augment the effectiveness of her punches by surrounding her hands in energy, and she can also use this method to weld or carefully burn through obstacles with contact from her hands. A chiming sound is heard when using her star bolts.
    • Star Bolts: Starfire mainly discharges circular bolts of pure radioactive energy, which are usually launched as thrown circular projectiles.

Starfire producing light from her starbolts.

      • Light Generation: As seen in "Fear Itself"",Snowblind", and "The Beast Within", Starfire can intentionally use her powers to illuminate a dark area.
      • Star Bolt Waves: She has also been shown to shoot this energy in the form of waves from her hands.

Starfire shielding herself.

Starfire Charged Starbolt
    • Star Blasts: Starfire is also able to shoot her energy in the form of powerful and large blasts from her hands. As, seen in the end she is capable of unleashing an omnidirectional wave.
Quote1You are not the only one with powerful eyes.Quote2

Starfire unleashing her eyebeams.

  • Laser-Eye Beams: After going through the Tamaranean version of puberty (a process referred to as the "Transformation"), Starfire gained the highly useful ability to emit beams of her bright green energy from her eyes. Though not as powerful as her regular star bolts, these beams can be fired continuously in a steady stream, are more precise in direction, and also give her the element of surprise for when her hands are restrained. They seem to be slightly larger than Blackfire's eye-beams.
Quote1When you feel the unbridled joy of flight, you will fly.Quote2
  • Faster-Than-Light Flight: By feeling unbridled joy, Starfire can achieve wingless flight under her own willpower faster than light itself. In space, she can travel at nearly light speed, and her superhuman strength is not diminished when airborne.
Quote1I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am stronger than I look.Quote2
Starfire's Kick!!

Statfire kicking Cinderblock.

  • Superhuman Strength: Starfire is immensely strong. While the true extent is unknown, she is shown over four times stronger than Cyborg himself; in "Overdrive", she was seen effortlessly lifting with a single hand twice as much as what Cyborg struggled to with both hands. According to herself, is able to use her enhanced strength by using a feeling called boundless confidence.
  • Superhuman Agility and Superhuman Reflexes: Starfire possesses highly advanced agility and reflexes. Her natural fighting skills are much greater when in conjunction with her superhuman reflexes, durability, and agility.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Starfire can remain awake for long days at a time before tiring out.
  • Superhuman Endurance: She has supreme physical endurance; she was capable of surviving the most severe of snowstorms, but eventually wears down her endurance.
Quote1If my friends go into danger, so do I. Besides, my people can withstand hostile conditions.Quote2
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Like all of her kind, she is immune to most physical harm; capable of surviving a massively powerful explosion without taking much damage; as such she has bulletproof skin.
  • Radiation Immunity: Starfire is naturally immune to high levels of radiation, as stated in "Snowblind".
  • Space Survival Skills: Starfire can survive in the endless vacuum of outer space without the need of a spacesuit, as she can breathe and move normally in space.
  • Language Simulation: As a Tamaranean, Starfire can replicate all the acquired spoken knowledge of languages from other life-forms via lip contact; a process known as "the transfer of knowledge." To which, she gains as much fluency in the dialect and idioms as the target, but she still retains her natural accent grammar. Her current known languages are: Tamaranean (native), English (from Robin in "Go!"), Japanese (from a stranger in Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo), and Spanish (from a stranger in "Titans in Love" short).
  • Superhuman Metabolism: Starfire has nine stomachs as revealed in "Mother Mae-Eye".


  • Warrior Skills: Due to the warlike nature of her homeworld, Starfire is well trained in the martial arts of hand-to-hand combat and unarmed combat.
    • Hand-To-Hand Combat: Although she is not as skillful as her older sister, Starfire is an expert in high-levels of Tamaranean martial arts, being skilled enough to take down numerous Gordanian soldiers while her upper body was bound. She is also skilled in various fighting styles of hand-to-hand combat, such as kickboxing.
    • Archery Skills: She is also versed in some weaponry, using a short bow and arrow at one point in “Stranded” with little effort like Speedy.[7]


Stranded (619)

Starfire unable to fly because of her conflicting emotions.


