英王查理斯三世加冕大典:隨BBC的360度鏡頭感受西敏寺氣派 | 英王查理斯三世將於5月6日走進倫敦西敏寺接受加冕,感覺會是如何?請跟隨BBC的360度鏡頭,立體感受這座王家教堂的氣派。 【請利用Facebook字幕(captions)功能收看本片字幕】 | By BBC News 中文(繁體) | Facebook | This is Westminster Abbey. Take a look around with our 360 degree video to explore this royal church from the new king's perspective. Behind us is the great west door where King Charles enters. First, the procession steps around the grave of the unknown warrior beneath us to the left. It is the only tombstone in the abbey that noone, not even the monarch is allowed to step on. The king can through the nave past some 2, 000 guests gathered in the Abbey. This is the thirty-ninth coronation held here since 1066. The king reaches the choir screen, the organ above him which was installed for the coronation of King George the sixth in 1937. This part of the Abbey is where the choir sings. The coronation theatre as it's called is in front of him. An area built to be spacious enough for holding coronations. We are now at the very heart of Westminster Abbey. In front of us is the medieval flooring known as the cosmatic pavement. It's been covered by carpet and roped off for more than a century. But now it's been fully restored. The monarch sits in the middle of this space for much of the service on the ancient coronation chair facing the high altar with his back to the congregation. It is here that the king is anointed and crowned.