The Meaning Behind The Song: Cannonball by The Breeders - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Cannonball by The Breeders


The Meaning Behind The Song: Cannonball by The Breeders


Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Cannonball The Breeders Kim Deal Last Splash August 9, 1993 Rock, Grunge, Noise Pop, Alternative Rock Mark Freegard & Kim Deal

Released in 1993 as the lead single from the album “Last Splash,” “Cannonball” by The Breeders quickly became a fan favorite. With its catchy melody and energetic rock sound, the song climbed the charts in various countries, including reaching the top 10 in France. Directed by Spike Jonze and Sonic Youth’s Kim Gordon, the music video added to the song’s popularity.

The Lyrics

Spitting in a wishing well
Blown to hell, crash
I’m the last splash
I know you, little libertine
I know you’re a real cuckoo

Want you, cuckoo cannonball
Want you, cuckoo cannonball
In the shade, in the shade
In the shade, in the shade

The lyrics of “Cannonball” are enigmatic, leaving room for interpretation. While the words might not have a clear narrative, they form a vivid imagery that captivates the listener. The repeated line “Want you, cuckoo cannonball” conveys a sense of longing and desire.

The Meaning

Listening to “Cannonball” takes me back to my teenage years. It reminds me of those carefree days when I would blast the song from my bedroom stereo and sing along at the top of my lungs. At the time, the meaning behind the song eluded me, but its energy and irreverent spirit resonated deeply.

Looking back, I believe that “Cannonball” is a celebration of rebellion and self-expression. The lyrics seem to capture a sense of defiance and freedom, with lines like “I know you’re a real cuckoo” and “I’ll be your whatever-you-want.” This rebellious spirit is further emphasized by the raw, unapologetic sound of the music.

Furthermore, the metaphorical references to a “cannonball” and a “wishing well” suggest a desire to break free from societal expectations and constraints. The cannonball represents a disruptive force, while the wishing well symbolizes conventional dreams and aspirations. The act of spitting in the well and being “blown to hell” signifies a rejection of the status quo and a willingness to embrace one’s true self.

Ultimately, “Cannonball” is a rallying cry for individuality and authenticity. It encourages listeners to embrace their quirks, passions, and idiosyncrasies unapologetically. It’s a reminder that we should express ourselves freely and find our own unique path, even if it means going against the grain.

Personal Experience

For me, “Cannonball” has always been more than just a song. It represents a moment of self-discovery and empowerment. During my teenage years, I often felt like an outsider, struggling to fit in and conform to societal norms. But when I discovered “Cannonball,” it felt like a breath of fresh air.

The song became my personal anthem, reminding me that it was okay to be different, that conformity was not the path to happiness. Whenever I listened to “Cannonball,” I felt a surge of energy and confidence. It gave me the strength to embrace my passions and pursue my dreams, even if they seemed unconventional.

To this day, whenever “Cannonball” comes on the radio or pops up on my playlist, I can’t help but smile and sing along. It serves as a reminder of the importance of staying true to oneself and never compromising on who we are.

In Conclusion

“Cannonball” by The Breeders is a timeless rock anthem that resonates with listeners to this day. Its powerful sound and cryptic lyrics make it a song open to interpretation, allowing each individual to find their own meaning within it. For me, it represents a call to embrace our true selves and live authentically, even in the face of societal pressures. It’s a song that will always hold a special place in my heart.

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