Having wandered to far into a blizzard, Starfire begins to succumb to the bitterly cold temperatures.

Starfire, like many Tamaraneans, is allergic to metallic chromium. It gives her flu-like symptoms, and when she sneezes, she unleashes explosive star bolts out of her nose and mouth. Also, her powers are largely affected by how she feels, as Robin learns; if she is feeling down or confused, her abilities become severely diminished.

Like all Tamaraneans, she is not immune to her own energy blasts. Using her self-sustenance and resistance to extreme temperatures takes a lot of energy so she cannot survive forever in space. She also does need to breathe through her self-sustenance can delay that for a while.

Because of her naivety, it is easy for certain people to take advantage of or betray Starfire, as seen in "Transformation", where she is lured into a trap and almost eaten by a hungry alien. Although few have exploited it, Starfire's relationship with Robin can be counted sometimes as a weakness. Once, it was inadvertently exploited by Killer Moth when he wanted Robin to take Kitten to prom, which angered her beyond rational thought other than to protect Robin.

Like all Tamaraneans, Starfire's powers are controlled by her emotions. If she has certain feelings, she cannot use her powers. For example, when she was mad at Robin for offending her in "Stranded", she was unable to fly temporarily. Also, as Raven in "Switched", she was unable to use star bolts or fly for a while because she could not feel the joy or anger needed to use them.

It is also shown in "How Long is Forever?" and "Snowblind" that despite being able to survive in the cold vacuum of space, Starfire is vulnerable to snowy climates and will succumb to their bitter temperatures over time.

Fighting Style and Team Synergy


Starfire assaulting her enemies from the air.

Starfire (DC Comics) punch

Starfire knocking Blackfire through a wall.

In battle, Starfire is most comfortable as the the mid-range artillery of the team, a role she largely shares with Cyborg, although she also has the role of aerial assault/air superiority thanks to her ability to fly. When a fight breaks out, she tends to hang back and hurl star bolts at her enemies while airborne, making it even more difficult for enemies to attack her. When on the offensive, Starfire will often use her star bolts in conjunction with her flight to execute “bombing runs” where she will fly above enemies, blasting them with volleys of star bolts, then fly away back into safety. In addition, because of her flight and speed, Starfire excels at taking on airborne threats, allowing her to keep the skies clear for her teammates. Whenever an enemy gets too close or the situation calls for it, Starfire also functions as a close-range bruiser thanks to her strength and durability, again, much like her teammate Cyborg. Her strength allows to deal devastating blows to villains, pummeling them into submission quite quickly, while her durability allows to tank whatever hits her enemies deal to her without much problem. Starfire is arguably the least tactical of the team. While by no means unintelligent, Starfire generally does not employ much strategy in battle outside of using her raw strength and firepower to obliterate enemies, when left to her own devices.

As support, Starfire is generally lacking, although she has some utilities that allow her to benefit her team. These generally stem from her flight, as she and Raven are the only two team members who are capable of flying naturally. She is often seen hurling her teammates at villains, allowing them to get close quickly and easily, or catching in mid air after they have sustained a serious blow. Arguably, Starfire’s most important utility is her kind, bubbly personality and warm-hearted nature, which does wonders in keeping up the morale of her team and helping to dissolve potential disputes between its members. Whenever a teammates is upset, or feeling down, Starfire is usually the first one to give them emotional support, either by trying to cheer them up or resolve their problem. Without her caring, kind-hearted presence, the Teen Titans and their friendships are shown to completely fall apart, as demonstrated in "How Long is Forever?" In that way, Starfire can be considered the “heart” of her team, always working to keep her friends together and helping to nurture healthy relationships between them.


Episodes focusing on Starfire are highlighted in bold.

Teen Titans

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Special Episode

Teen Titans Go!


