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My two cents on the Wilbur soot allegations



Before i write the rest of this, i'd like to put a content warning of things that may be triggering to those.

This paragraph will include topics of

Abuse, Sexual Assault, Self Injurious Behaviour, Alcohol Abuse, and other disturbing topics

I would also like to state that this is not intended to start any drama whatsoever, and if anyone has an issue with what i am saying, feel free to make that clear in a clam and mature manner. Thank you.

So, about two months ago, a decently popular streamer named Shubble (Shelby) had talked to her live stream about abuse she had gone through with her ex partner. That ex partner was also a fairly popular youtuber named Wilbur soot (William Gold)

Allegedly Wilbur had abused Shelby when they were dating. Shelby had talked about Wilbur frequently biting her. Which in the beginning, she had stated she had no issue with it. But sooner or later, he bit her harder, and she was uncomfortable with it. She then created a safe word, but wilbur did not listen to it.

I have one issue with said story. Obviously as a victim of abuse i would always side with said victim, as i am currently. But in all the photos of them dating i didnt notice any bruises...i was hoping that there wasnt any...but im just still confused about it all.

However Shelby was not the only alleged victim. Im not going to quote anything off by heart, so i dont want anyone to think i fully know what i am talking about. Anyways, so wilburs other ex, (blanking on her name i am so sorry :( he had taken her to go get a drink, and then when she was drunk wilbur had brought her back to his house and sexually assaulted her (i haven't kept up to date so im rather unsure if this is real or not)

Also as we know wilbur has had issues in the past with his mental health and alcohol. So i will assume that his mental health can tie into how he acted...sadly enough :(

i find it alarming because when i was sexually abused, or abused in general, i used to watch his videos or vods in a sense of comfort...but im just truly not sure what or who to believe right now?

But if you made it this far i thank you for reading.

One more thing i'd like to disscuss. if you are a kid on the internet (like myself) please for the love of FUCKING god. STOP SENDING DEATH THREATS TO EACHOTHER!!!

its stupid. immature. stop.

you are causing more problems by doing so. so please. i understand everyone feels the need to choose sides and fight eachother on it...but please just think.

I know this didn't really explain much? i was more or less rambling on said situation...but just i want everyone to know its gonna be alright, and to be safe online. its a dangerous place

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So, it's not so much about the biting itself for me, it's about disregarding the safeword. I know some people are really put off by the biting but some people could be into that so I don't want to judge anyone's proclivities as long as it's safe and consensual between adults. Some people like all sorts of marks and rough acts. However, according to Shelby, she expressed that she was fine with it in the beginning but after a while it was no longer consensual and she would use their safeword when it became too painful. According to Wilbur, he was not aware that it wasn't consensual. Some of this could be explained as a miscommunication BUT if he did, in fact, disregard a safeword then I have absolutely no respect for that behavior. A safeword is created for the very reason of keeping each other safe.

Ngl that does have me wondering, did Shelby confront him about disregard for the safeword? Like she did say he'd remove himself after a few seconds (I can't remember the range of seconds), but I feel like that would've been an important conversation she'd bring up with him.

Idk, I feel like out of all places, communicating to your partner that they do something that makes you uncomfortable would be a necessity.

Maybe I missed a detail in her stream tho?

No, I don't think she really went into too much detail about communicating about breaching the safeword. I hope they would've discussed it as it's pretty damn important. She spoke about how he would continue to bite her after safewording and would even bite down harder or grind his teeth. I mean, that's pretty fucked up if it's true. Did he not think it was that serious? Did she communicate that to him effectively? She mentioned she didn't mind it at first but how long did that last until she said it bothered her and how long did she put up with him consistently breaking her trust?

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I only got to 'I didn't see any bruising'; omg.
Abuse is so much more than physical damage.

u/PastelPuppyyy avatar

Hi no no! I’m aware! I went through abuse myself…I just worded it wrong and was worried about her not documenting it :(

I didn’t document what my abusive ex did to me. It still happened.

u/PastelPuppyyy avatar

I didn’t document it either

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Shelby said that she began covering the bruises with long sleeved clothing. You can watch her streams to see when - and for how long - she covered up. She said that her ex eventually began biting her legs instead, so once the bruises faded, she once again wore short sleeves.

Even in the photo where she and Wilbur visited Techno, she’s covering her arms with long sleeves while wearing shorts. Both Wilbur and Techno are wearing short sleeves, iirc, and Techno was also wearing shorts.

So would she really have worn long sleeves if she didn’t have bruises to hide? Her word, plus the long sleeves, plus others seeing him bite her, plus others being bitten, plus Wilbur’s statement, is evidence enough for me.

u/FlashPhantom avatar

Yeah. I dont think it is too far fetched for an abuse victim to cover up their injuries. And others mentioning the biting even before this solidifies her experience.

u/PastelPuppyyy avatar

Agreed :)

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u/PastelPuppyyy avatar

Thank you for explaining:)

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"But in all the photos of them dating i didnt notice any bruises...i was hoping that there wasnt any...but im just still confused about it all."

During that period, Shelby was wearing more covering clothes. You can compare older stream and insta's pictures to see she was dressed pretty differently.

She also talks about how Wilbur moved on to biting in less visible areas when he commented that she looked like a DV case.

u/PastelPuppyyy avatar

Thank you for telling me that :)

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u/webserial_trash avatar

(Copy pasted from a previous comment) I believe evidence is important, and the evidence is against Wilbur. From the moment Shelby came out with her story, there was corroboration from others who worked with Wilbur and also witnessed and/or experienced biting.

ZoeTheTrumpeter || inkblots_

Many people have also found clips of CCs talking about Wilbur biting people to the point of bruises, which also supports what Shelby said about her experience.

