Leeds Beckett University Ranking UK 2024 / 2025 - Complete University Guide
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Leeds Beckett University

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University League Table 2025: 75th

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Frequently asked questions

There are many clubs and societies to join – from sports clubs to academic interest, hobbies to political and religious societies. Whatever your interest, Leeds Beckett University is keen to help you develop and reach your full potential. With so many courses available at the university you're bound to find the right one for you. Leeds Beckett University is proud of its facilities and high-quality teaching, have a look at where it ranks on our league tables and see how its strengths could match what you are looking for from your university experience.

As a graduate of Leeds Beckett, you are entitled to use the university's careers and employability services for up to five years after you leave. It's all part of LBU's Graduate Promise – to prepare and support you into the working world and beyond. LBU's alumni community is a network of extraordinary talent and influence: creative, sporting and technical professionals; journalists and presenters; business, legal and healthcare practitioners; teachers and researchers; entrepreneurs and innovators – all making a positive and decisive difference to individuals, organisations and communities.

All Leeds Beckett's accommodation is located within easy travelling distance of both campuses, with facilities such as en suite bedrooms, free Wi-Fi, and TVs in the living area. Contents insurance and 24-hour maintenance is included in the rent. Students can select their own room in their chosen accommodation and Leeds Beckett accommodation is guaranteed to first-year students who make the university their first choice and submit an online accommodation application before the deadline. 97% of students said they were satisfied with the welcome they had received when moving to halls accommodation.

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