About - INDIA HICKS. An Unexpected Journey.

A Tiny bit of background

I grew up in a wild world of design with a tiny dash of royalty. My father was the renowned decorator David Hicks, my mother was a Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen, and my grandfather was the last Viceroy of India, I was the last grandchild, hence my name.

I have led an unexpected life, never imagining I would settle on a small speck of an island in the Bahamas. I’ve authored four design books, modeled for Ralph Lauren, among others, been an on-air personality for networks ranging from Bravo to the BBC, and have had my hand in the design world for over two decades: from hotels to home collections.

What came next…

After closing my own lifestyle company (broke my heart) I produced a very personal Podcast series with my remarkable mother and now passionately partner with artisanal fashion, home, and lifestyle brands.

In between, I’ve raised five children and shamefully never learned to cook but I like to lay a pretty table.

Living in the Bahamas for the past 27 years positioned me to partner with the disaster relief agency 'Global Empowerment Mission' as an on-the-ground force, in the aftermath of the devastating hurricane Dorian. In 2020 it was an honor to be invited to join GEM as an Executive Board member and subsequently be an active part of their team, most significantly joining them several times in Ukraine assisting with aid deliveries and refugee relocations. 

As a patron for The Prince’s Trust, I work alongside many others to raise awareness and funding to help young women who face disadvantages and adversity transform their lives. Always a reminder of how fortunate so many of us are and how much is yet to be done.

People, Beauty, History & Love

I remember my grandfather giving me Barbara Cartland’s Book of Useless Information, (he wrote the daunting foreword, and incidentally the author was Princess Diana’s stepgrandmother as well as being a best-selling romantic novelist). The book was filled with gems of wit, wisdom, fashion, people, beauty, history, and love.

I hope you may find something similar here.

Join Me on the Journey


For new and current friends, you may like to read a few favorite entries from my “official” website shared here and have a listen to a podcast or two to get to know me and more importantly my astonishing Mum.


Curious friends, joining me on this new journey, thank you, there is an un-alarming monthly or annual subscription which will give you a deeper dive into the archives, longer stories from the past and present, and generally just more of more, without the interruption of ads or the agony of algorithms.


And for fierce founding friends, work is in progress to bring some exciting exclusive moments for you — a monthly musing to include confessions and conversations, riveting reveals and a deeper dive into my mother's Muniment room.

I appreciate each one of you, especially considering all the crazy choice out there.

Subscribe to INDIA HICKS. An Unexpected Journey.

British designer, humanitarian, mum of 5, India writes about her own particular pattern of living and creative rhythm. A diarist, documenting an unexpected life with a dash of history, a touch of humor, and the occasional royal reflection.


Accidental writer, designer, humanitarian & mother of five. No particular order. Board member of Global Empowerment Mission, patron of The Prince's Trust. Living on a speck of an island in the West Indies.