DIG - Traducción al español - bab.la
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Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

dig transitive verb

volume_up US /dɪɡ/volume_up UK /dɪɡ/
Word forms: (present participle) digging, (past tense, past participle) dug1. a. [ground] cavarI spent the day digging the garden me pasé el día cavando en el jardínb. [hole/trench] (by hand) cavar(by machine) excavarc. [turnips/potatoes] sacar [weeds] arrancard. (Archaeology) [site/temple] excavar2. (jab, thrust) to dig something into something clavar algo en algohe dug his nails into me me clavó las uñas3. (slang, dated) a. (like) do you dig this place? ¿te gusta este lugar?¿te mola este sitio? (Spain) (slang)¿te pasa este lugar? (Mexico) (slang)b. (understand) entenderI don't dig him no lo entiendono sé de qué va (Spain) (informal)


to dig somebody in the ribsto dig deep (in one's pockets)

phrasal verbs

dig arounddig indig intodig outdig overdig up

dig intransitive verb

volume_up US /dɪɡ/volume_up UK /dɪɡ/
Word forms: (present participle) digging, (past tense, past participle) dug1. a. (excavate) (by hand) cavar(by machine) excavar [dog] escarbarthey're digging for oil están haciendo prospecciones de petróleob. (Archaeology) hacer excavaciones, excavar2. (search) buscarshe dug in her pockets for her key buscó la llave en los bolsillosto dig for information tratar de obtener informacióntratar de recabar información (formal)3. (understand) (slang, dated) entender

dig noun

volume_up US /dɪɡ/volume_up UK /dɪɡ/
1. (Archaeology) excavación (feminine)to go on a dig ir de excavación2. (jab) (with elbow) codazo (masculine)(with pin) pinchazo (masculine)he gave him a dig with his gun/umbrella le clavó la pistola/el paraguasto give somebody a dig in the ribs darle un codazo en las costillas a alguien3. (critical remark) (informal) pulla (feminine)(hint) indirecta (feminine)to have a dig at somebody/something meterse con alguien/algo4. digs (plural) (lodgings) (British) to live in digs vivir en una habitación alquilada, una pensión etche took me to his digs me llevó a donde vivía
When in a hole, one should stop digging, and I therefore ask him to give us full disclosure.
Cuando uno está en un agujero debe dejar de cavar, así que le pido que nos revele todos los detalles.
Vamos a cavar nuestra propia tumba.
la tierra estaba demasiado dura para cavar
A few weeks ago that field was dug up by bulldozers to create a municipal rubbish dump.
Hace pocas semanas se empezó a excavar dicho campo para construir un vertedero municipal.
Thailand is about to decide on digging a canal right across the country, just like the Suez or Panama Canal.
Tailandia está a punto de decidir excavar un canal que atravesará el país, al igual que el canal de Suez o el de Panamá.
The building of the museum of archaeology is placed on the very edge of the former medieval city walls and is dug in as much as the conditions permit it.
La construcción del Museo de Arqueología está situada en el mismo borde de la muralla medieval de la ciudad y se excavará si las condiciones lo permiten.
All you need to do is dig a little before eventually seeing the light.
Basta con escarbar un poco para terminar viendo la luz.
Anyone who digs for money or gold should also be responsible for the damage in cases of doubt.
Cualquiera que escarba en busca de dinero o de petróleo debería ser responsable de los daños en caso de duda.
abrir [abriendo|abierto] {v.t.} (zanja, túnel)
How will we be able to insist that no ditches several metres deep are dug, and that safety lanes are created on motorways and national roads alike?
¿Cómo podemos insistir en que no se abran zanjas de varios metros de profundidad y en que se construyan arcenes de seguridad tanto en las autopistas como en las carreteras nacionales?

nunca digas nunca [modismo]

nunca digas nunca

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "dig" en Español

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Alternatively, make their situation worse and they will simply dig in more.
De lo contrario, empeoraremos su situación y simplemente atacarán aún más.
I constantly had to prod the then Commission to dig this dossier out and dust it off.
Una y otra vez me veía obligado a rescatar al expediente de debajo del polvo de la Comisión Europea.
The honourable Member invites me to dig deep into the soil of competence and its related terrain.
Su Señoría me invita a profundizar en el terreno de la competencia y en los campos conexos.
But no, we dig our heels in, we head straight for China and we forget these other examples.
Pero no, nos obstinamos, creamos autopistas privilegiadas hacia China y olvidamos estos ejemplos.
All you need to do is dig a little before eventually seeing the light.
Basta con escarbar un poco para terminar viendo la luz.
The honourable Member invites me to dig deep into the soil of competence and its related terrain.
. (EN) Su Señoría me invita a profundizar en el terreno de la competencia y en los campos conexos.
What we were asked for was heavy equipment to enable the people in Jenin to dig out the bodies that are still there.
Las personas de Yenín piden maquinaria pesada para poder desenterrar los cuerpos que siguen ahí.
Research into causes is the way to dig up crime by the roots, instead of playing about with its symptoms.
Investigar las causas es necesario para atacar la delincuencia de raíz, en vez de intentar tratar los síntomas.
When low cards are buried in a column, it's better to dig them out and move them to a home cell early.
Cuando las cartas bajas están ocultas en una columna, es mejor desenterrarlas y moverlas pronto a una carta de inicio.
We do not need to dig ourselves into trenches.
No debemos quejarnos todo el rato de lo que ha pasado.
Of course, this again boils down to Dutch taxpayers having to dig deeply into their pockets once again.
Por supuesto, esto de nuevo se reduce a que los contribuyentes neerlandeses tengan que volver a rascarse los bolsillos.
I should like to end with a slight dig at the report.
This information can then be combined to create a virtual representation of an artifact or a dig site.
Tras absorber esta información, el sistema renderiza una escena completa en 3D que puede ser guardada para su posterior visionado.
But rarely do they dig deeper to comment on the alarming rates of HIV contamination, or outbreaks of hepatitis or TB.
Pero raras veces baja a las catacumbas de la preocupante contaminación del HIV, de la hepatitis o de la tuberculosis.
I was reluctant to dig into my savings
The only way they can dig themselves out again and resolve their differences is by getting the European Union to act as a bridge-builder.
La única manera de solucionar sus diferencias es que intervenga la Unión Europea tendiendo un puente.
I do not want to dig the rules up.
he thinks it's infra dig to eat there
We do not need to dig ourselves into trenches.
the ground was too hard to dig
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English Cómo usar "dig" en una frase

Though there is reduced mobility, xenarthrous fusion provides a stable platform for digging.
I dug the music and the way they performed.
In contrast, while jumping mice sometimes co-opt the burrows of other species, they do not dig their own, and generally nest in thick vegetation.
This system created problems for nomads because many years might elapse between visits to a well they had dug.
The dragons were caught by digging out a pit under the exact point where the dragons would fall down exhausted after fighting.

English Cómo usar "digging" en una frase

The eggs hatch in 90 days with the hatchlings digging their way out of the sand.
The vigil is rewarded by the sounds of digging and eventually a hand pushing aside a flagstone.
The digging of these pits plays an ecologically important role, as they also uncover prey for smaller fish.
Unlike razor clams, they normally spend their lives in one spot and the foot is relatively small and mainly used for anchorage rather than digging.
On the far side they finally came upon the enemy digging in tanks.

"dig a grave" en español

dig a grave
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"dig the ground" en español

dig the ground
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"archaeological dig" en español

archaeological dig
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