New Teen Titans (Shorts)

Background Information

  • In the comics, Tamaraneans could learn language through any physical contact (not just the lips), but had a personal preference for kissing. However, in Teen Titans, she can only do so via oral contact.
  • In the early comics, her race were descendants of cat-like creatures. This could also be the case for this version, most notably in "Bunny Raven... or ...How to Make A Titananimal Disappear", where she was transformed into a cat by Mumbo Jumbo.
  • In the comics, Starfire and other Tamaraneans have no pupils and are described as having feline eyes. In the cartoon their eyes have pupils and Starfire and Blackfire are only seen without their pupils when using their powers.
  • Her outfit is fairly different from her comic counterpart, being much less revealing in consideration of the younger audience. It is changed to a purple two-piece attire instead of a revealing monokini.
  • In the comics Starfire had several conceptualized names before her final name was chosen which can be seen here. They all have to do with something cosmic or space related and were made in mind with the simple idea of coming up with a name for an alien character. The majority of these names have been used by other DC, as well as other comic characters. As a typed out list her total proposed names were:
    • Dione
    • Rhea
    • Titan(ia)
    • Hyperion
    • Phoebe
    • Miranda
    • Ariel
    • Oberon
    • Lalande
    • Vega
    • Rigel
    • Altair(a)
    • Spica
    • Adhara
    • Shaula
    • Polaris
    • Adara
    • Lynx
    • Auriga
    • Mira
    • Lyra
    • Gemma
    • Cyni(a)
  • According to George Perez some of the inspirations for Starfire were Marilyn Monroe, Red Sonja (as she was intended to be a Red Sonja in space), a former wife of his, and a currently unknown performer.
    • It is a common assumption that the performer in question may have been Iris Chacón but this remains uncertain.


  • Like Raven, Starfire technically goes by her real name instead of a superhero alias like the other team members do. Since "Koriand'r" is just her Tamaranean name in English.
  • Starfire is the only member of the Titans who is from another planet instead of Earth, not counting Raven.
  • Starfire is the only member of the Titans not to be human.
  • Starfire appears in a total of sixty-three episodes of the series; one of which she has no spoken lines. In addition, she appears in the series finale, Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo, and all video games based on the series.
  • Mother Mae-Eye's nickname for Starfire is "Twinkle Star," a reference to the poem/song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".
  • Starfire is addressed by her real name (Koriand'r) by Galfore in "Betrothed" when they are yelling at each other in Tamaranean.
  • Of all the main characters, Starfire's personality has probably undergone the most dramatic change from her original incarnation. In the comics, she is much more arrogant, aggressive, and hot-tempered, a sharp contrast from her naïve and modest portrayal in the show.
    • In almost all her appearances, Starfire is animated without a navel, even though her animation sheet shows her with one.
  • She is the only Titan in the series to not have a season's story arc specifically for her.
  • Although she was freed from the clutches of the Gordanians and the Citadel, her memories of her imprisonment still haunt her: upon seeing The Creature from Jones Lake, she screams in terror—possibly due to its resemblance to a Citadelian.
  • Interestingly, Starfire's powers, like Raven's, are tied to her emotions. The emotional Starfire's powers come from her emotions, while the restrained Raven's powers require amazing emotional control.
  • Starfire is allergic to metallic chromium, (allergies to chromium are very common in Tamaran).
  • Despite being a teenager, Starfire is 116 years old (in Tamaran years), equivalent to 16 human years.
  • In "Mother Mae-Eye", Starfire stated that she has nine stomachs, which may explain why she eats so much.
  • She and Cyborg are the only Titans that Slade has never taunted.
  • There have been times where Starfire uses her lack of understanding of Earth's customs and strange habits to her advantage. For example, in "Can I Keep Him?" when Starfire was hiding Silkie, Cyborg and Raven came to call her, Raven saw that one of Starfire's curtains was torn. When Raven asked about it, Starfire lied and said it was her people's festival of berating drapery and proceeded to destroy the rest of her curtains. Later in that same episode, Starfire was looking for Silkie and ran into Robin, who asked her if she had seen the sofa, which had been eaten by Silkie. Fortunately for Starfire, she was able to act like she did not know what a sofa was and left.
  • In "Transformation", it is shown that Starfire is aware of her great beauty, but does not tend to think so much of it.
  • Jon Suzuki drew the Starfire model based on Glen Murakami's drawings.[8]
  • Starfire's skin color is meant to be orange. In the comics Tamaraneans have golden skin. While some art can make it harder to tell that she is orange, it is possible that this is often avoided since giving her bright orange skin may have ended up being distracting against the other colors on the show.
  • All Tamaraneans are naturally born with the ability to shoot out energy blasts on the show but in the comics Starfire and Blackfire got these abilities from forced alien experimentation.
  • While Dick Grayson is her main love interest and she was almost supposed to get married to him in the comics, until that got ruined by a Trigon possessed Raven, Starfire had two other former husbands she was married to. The first one was Karras who was the prince of the Southern States of Tamaran. It was only a political marriage set up by the kings and queens to make peace with the warring states of the more dominant North and the less dominant South. While Starfire and Karras respected each other, neither were in love with each other but were in love with somebody else and wished to be with them instead. The other was a marriage out of genuine love with a man named Phy'zzon who was a general and supreme commander at a specific time of war during his appearance. Both Karras and Phy'zzon end up becoming deceased.
    • Her set up marriage to Glgrdsklechhh seems to take inspiration from how Starfire was set up to be in an arranged marriage she didn't want.


