QACPS Maintains 100% Green School Certified - Queen Anne County Public Schools

QACPS Maintains 100% Green School Certified


CENTREVILLE – Queen Anne’s County Public Schools is excited to announce that this year nine schools have recertified as Maryland Association of Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) Green Schools with Stevensville Middle School achieving a Sustainable School level. The announcement that went public on Earth Day 2024 reinforces QACPS’s goal of maintaining 100% of its schools as MAEOE Green Schools certified. Maintaining 100% Green Schools is impressive and recognizes the true commitment of students, staff, and community to sustainability, said Dr. Patricia Saelens, Superintendent of Schools.

The list of recertified schools is below.

Recertification Schools

  • Church Hill Elementary School, Kent Island High School, Matapeake Elementary School, Queen Anne’s County High School, Sudlersville Elementary School, Sudlersville Middle School, Centreville Middle School, and Matapeake Middle School

Sustainable School Level

  • Stevensville Middle School

QACPS educators continue to actively involve students and encourage their participation within the Green School community. The Green Schools initiative offers QACPS a framework through which to showcase its commitment to environmental literacy and efforts to foster student engagement with interdisciplinary subjects and their student’s immediate surroundings. Greening their school environments contributes to QACPS’s sustainability objectives and has played a significant role in their efforts to cut costs, promote health, and establish performance-enhancing sustainability practices. These recent recertifications coincide with the completion of QACPS Outdoor Classrooms across all eight elementary schools and alongside the notable achievement of the United States Department of Education Green Ribbon District Award.

If you want to learn more you can visit the list of the 2024 cohort by county and The 2023/24 Maryland Green Schools statistics are here.

QACPS will be recognized at the 25th Annual Maryland Green Schools Youth Summit. Their teachers and students will be celebrating their schools’ achievements at Sandy Point State Park on May 30th.

Download a PDF copy of the news release here.

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