Home | Diane Schuur
To my dear friends, fans and business associates, I wish to disclose the reason for the cancellation of my concert tour. I have cancelled all the shows on my schedule as I am dealing with Ménière’s Disease, which is an illness of the inner ear for which there is no cure. The symptoms have impacted my ability to perform. I have lost most hearing in one ear and have been dealing with other symptoms such as uncontrollable dizziness and tinnitus. My doctor has advised me not to travel by plane which can worsen the symptoms. I have put much introspection into my decision. I never want to disappoint an audience and so I have reached the only conclusion that makes sense to me, a sad one, nonetheless. I love all of you who have supported my career through my 60 years on stage. Thank you for your continued support as I navigate this new chapter in my life. Diane “Deedles” Schuur
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Running on Faith

from Jazzheads Music Group



"Diane Schuur is that rare breed of vocal artist or what I refer to as a harmonic chameleon that can sing anything and is able to deliver unique and incredibly memorable performances each and every time. Artistic integrity, lyrical respect and the ability to embrace the true meaning of the lyrics"

Brent Black, Bop-N-Jazz