rcp family – make better games

rcp family

empowering developers to make better games

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remote control productions GmbH is an independent games production house with the group headquarters in Munich, Germany.

Our teams have worked on over 400 projects, including Premium and F2P games for Windows, Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, Mobile, VR and Web-based platforms since 2005.

rcp’s unique setup is helping family studios to focus solely on development while we’re dealing with the rest as their business partner. 

rcp clients

rcp Games

Selected Projects


rcp is Europe's major family of indie game developers.
Our purpose is to empower, support, and emancipate game makers to create sustainably.

We help studios with own IP development, work-for-hire, co-development, outsourcing, production support, representation at the events, sales, PR, and consulting. 


Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, we cannot assume responsibility for the content from external links.


VAT identification number (UST-ID.Nr.): DE296899158
Registration court: District Court of Munich
Registration number: HRB 213494


Remote Control Productions GmbH
Karlstraße 68
80335 Munich

+49 (0) 89 / 210 205 70


© 2005-2024 Remote Control Productions GmbH

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