The Meaning Behind The Song: Precious Things by Tori Amos - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Precious Things by Tori Amos

The Meaning Behind The Song: Precious Things by Tori Amos

Tori Amos is a legendary songwriter who has been making music since the 1980s. One of her most beloved songs is “Precious Things,” which appeared on her debut solo album, “Little Earthquakes,” in 1992. The song is known for its haunting lyrics and dynamic piano-driven melody. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind “Precious Things” and answer some frequently asked questions about this powerful song.

What is the story behind “Precious Things”?

“Little Earthquakes” was an an intensely personal album for Amos, who had left her former band, Y Kant Tori Read, to strike out on her own. “Precious Things” was one of the standout tracks on the album, and Amos has stated that the song was an attempt to confront the traumas of her past head-on. In interviews, she has spoken about how she wrote the song in response to feelings of betrayal and rage, as well as a deep sense of longing to regain control of her life.

What do the lyrics of “Precious Things” mean?

The lyrics of “Precious Things” are deeply poetic and metaphorical, but the song is ultimately about reclaiming one’s agency and rejecting the societal expectations that can be so damaging to women. Throughout the song, Amos sings about a variety of experiences, from childhood memories to romantic relationships, that have left her feeling powerless and disillusioned. However, she refuses to be defined by these experiences, and instead seeks to reclaim the parts of herself that are truly “precious.”

What is the significance of the line “these precious things, let them bleed”?

One of the most striking lines in “Precious Things” is the chorus, in which Amos urges the listener to “let these precious things, let them bleed.” This line is often interpreted as a call to embrace emotion and vulnerability, even when it is painful or uncomfortable. For Amos, the act of confronting one’s pain and trauma is a crucial step in the process of healing and growth.

What is the meaning behind the song’s piano melody?

“Precious Things” is known for its dynamic, piano-driven melody, which is both haunting and forceful. Many fans have interpreted the piano as a metaphor for Amos’ own voice, which sustains the melody and carries the song forward even when the lyrics become more difficult and painful. The raw, almost visceral quality of the piano underscores the intensity of Amos’ emotions, and gives the song a depth and richness that has helped make it a classic.

Is “Precious Things” a feminist anthem?

Many fans have interpreted “Precious Things” as a powerful feminist anthem, and have praised Amos for the way she speaks candidly about the societal pressures and expectations that can be so damaging to women. However, Amos has stated that she did not set out to write a political or feminist song – instead, she was simply trying to process her own experiences and emotions. Nevertheless, the way that “Precious Things” has resonated with so many women over the years speaks to the ongoing need for songs that explore the complexities of gender and power.

What impact did “Precious Things” have on Tori Amos’ career?

“Precious Things” was a major hit for Tori Amos, and helped establish her as a powerful force in the world of music. The album “Little Earthquakes” was both a critical and commercial success, and helped cement Amos’ reputation as a daring and innovative songwriter. However, the impact of “Precious Things” goes far beyond just Amos’ career – the song has touched countless people over the years, and has become a touchstone for anyone who has felt trapped, disempowered, or silenced.

What was the inspiration for the music video for “Precious Things”?

The music video for “Precious Things” was directed by Cindy Palmano, who had previously worked with artists like Madonna and Elton John. According to Amos, the video was inspired in part by the classic horror film “Carrie,” and features a number of surreal, visually striking images, including a bleeding rose and a levitating piano. The video helped bring Amos’ music to an even wider audience, and helped establish her as a visual as well as a musical artist.

What is the legacy of “Precious Things” today?

Over 30 years after its release, “Precious Things” remains a touchstone for both Tori Amos fans and anyone who has struggled with trauma, injustice, or disempowerment. The song’s haunting melody and poetic lyrics continue to resonate with listeners of all ages and backgrounds, and have led to countless covers and reinterpretations. More than anything, “Precious Things” is a testament to the power of music to reach past personal pain and trauma and forge a connection with others.

What other songs should I listen to if I love “Precious Things”?

If you’re a fan of Tori Amos and love “Precious Things,” there are plenty of other songs to explore in her extensive catalogue. Some highlights include “Winter,” “Cornflake Girl,” and “Professional Widow.” Additionally, if you’re interested in exploring other feminist anthems, you might try songs like Tracy Chapman’s “Revolution,” Alanis Morrissette’s “You Oughta Know,” or Hole’s “Violet.”

Where can I find Tori Amos’ music?

Tori Amos’ music is widely available on streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. Additionally, you can purchase physical copies of her albums via major online retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Finally, don’t forget to check out Amos’ official website, which includes tour dates, interviews, and other exclusive content.

What other Tori Amos albums should I check out?

If you’re a new fan of Tori Amos and looking to explore her music, there are several other standout albums you might check out. Some highlights include “Under the Pink,” “From the Choirgirl Hotel,” and “Boys for Pele.” Each of these albums showcases Amos’ unique blend of raw emotion, complex songwriting, and innovative production.

Why has Tori Amos had such a lasting impact on the music world?

Tori Amos is widely regarded as one of the most visionary and influential songwriters of her generation, and her music continues to inspire new generations of artists today. Part of Amos’ appeal lies in her willingness to explore difficult, emotionally complex themes in her music, and to speak candidly about her own life and experiences. Additionally, her innovative approach to songwriting and production, which incorporates a wide range of instruments and sounds, has helped redefine what is possible in pop music. Finally, Amos’ willingness to engage with her fans on a deep and personal level has helped foster a devoted and passionate fanbase that spans generations.

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