  • "I did not know you before, so to me, you are normal." —Starfire, "Deception"
  • "Never have I been so thankful to have nine stomachs." —Starfire, "Mother Mae-Eye"
  • "I had no idea Earth people ate so many pigs and insects." —Starfire, "Fear Itself"
  • "If I am not your girlfriend, then what am I?" —Starfire, "Stranded"
  • "The greater the struggle against your power, the more it resists. Embrace what you have inside, let it become you, and you will find who you were meant to be." —Starfire, "Snowblind"
  • "Please, no more Robin yelling at Robin." —Starfire, "Fractured"
  • "Robin, we have not forgotten the last time you faced..." —Starfire, "The Apprentice - Part 1"
  • "We are your friends, Robin. We are not leaving without you." —Starfire, "The Apprentice - Part 2"
  • "Raven is complicated. There are things about her we are not meant to understand." —Starfire, "Nevermore"
  • "I wish to go the fish?" —Starfire, "Winner Take All"
  • "Hello, my little bungorf." —Starfire, "Can I Keep Him?"
  • "Farewell, Sister. Although you did betray and attack me, it was still... very nice to see you." —Starfire, "Sisters"
  • "Oh, hello, my friend who I am missing already. The sight of you makes my eyes sore." —Starfire, "Titans East - Part 1"
  • "I am hopeful when this is over we may still be friends." —Starfire, "Titans East - Part 2"
  • "Someone has disposed of all our blue, furry food." —Starfire, "Final Exam"
  • "Yes, the next time I shall choose my own husband. Who is to know? Perhaps there is a groom for me on Earth." —Starfire, "Betrothed"
  • "Kick the butt!" —Starfire, "Only Human"
  • "The lesson two: We never give up!" —Starfire, "Titans Together"
  • "Robin! You are unwrinkled!" —Starfire, "Revolution"
  • "This prom is some manner of duel, yes? Robin eagerly accepts!" —Starfire, "Date With Destiny"
  • "You may be the ruler of this planet, but you are not the ruler of me!" —Starfire, "Betrothed"
  • "You may not value my life, but I still value yours." —Starfire, "Troq"
  • "On Tamaran, this merely translates as the transfer of knowledge, but on your world, it means... More. Or so I've heard." —Starfire, Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo


Titans GO
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TT Bumper Starfire Washing Windows

