London airports map

London airports map

This London airports map details travel times to central London from each of the six major London airports on express train services.

Map of London and its airports with the time it takes to reach central London by train

Plan your trip in advance with our free London travel maps.

Find out how to get to London if you're flying in to Heathrow Airport, Gatwick Airport, Luton Airport, Stansted Airport, London City Airport or Southend Airport.

How long does it take to get to central London from the airport?

The London airport map above gives you journey times to London if you are travelling by express train. Journey times differ depending on your destination airport and the type of transport you take into London.

How can I get from the airport to central London?

  • London Underground: Take the Tube from Heathrow Airport or the DLR from London City Airport. For a smooth journey, buy a Visitor Oyster card in advance or use a contactless payment card.
  • Train: National Rail train services take you from Gatwick Airport, Heathrow Airport, Luton Airport, Stansted Airport and Southend Airport into central London.
  • Bus: For a cheaper alternative, National Express coach services operate from Gatwick Airport, Heathrow Airport, Luton Airport, and Stansted Airport. You can also take local buses from London City Airport and Ensign Jetlink from Southend Airport.
  • Taxi: You can take a taxi from all six London airports, though the journey may be expensive. 
  • Car: Alternatively, you can hire a car at the airport and drive to London.

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