Clips of CC talking about Wilbur's biting + Clip of Wilbur biting James Marriot || Niki saying Wilbur bites her

In Shelby's stream, she says Wilbur has bitten her in front of friends and shown them her bruises. If Shelby is indeed telling the truth, we would expect her friends to support her, because they witnessed the abuse. Likewise, if Shelby was lying, we would expect friends to deny having witnessed any abuse or at the very least stay silent and not support her. We have seen her and Wilbur's friends, and other CCs in the MCYT sphere, come out unanimously in support Shelby.

Other CCs have also spoken out about about their experiences with Wilbur.

Niki || Minx || Tubbo and Billzo || Freddie 

In summary, Shelby's story has a lot of external corroboration. She said Wilbur aggressively and nonconsensually bit her, and clips from before her stream and statements from others after her stream prove that Wilbur did bite people to the point of bruises, exactly like she said. She said Wilbur abused her in front of their friends, and people have come out saying they saw Wilbur's abusive behavior, and all the friends support Shelby and not Wilbur. Others have now spoken about their experiences with Wilbur that mirror what Shelby described (biting, aggressiveness, manipulation). There's enough evidence here that if Wilbur wants to prove he's innocent, just saying "it was consensual" won't cut it. He needs an explanation and evidence, which he says he has, but refuses to publish out of "respect for [Shelby]" (which doesn't make much sense imo). Wilbur has given us no reason the believe him over Shelby, the evidence is against him.

TLDR; Although Shelby didn't provide evidence herself there was a lot of corroborating evidence found that supports her story. Wilbur has not meaningfully refuted Shelby's points and hasn't provided evidence towards his innocence.

Why would Shelby show off the bruises? She was embarrassed when Wilbur bit her in public, so it's not a stretch to think she'd be embarrassed by the bruises and hid them. At the time, she didn't consider it abuse, but she (and Wilbur) knew the bruises looked bad. It's why he switched to biting her legs later.

Despite the lack of evidence, many others have confirmed Wilbur's biting habit and manipulation. Then Wilbur confirmed the biting but stated it was consensual. The problem with that is this was an ongoing affair, and he can't prove it was always consensual with a few texts.

Also, it's not fair to expect a victim to look like one. A woman who is in denial of the abuse won't be showing off bruises. And even a woman with bruises may make up excuses. No one wants to be a victim, especially at the hands of someone they love.

u/PastelPuppyyy avatar

No no I understand :) the bruise part I was worried about because I wanted to know if she documented it with photos or not?


I have my doubts, given she didn't realize she was abused until she had therapy. So she wouldn't have been documenting. Also, I imagine she didn't really want proof of it. It's such a strange thing to explain to friends and family back home if they ever saw a photo-- that her (ex)boyfriend liked to bite her.

But even if she did have proof, I don't think she should ever share it online. Malicious people would use it to make jokes/memes, and people who don't believe will continue to not believe her. They would just say that those bruises could have been from someone or something else.

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This situation lack of too many evidences from both sides to not be able to form an opinion that doesn’t invalidate the victim or not accuse him at the same time.

But if we look at what we have, Wilbur seems guilty but we shouldn’t forget that what we have is just a “he said, she said, they said” and I have seen a lot of people say this is enough to condemn him but I am not sure.

I want to support Shelby but at the same time I don’t want to accuse someone that maybe at the end of the story is not so bad as described. Life is not black or white, there are shades of gray. It’s important to help and support victims but at the same it’s important to remember that when you accuse someone, especially of abuse, then he is marked forever no matter if he changes or he is innocent. His life is ruined. (Look at the accusations against Dream and George, they proved to be innocent but still they are marked)

I truly believe in justice not in revenge, if he is guilty he has to pay but not with his life neither with the erasure of his existence from everyone else’s lives. If he is guilty he has to face a court not an ord of crazy stans.

I just hope Shelby is good now and Wilbur’s mental health is recovering. Death threats don’t help anyone! Especially not the victims!

u/PastelPuppyyy avatar

Yes I agree

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u/Particular_Corgi2299 avatar

There’s no evidence of any actual abuse or assault. However, what we do have is testimony from multiple girls and a terrible/lack of response from Wilbur. It’s not enough for me to say he needs to be condemned, but I’m leaning towards guilty because of his response.

It’s still up in the air for me despite the fact I think he’s more guilty than not, and I hope people are more forthcoming with information or he responds before I write this off forever

u/PastelPuppyyy avatar

Thank you, and I agree :)

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no offense, but this is why i choose the bear. when people share something that happened and theres others confirming it/it lines up correctly, just for people to say “but wheres the evidence” or things like “how do you know it happened”.

on a serious note, mental health and alcohol are NOT an excuse for what he did. as for the thing with alice, i would say to believe it happened vs not considering he didn’t say anything about it and even shelby supported her. believe victims and i assure you, there’s better people to watch and whatnot. not only that, but his response to the initial statement should have been enough.

it isn’t just who he dated either, others have had horrible experiences with him (niki for example), as well as people who worked under him (ESPECIALLY for doing concert photos for the band, which, this is of course not on the same level of seriousness, but i know people irl who didn’t get paid until MONTHS later after the initial concert, among other issues surrounding it).

u/PastelPuppyyy avatar

Thank you :) and I fully understand

u/Particular_Corgi2299 avatar

Not the fucking bear shit I swear to God 💀

no, because i will bring it up. i don’t care if it annoys you or others.

u/Particular_Corgi2299 avatar

I think bringing a social media trend into this is kind of ridiculous actually

not really considering what the topic is about, but okay.

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u/outfitinsp0 avatar

Someone said this before, and if you look at the dates of her posts where arms aren't covered during the time they were dating some of them have a fair bit of time between them so it's plausible she didn't post when there were bruises.