Starfire Bumper


  1. Switched
  2. Transformation
  3. Deep Six
  4. Titans Together
  5. Every Dog Has His Day
  6. Forces of Nature
  7. Stranded
Teen Titans
Robin | Cyborg | Starfire | Raven | Beast Boy
Titans East
Bumblebee | Aqualad | Speedy | Más y Menos
Titans North
Red Star | Argent | Kole | Gnarrk | Mirage | Flamebird
Titans South
Pantha | Herald | Jericho | Wildebeest | Hot Spot
Titans West
Bushido | Melvin | Teether | Timmy Tantrum | Bobby
Honorary Titans
Thunder and Lightning | Tramm | Kid Flash | Killowat | Jinx | Wonder Girl
Doom Patrol
Mento | Elasti-Girl | Negative Man | Robot Man
Terra | Silkie | Fixit | Larry | Geo-Force | Brotherhood of Justice
Slade | Trigon | Blackfire | Brother Blood | Cinderblock | Plasmus | Mumbo | Doctor Light | Puppet King | Trident | Red X | Mad Mod | Overload | Warp | Atlas | Control Freak | Katarou | Killer Moth | Kitten | Fang | Master of Games | Johnny Rancid | Professor Chang | Malchior | Kardiak | Adonis | Steamroller | Punk Rocket | Mother Mae-Eye | Private H.I.V.E. | Baron Ryang | Fire demons | Andre Le Blanc | Trogaar | Gordanian | Ding Dong Daddy | Ternion | XL Terrestrial | Psimon | Cheshire | Wrestling Star | Phobia | H.I.V.E. Headmistress | Wintergreen | I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R. | Uehara Daizo | Brushogun | Kwiz Kid | Rock, Paper, Scissors
H.I.V.E. Five
Gizmo | Mammoth | Billy Numerous | See-More | Kyd Wykkyd
Brotherhood of Evil
The Brain | Monsieur Mallah | Madame Rouge | General Immortus
Brushogun's creations
Saico-Tek | Nya-Nya | Timoko | Scarface | Mecha-Boi | Deka-Mido
One-time villains
Ultimate fire demon | Red Raven | Sammy and Cash | Wicked Scary Monster | Cironielian Chrysalis Eater | Virus | Seven-Gorn-Seven | The Creature from Jones Lake | Off-World Outlaw | Krall | Witch | The Source | Bob | Locrix | Nega Cyborg | Nega Starfire | Nega Beast Boy | Gate Guard | Moroccan Thief | Radiation monster | White Monster | Arsenal | Daughter Blood | Ice Kate | Joy Stick | Kid Kold | Lanista | Mad Maud | Marionette | Pink X | Ravager | Tempest | COTP Droids | H.I.V.E. Soldiers | Demonic rats | Giant Monster
Agent 257 | Amber | Anchorman | Armadillo Man | Chef | Chu-hui | Dionne | French chef | Game show host | Joaquim | Little Boy | Mr. Wolf | Pelican | Raskov | Rebecca | Rorek | Sarah Simms | Sarasim | Space Hero | Spike | Steel City Tigers | The Mayor of Tokyo | Tokyo Girl
Tamaranean | Kai | Cron | Blue aliens | Red aliens | Green aliens | Orange aliens | Carnivorous plant | Galfore | Glgrdsklechhh | Soto | Soto's dog | Val-Yor | Shrieker | Shallas
Mind Control Squid | Chu-hui's Guardians | Utahraptors
Alien probe | Blocker | Brotherhood's robots | Cybot | Cyclones | Rex | Rexzilla | Robot Army | Robot Commandos
Teen Titans Go! comics characters
Aquagirl | Aquaman | Azrael | Batman | Battalion | Captain Pegleg Jack | Cassie Sandsmark | Cupid | Flamebird | Flash | Gill Girl | Golden Eagle | Green Lantern | Hawkgirl | Mirage | Nightwing | Robby Reed | Secret | Sultan of Shahrazad | Superman | The Flying Graysons | Wildfire | Wonder Woman